
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 810: tensions and tenderness

Ren hesitated, torn between his pride and the pressing need for help. He had always preferred to solve his own problems and was uncomfortable with the idea of burdening his friends with such a significant amount of money.

However, faced with the reality of their situation, Ren realized that he had little choice but to accept their generosity.

"Ragnar, Isolde . . . I'll repay you both, I promise," Ren said earnestly.

Ragnar rolled his eyes, a smirk on his lips. "Of course you will. I'm not giving this to you. I'm only lending it. And I won't lend it without anything in return. But remember, I'll be charging interest on this, okay?"

"Hold on, Ragnar, can't you cut him some slack? Ren's our friend," Leonel interjected, his voice tinged with disbelief.

Ragnar shrugged, unfazed. "Business is business. I prefer to keep things separate."

Ren managed a grateful smile. "That's fine. I appreciate your help, Ragnar and Isolde. And I will surely pay you back."

"Yeah, yeah," Ragnar waved his hand dismissively, "And stopped with the grateful smile, it creeps me out." While Isolde chuckled. "Don't worry about it too much."

Leonel stepped forward, offering his own savings to contribute to solving Ren and Evie's problems. "Don't worry, Ren. I have my own savings too. I will lend them to you as well."

"Don't bother," Ragnar was the one who answered in matter-of-fact tone. "I'm sure your savings didn't even reach a hundred thousand."

"Whoa! How did you know? Did you looks at my bank account or something?! Wait! That's because I just invested all my money!" Leonel defended, his tone a mix of surprise and embarrassment.

"Ah, the power of friendship! Absolutely love it!" Lamir chimed in, joining the jovial atmosphere.

The guild hall was engulfed with laughter, and Ren and Evie finally breathed easy as the tension dissipated.

Ren took Evie's hand and smiled at her gently.

This time, for sure, there wouldn't be anything that could come between them. They would finally be together . . . at long last. "That's so nice!" Alice chimed in. "I wish someone could lend me money too!" she wailed and cried in happiness.

"What do you need money for?" Leonel asked.

"So I can lend them to Ren and Evie, of course!" Alice stated without a second thought.

"Huh?!" Leone wanted to hit her head. "What are you saying, you idiot?"

Everyone laughed, and the jolly mood persisted, knowing that they had finally gotten Evie back this time and for good. =======

Days passed, and with Lamir's help, Ren and the others officially broke Evie's engagement and paid off Frizkiel's debt.

The Coles weren't pleased, but they couldn't contest the agreement.

Frizkiel had fulfilled their end of the deal, leaving the Coles with no choice but to honor it.

Finally, Ren and Evie could be together without any hindrance, and life resumed as if nothing had happened — except for the fact that the entire school now knew they were officially dating.

As news of Ren and Evie's official relationship spread through the school, a mix of disappointment and envy swept through the corridors.

The boys lamented that Evie, the girl many had admired from afar, was now taken. They sighed wistfully, realizing that their chances with her were now slim to none.

Meanwhile, the girls sighed in dismay, realizing that Ren, the elusive and aloof figure who had captured their attention, was now off the market.

They exchanged glances of envy and resignation, realizing that their fantasies of winning his affections were now dashed.

The school buzzed with excitement and disappointment at the revelation of this new couple, gossip spreading like wildfire among the students.

But amidst the chatter and speculation, a somber undertone lingered.

Despite the excitement surrounding Ren and Evie's relationship, many students couldn't overlook the fact that Ren was still a wanted man in the eyes of the school boards and Fate Alliance Guild.

The headmasters, who were supporting their own guild, the Fate Alliance Guilds, held sway over the school's social hierarchy.

Ren's refusal to join their guild in the past, his repeated fights against their guild, and his willingness to stand up against them had angered the school boards.

As a result, anyone seen associating too closely with Ren risked being shunned by the school's elite.

The excitement of Ren and Evie's relationship was overshadowed by the looming threat of social ostracization for anyone who dared to align themselves with Ren and his guild.

Despite their admiration for the couple, many students hesitated to openly support them, fearing the consequences of defying the school's powerful factions.

Not just the schools faction but the other tops guilds as well.

Ren and Evie even thought of just quitting school entirely and dedicate their time to COVENANT.

However, Ren reiterated that even if he wanted to, he couldn't abandon his dead parents' wishes for him to finish school and obtain that piece of paper.

It was a promise he couldn't break, despite the increasing challenges at school.

"Then . . . should we transfer?" Evie proposed. "Maybe to Leonel and Isolde's school? Zephyr Academy was it?"

Ren stifled a laugh. "We could, but the school year is about to end, so let's just finish it here and then transfer."

Evie nodded in agreement.

As Ren looked at her and talked to her from this close distance, feeling her presence, he felt contented.

For the first time in a long while, Ren felt like he had found his path again, with Evie by his side. His evolution was momentarily forgotten in the bliss of the moment.

Evie felt the same, relishing in the everyday moments with Ren, momentarily forgetting about her uncle's words.

Now that Evie was with him for good, Ren could focus on World Conqueror and their next steps to fend off the top guild's harassment.

Currently ranked in the top twenty guilds worldwide, World Conqueror was an achievement Ren and the others had secured despite their small numbers and limited resources.

Now that Ren was back in the game, it was time to make those guilds pay and show the world who the top guild really is.