
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 824: the reason why lorelai was taken

As the battle raged on, the Guardian fought back fiercely, its massive eye glowing with divine power. It unleashed powerful blasts of energy, attempting to overwhelm Ren and his allies.

The Guardian's domain continued to weaken them, sapping their strength and stat with each passing moment.

Despite the odds, Ren and the others fought on even exhausting all their magical reserves. They fought with everything they had, pushing themselves to their limits in their quest to defeat the Guardian and reach Heaven Realm.

Slowly but surely, they began to gain the upper hand. With each well-timed strike and coordinated attack, they whittled away at the Guardian's HP, chipping away at its defenses until finally, with one last concerted effort, they emerged victorious.

With a final blast of magic and a resounding roar, the Guardian was defeated, its massive form crumbling to the ground in defeat.

Ren and the others stood victorious, their chests heaving with exertion but their spirits soaring with relief that they could finally enter Heaven Realm.

Finally, no one stood between them and Heaven.

"I never knew angels were so weak." Desira remarked with a snort.

"It's just the guardian," Iraelyn cautioned. "Don't let your guard down."

"Iraelyn is right," Azazel affirmed. "The real gods and goddesses are far more powerful than mere angels and guardians."

"Gods and goddess?" Ren raised a brow. "That's a lot."

Vivi explained, "There are numerous gods and goddesses in Heaven Realm. Like in the Netherworld, they also fought each other for dominions, or little misunderstanding."

"I thought there's only one god here," Evie whispered in Ren's ear.

"That's what I thought too, but maybe the developers considered other religions, so they made it like there were numerous gods and goddesses," whispered Ren.

Evie nodded. "That might be the case."

"By the way," Elena started as they began their ascent up the few stairs. "What I don't understand is why they had kidnapped Lorelai in the first place? Is it merely just to punish her for turning into a half-demon?"

Azazel's face turned serious. "I don't think it's that simple."

Malifira nodded. "Knowing the gods, they relish nothing but amusement and power. It was either the two that would spring them into action."

"They aren't going to act if their life is threatened?" Evie asked.

Malifira laughed and sneered, "The gods don't believe that they're ever in danger. That's how prideful and arrogant they are. Much like us, but only less charming and funny."

"I . . . I see . . ." Evie only muttered in return.

"It must be because Lorelai had done what any angel couldn't," Azazel suddenly said.

"And what's that?" Ren and Evie asked.

Azazel was silent at first before he said, "That's controlling the demons inside you and even managed to use it."

"So they wanted her because of the demon inside her?" Ren clarified. Do they want to extract the demon?

Azazel expounded some more, "It's not just that. You do know how the elements work, right?"

Desira added, "Fire is weak to water but stronger to ice. Water is weak to lightning but stronger to fire and the likes. Wind is weak to earth but stronger than fire. Earth is weak to water but stronger than lightning and the likes. You know that, right?"

Ren and Evie nodded.

"But then there are elements like Light and Darkness. Darkness is often weak to light but strong against other elements," Malifira said. "However, light is neutral, and the only thing that is strong against is darkness and it doesn't do much damage in other elements."

"Meaning it could only deal basic damage against elements like water, wind, fire, earth, and the likes," added Desira.

Elena was confused. "So what does it have to do with Lorelai exactly?"

Azazel was the one who answered, "We suspect that the Gods wanted her powers. If Lorelai both has light and darkness in her possession, then . . ."

"She's almost unbeatable," Ren muttered, getting the whole picture.

Azazel nodded. "That's right. With darkness, she's strong against other elements, and with light in her possession, she couldn't be bested by light magic too. So in short, she's like a walking Paragon at this point."

"I see. Now that you have explained it that way . . ." Elena muttered to herself.

Ren didn't know about Lorelai's future or what would happen past the Netherworld events. The Heaven Realm was an entirely new concept to him, and he died even before the Heaven Realm was opened to the players, so he didn't have any information regarding this realm.

Desira shrugged. "Those gods wouldn't move their lazy asses themselves if it wasn't for power."

"But the question is . . . which Gods took Lorelai," said Malifira.

"There are a lot of them?" Elena asked no one in particular and sighed. She could feel the amount of effort of finding Lorelai already.

"There are," Vivi answered. "And most of them are temperamental too. One insult and they're going to kill you. They might even kill you on a whim."

"I wonder if we're going to be alright?" Evie muttered.

"Only one way to find out," Azazel said, stopping in front of a large imposing gate.

Ren and the other had finally arrived in Heaven's Gate.

The gate stood as a magnificent testament to divine craftsmanship, an awe-inspiring structure that commanded reverence and wonder from all who beheld it.

Gleaming in resplendent gold, it stretched high into the celestial expanse, its towering arches reaching toward the heavens themselves.

The gate was wrought from the purest of metals, its surface shimmering with a radiant brilliance that seemed to emanate an ethereal glow, casting a warm and inviting light across the surrounding landscape.

Each intricately carved detail spoke of divine artistry, with ornate patterns and symbols adorning its surface, depicting celestial motifs and scenes of heavenly splendor.

As they approached closer, the sheer scale of Heaven's Gate became even more apparent. Its immense size seemed to dwarf all mortal constructs, instilling a sense of humility in those who dared to stand in its presence.