
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 785: divine retribution

As the battle between Lorelai and the Titanic Volcano raged on, frustration etched itself onto the angel Paladin's features.

The colossal creature proved to be a formidable opponent, its molten exterior regenerating faster than she could inflict damage.

The relentless cycle of attack and regeneration left Lorelai increasingly vexed.

The Titan's molten rocks seemed impervious to her celestial sword, and no matter how expertly she swung Demonsbane, it merely cleaved through the molten mass without causing lasting harm.

The regenerative properties of the Titan were becoming a major obstacle in their battle.

"This is really annoying; I don't have time to play with you," Lorelai muttered under her breath as her frustration grew.

Each swing of her celestial sword was met with the same result — the Titan simply regenerated, rendering her efforts futile.

Salister was still perched on the Titan's shoulder, and continued to revel in her annoyance. His maniacal laughter echoed across the volcanic landscape.

"Ahahaha! Are you annoyed? Angry? Good! That's precisely how I feel every time I see you! You always meddle with my affairs and incessantly get in my way, even in the mortal realm! This must be an opportunity for me to have my revenge against you!"

Lorelai's patience wore thin.

In a burst of divine energy, her angelic wings sprouted from her back. The ethereal appendages gleamed with a radiant light, accentuating her celestial nature. She rose from the rocky ground, meeting the towering Titanic Volcano head-on.

Her eyes glowed with determination as she gnashed her teeth in frustration. "Let's see if you can regenerate after this then!"

Lorelai's celestial sword shimmered with golden light, and she gathered energy for a powerful strike.

The air crackled with anticipation as she channeled her divine prowess. With a swift motion, she unleashed a spell that parted the horizon itself.

"Judgment!" she declared, and a colossal beam of blinding light surged forth from her celestial sword. The beam pierced through the air with incredible force, heading directly for the Titanic Volcano.

The luminous attack struck the colossal creature with unparalleled might. The sheer power of the spell caused shockwaves to ripple through the volcanic landscape, and the ground trembled beneath the force of the impact.

The radiant beam engulfed the Titanic Volcano, its intensity searing through the molten rocks and fiery exterior.

As the Judgment spell unfolded, Lorelai's mana depleted significantly. The strain of wielding such divine power took its toll, leaving her momentarily weakened.

However, the sacrifice was worthwhile, as the devastating attack obliterated the Titanic Volcano completely.

The once-mighty creature crumbled into nothingness, not even leaving behind ashes or dust. The battlefield fell into an eerie silence, interrupted only by the crackling of molten rocks and the residual energy dissipating into the air.

Lorelai descended back to the ground, her angelic wings folding gracefully behind her. Despite the temporary victory, exhaustion weighed heavily on her.

The battle against Salister and his Titanic Volcano had taken a toll on her reserves.

Salister, witnessing the destruction of his creation, clenched his teeth in frustration. The revenge he sought against Lorelai seemed to slip further from his grasp.

However, Lorelai's resolute expression remained unchanged. Her gaze shifted from the dissipating remnants of the Titanic Volcano to Salister, who now found himself without the formidable ally he had summoned.

"Now, Salister, it's just you and me," she declared, eyes burning and eyelid twitching with anger. "Are you going to give those souls back to their owner or are you going to give those souls back to their owner?"

"There's no choice in there?!" Salister complained, but then he shrieked when Lorelai pointed Demonsbane against the tip of his nose.

"I don't think you have a choice here," Lorelai said.

"W-watch were you're pointing that thing! That thing is dangerous to us, you know!" Salister stammered, but Lorelai kept pointing the sword at his head.

"Are you going to give those souls back, or do you want me to force them from you? You won't like the last option, I assure you," Lorelai said seriously.

Salister swiftly shifted his head left and right. "H-Hoi! Malifira, help me!"

"I'm occupied at the moment," Malifira simply hollered back while fighting Desira and Vivi on the other side.

Salister then shifted his gaze to Infernal, but he too was busy with Azazel and Elena. The army was being kept at bay by Ren and Evie, and Salister could only clench his teeth.

"You're on your own now, Salister," Lorelai said. "You can't ask for help anymore. So if I were you, I'd give those souls back before I run out of patience."

Salister swallowed hard before forcing a laugh. "Ahahaha. That's . . . that's going to be a problem."

"What do you mean a problem?" Lorelai growled.

Salister looked to the side and stammered, "W-well . . . well, you see . . . Malifira already has those souls . . ."

Lorelai's mouth twitched. "Haa?!"

"Well . . . Malifira already has those souls."


A vein popped on Salister's face. "Like I said, I don't have those souls already! Malifira already has them!"

Lorelai slapped him hard, sending him spiraling to the ground. "I heard what you said the first time. What I want to know is why does she have those souls?! You better not let her use those souls for experiments!"

Salister crawled back, holding his lumped cheek. "I — I don't know! She's going to use them to defeat all the warlords! That's why I gave those souls to her! Even if you kill me, you wouldn't gain anything!"

Lorelai gritted her teeth and narrowed her eyes at Salister. She really wanted to kill him; however, she needed him alive if she wanted those souls returned to their rightful bodies.

Without another word, Lorelai reached into her inventory and threw something at Salister. The item landed straight on Salister's face, releasing a thick puff of smoke.

When everything settled, Salister found himself shrunk in size and confined inside a tiny prison cell with no apparent way out. He couldn't use his powers and certainly couldn't escape.