
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 805: the ending!

On the sidelines, Ren and the others stood frozen, unable to move as they witnessed what was happening with Lorelai.

"Something's not right," Ren said, his eyes narrowed in apprehension.

A sudden burst of magical energy engulfed the area, sending Azazel flying back away from Lorelai.

Ren and the others quickly sought cover, while the two angels paused, warily eyeing the strange scene before them.

As the magical energy subsided, they found Lorelai lying unconscious on the ground, wisps of light and smoke emanating from her body.

But something was amiss.

Half of her body bore the markings of an angel, with pristine white wings extending from her back, while the other half displayed the traits of a demon, with bat-like wings, horns on her head, and dark purple skin.

Even her silver hair was split, one side white and the other black. A single horn protruded from the opposite side of her head, completing her transformation.

"It appears she has transformed into a half-angel, half-demon," Elena murmured, her voice tinged with disbelief.

"Is that even possible?" Desira asked no one, her voice filled with disbelief. Come to think of it . . . No angel had ever harbored corruption within them.

Was this the unprecedented result?

Even more shocking was the revelation that the corruption appeared to have lessened inside of Lorelai.

This revelation stunned Azazel and the others into silence.

Before they could fully comprehend the situation, the two angels swiftly lifted the unconscious Lorelai and ascended into the sky.

"Lorelai!" Azazel cried out, extending a trembling hand towards her, but he was too weakened to move further.

"Stop them!" Ren shouted, urging the others into action.

Elena swiftly intercepted with her arrow, while Ren and Evie cast their spells.

Meanwhile, Iraelyn transformed into her dragon form and gave chase, while Hubrion swiftly hurled his axe in an attempt to strike the two angels.

But their efforts were in vain as a massive portal suddenly materialized out of thin air, allowing the two angels to carry Lorelai's unconscious body through unimpeded.

"Lorelai!" Azazel and the others cried out, realizing they couldn't retrieve her.

Ren and the others' attacks were futile, meeting only the closing portal.

Soon, an eerie silence fell over the scene, leaving them stunned and bewildered by the inexplicable turn of events.

There was a brief moment of silence before Malifira went to Azazel and tended to his injuries. "Lord Azazel, are you alright?"

Azazel didn't mind her help and turned to Lethargia. "Lith! Is this part of the vision you saw?! Where are they taking Lorelai?! What happened to her?! Answer me, Lith!"

Lethargia didn't know what to say and could only mutter weakly, "No . . ." She then looked at Ren and the others. ". . . Something has changed from the future Malifira and I painstakingly followed."

Ren knew somehow it was his fault, feeling the weight of choosing Azazel over Lorelai. Was this the outcome?

"Then tell me about the future, Lith! Tell me what will happen to Lorelai!" Azazel demanded. "Is she going to be okay?!"

Desira and the others couldn't meet Azazel's gaze. They couldn't bring themselves to tell him the truth: that they were relieved he had survived and the corruption inside him had lessened, despite the danger Lorelai might be in.

An angel becoming a half-demon. How would the Heaven Realms react? They might condemn her, even kill her for her perceived sins.

"LITH! Tell me!" Azazel shouted.

A slap from Malifira stunned Azazel and the others.

With tears in her eyes, Malifira told him, "You know how her abilities work, Lord Azazel. I understand your worry for Lorelai, but can't you focus on yourself and us for now? You're injured to the point of immobility. Lethargia has exhausted her powers, and Ren and the others haven't fully recovered from the previous battle. Is it too much to ask to recuperate first before we worry about her?"

"She's right," Ren agrees, crossing his hands. "We can't rescue her if we're dead or injured, after all."

Azazel seemed to have realized his mistake as he surveyed the tired faces of everyone. "Sorry . . ."

"Shouldn't you say something more than just that?" Ren remarked, his expression serious.

Azazel remained silent for a moment before mustering a grin. "And thank you. Thank you, everyone . . . for saving me."

Desira and the others smiled as Vivi hopped into his embrace.

"Lord Azazel! Please, don't do that anymore! Stop sacrificing yourself all the time! I don't want to lose you again!" pleaded Vivi.

Iraelyn sighed. "Honestly, I can't take my eyes off you for even a second. You might do something foolish again."

Hubrion laughed out loud, hurting his injured back. "That's Lord Azazel for you. Always attracting trouble," he stuttered.

As the group slowly relaxed at the realization that Azazel had somehow survived, and things starting to calm down, Avaris interjected into the conversation.

"All's fine and dandy, but I'm still stuck in this snail form! Hoi! Malifira, return me to my actual body!"

Malifira smiled brightly. "To revert to your real body, you simply need to will it strongly enough."

Did that mean that he really didn't want to go back to his real form and enjoyed his time being a snail?

"Are you kidding me?!" Avaris growled in protest and everyone laughed.

Meanwhile, on the sidelines, Ren, Evie, and Elena shared in the lighthearted atmosphere, but they couldn't shake away their worry for Lorelai.

"What do you think happened to her?" Evie asked Ren.

"I don't know," Ren answered her.

"Do you think she might be . . ." Elena trailed off, but Azazel finished.

"She's fine," he declared as he stood on his feet after Malifira and Desira's healing assistance.

He then looked over the horizon and declared, "We will get her back."

"Get her back . . ." Desira and the others muttered.

There was a moment of silence as they processed Azazel's words, and when realization hit, they shouted in unison.

"Get her back?!"


"Don't tell me that you . . ."

Azazel nodded. "We will go to Heaven Realm or wherever it was that the Angels took her."

Everyone's mouths fell open, even Ren hadn't expected that from Azazel.

"B-b-b-but Lord Azazel!" Vivi stammered, unsure how to voice her concern.

"We're prohibited from even stepping foot into the mortal realm, much less the Heaven Realm," said Desira.

Azazel wasn't deterred. "They're the ones who broke the treaty first. They have come into these lands and taken something from me! They must pay the price for angering the Demon Lord of the Netherworld!"

Desira and the others were stunned, and then they exchanging a smile.

It felt like they were back in the past, and the old Obsidian X was back.

Ren didn't know what was happening, but a cnoticaiont had stunned him speechless.

[CONGRATULATIONS on your victory for completing the Story Mode of the Netherworld and attaining the Ultimate Ending!]


❶ 1 000 000 000 gil

❷ Platinum Chest x 10

❸ Diamond Chest x 50

❹ Gold Chest x 100

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