
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 780: a story for another time

780 A Story for another Time

"Lord Azazel and Hubrion have a very bad sense of direction. I was clueless. Lethargia is mostly asleep. Malifira kept arguing with Iraelyn. Avaris mostly just complains, and Desira is too busy with Lord Azazel's attention," Vivi recalled while chuckling. "We got lost most of the time."

Desira rolled her eyes. "You mean all the time. Luckily, I'm smart, so I easily memorized the paths from how many times we got lost and stuck in here."

Desira's face then contorted into a fierce scowl, and she shivered. "Just remembering it made me want to smack everyone's head, except for Lord Azazel, of course. We even got stuck here for years. Luckily, Avaris hoarded food."

Avaris shivered too. "Don't make me remember those times you tortured me just so I could share my treasured, rare foods with you. Until now, I get depressed from losing those foods and traumatized just at the mention of it."

Azazel laughed out loud. "Those were the fun times. We got lost in here and ended up in a strange country and location. And then we got to meet all kinds of demons and devils and experience all sorts of things! Getting lost and getting in trouble is part of why life is so exciting!"

"We mostly got lost and got into trouble because of you, Lord Azazel," Vivi said with a wry sigh.

Azazel only laughed louder. "Keekeekee! Arriving in a strange location while you don't expect anything and getting in trouble and excited about it is part of the fun! You don't know what to expect next! It's the greatest adventure!"

Azazel perched atop Tiki's back, crossing his legs and resting his hands on his knees, wearing a grin that stretched from ear to ear. "Remember how we stumbled upon a mysterious portal that claimed to lead to the 'Land of Endless Banagoes?' Driven by our curiosity and our undeniable love for food, we decided to take the plunge."

Vivi shrugged. "You mean your love for food."

Azazel only snickered. "Upon entering the portal, we found ourselves in a strange land filled with towering Banago trees, banago-shaped creatures, and even a Banago King ruling over a banago-themed kingdom!"

"That's a lot of Banagoes right there," Elena commented.

Azazel continued on, "The inhabitants spoke in banago-related puns, and we soon discovered that the only currency in this peculiar realm is, of course, banagoes."

Ren shook his head a little. "Seemed like a weird realm indeed."

"Makes we want to eat Banagoes," Evie chimed in.

Desira laughed a little and joined in the story as well. "I remember Lord Azazel attempting to communicate with the locals using banago-related jokes, much to everyone's amusement."

"You mean much to our horror right? His jokes were so horrible it almost landed us in the skewers!" Avaris interjected.

Desira ignored him and continued, "Avaris was initially annoyed by the absurdity, and couldn't help but join in when he realized that the Banagoes were enchanted, granting temporary magical abilities when consumed."

"You don't have to tell them how greedy I am. I'm sure they already know," Avaris commented dryly.

Vivi burst into laughter, recalling the chaotic scene. "I remember when they wanted to eat us. Malifira and Iraelyn just made the situation worse by fighting. Hubrion, in all his pride, refused to apologize even after punching a Banago creature in the face. And, to top it all off, the entire time we were fighting for our lives, Lethargia was peacefully asleep and we almost forgot her there as we escape."

The adventure became a cherished memory, and every time they encountered a peculiar situation afterward, they would jokingly wonder if it might be another gateway to a realm as entertaining as the Land of Endless Banagoes.

Watching Azazel smiling so wide and recalling their memories together when they were still unknown, carving their names in history, Desira smiled in contentment.

Vivi grinned and snickered.

Avaris sighed a wry smile, and Lethargia was still asleep but with a small smile on her face.

Ren observed the scene, wondering what happened in their journeys. What were their stories?

A group of nobodies traveling the Netherworld, meeting each other along the way. They must have just wanted to explore and see the world, adventuring wherever they could.

Yet, along the way, they managed to carve out their names in history and became the most powerful demons and devils in the Netherworld.

How does it feel to embark on an adventure that spans years, with individuals who were initially strangers but gradually transformed into something akin to a family?

Ren smiled a little, feeling a little jealous for that kind of bond.

It must have been one extraordinary tale . . . he thought. But he supposed that was a story for another time.

For the meantime, the group was nearing their destination.

The transition was surprisingly gentle, like being cradled by the hands of an unseen force. The surroundings blurred, and the air seemed to shimmer with a magical energy.

Suddenly, the group found themselves emerging into a surreal landscape. The air was thick with the scent of sulfur, and the ground beneath their feet radiated heat.

The molten land stretched out before them, a vast expanse of rocky terrain interspersed with flowing streams of lava.

The rocks were weathered by the constant flow of molten rock. Some stood as silent sentinels, frozen in time, while others displayed the scars of battles against the fiery currents.

The ground crunched beneath their feet, a mixture of cooled lava and rocky debris.

The sky above was an ominous canvas, painted in fiery hues that mirrored the molten earth. A shimmering heat haze distorted the distant landscape, creating an illusionary mirage that danced on the horizon.

Volcanic peaks loomed in the distance, their outlines obscured by the haze, as if guarding the secrets of this land.

Despite the harshness of the environment, vibrant hues emerged from the cracks and crevices of the rocks. Luminous minerals and crystals, forged by the intense heat, adorned the landscape with splashes of color.

The interplay of light and shadow cast an ethereal glow, transforming the molten land into a mesmerizing scene of textures and hues.

"W-wha . . . what is this?" Elena asked, bewildered.

"Why are we in the volcanoes all of a sudden?" Lorelai questioned, her confusion evident.

"Oh, haven't we told you . . . ?" Vivi asked innocently with a cute tilt of her head.

Desira finished. "Iraelyn, the Warlord of Wrath, is a dragon."

Ren and the others were left momentarily stunned before erupting into shouts.
