
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 767: dreams, drowsiness, and destiny

767 Dreams, Drowsiness, and Destiny Lethargia abruptly stirred from her slumber, seamlessly resuming her conversation as if she had never been asleep. ". . . moments ago."

"You're still the same, I see . . ." Vivi couldn't determine whether that was a positive or negative thing.

"By the way . . . who are you guys?" Lethargia queried, addressing Ren and the others as if noticing their presence just now.

"You're only asking that now?" Desira couldn't believe her. "Listen, this is Ren, Evie, Elena, and . . . They are accompanying us in retrieving the corruption from all the warlords."

"Hey! Why didn't you say my name?" Lorelai grumbled and took it upon herself to introduce her name. Lethargia merely munched on her food. "Is that right . . ." her eyes then steadied on Azazel.

Desira noticed her intense gaze and explained, "Ah, you probably know already, this is–"

"Obsidian X . . ." Lethargia finished without a change in her drowsy expression.

Ren and the others tensed up, and Lorelai even gripped her weapon, ready for battle if something suddenly came up. Typically, when the warlords learned they were dealing with the former Obsidian X, they would go berserk, as what they had experienced with Desira and Vivi earlier. However, Lethargia seemed indifferent and continued eating. "I'm glad to see that you have managed to stay alive . . ."

Azazel grinned widely and gently patted Lethargia's head like a child. "Nyahahaha. And I'm glad to see that you're still fine and sleepy, Leth. It's nice to be back and see you guys again."

Lethargia didn't comment and just ate her food in silence, though she unexpectedly transformed into a chibi under Azazel's affectionate pat on her head. A tint of red even graced the pale face of the usually sleepy woman.

"W-what . . . what's happening?" Elena asked.

"Aren't she going to attack us and go berserk and get angry at Azazel?" Lorelai inquired, clearly perplexed.

Azazel and his warlords exchanged looks of confusion, directing their questions toward Ren and the others. "Why?"

"Why? Because Vivi and Desira attacked us, that's why," Lorelai replied.

"We're only being cautious here," Ren explained.

Azazel blinked. "Lethargia wouldn't do that."

Vivi seconded, "She'd rather laze around and sleep than exert any effort into doing something tiring like fighting."

Lorelai's mouth fell open. "Then why is she a warlord in the first place if she's so useless, and all she does is sleep?"

Desira patiently explained, "She's a seer, so her abilities mostly revolve around support and averting disasters. She's not really the type to fight. Besides, she probably already knew that we would come here and that Obsidian X was alive and thus her calm demeanor."

"If she knew what would happen, then why didn't she stop Obsidian X from consuming the corruption and letting things go this far?" Elena questioned.

Evie nodded in agreement. "Good question."

Desira and Vivi's expressions turned solemn. "We knew what would happen. However, at that time, we had no choice in the matter. It was either us or the whole of the Netherworld or even worse . . . the whole world."

"My, how noble of you," Lorelai commented. This was the first time that she knew of demons trying to save the world. "And it's not like Leth could really see the whole picture and could see a hundred years into the future. It's just snippets and completely random. It could happen tomorrow, and she would see it today, or see it one minute before it would happen, things like that," Vivi explained.

Lorelai sighed. "What use is power if she couldn't control it?"

Azazel defended, "Not at all, Leth is exceptionally helpful. We've averted numerous wars and disasters in the past thanks to her abilities. Isn't that right, Leth?"

Lethargia's response was a loud snore as she slumped onto the ground.

"How many times does she fall asleep in a single day?" Lorelai questioned with a frown.

"The question is, just how many minutes is she awake in a single day," Elena corrected with a laugh at her own joke.

Azazel burst into laughter with her while Vivi shrugged. "You would get used to it."

Desira was growing increasingly exasperated, and she approached Lethargia, seized her shoulders, and started shaking her vigorously. "Hey! How many times do I have to tell you to stop sleeping when you're in front of Lord Azazel! It's rude! Show some respect, you little sloth!"

"Little sloth . . ." A small smile broke through Evie's stoic face. "That's a good one . . ."

Ren stared at her with a perplexed expression. Sometimes, Evie's humor was peculiar.

Desira continued to wiggle Lethargia until the latter finally opened her eyes slightly.

"Can you not shake me . . . I'm getting dizzy . . ." Lethargia complained with half-closed eyes.

"Then stop sleeping and face Lord Azazel formally, or I will slap you until you're fully awake," Desira threatened.

"Fine . . . but I'm too lazy to get up, so just hold me like that," Lethargia mumbled.

"Sit up straight, or I will make you!" Desira kicked Lethargia's spine, causing some bones to crunch as her back straightened.

A collective sense of bewilderment swept through everyone as Lethargia remained silent, staring straight ahead without uttering a word or even the slightest movement.


Ren and the others were shocked when they heard the unsettling sound of bones breaking, but Lethargia only released a soft sigh.

"Ahh . . . that feels good . . . my back has been hurting for years . . ."

"That's because you're too lazy to move!" Desira shouted at her.

Lethargia sat up straight on the floor, her expression serious. It was the first time Ren and the others had seen her so solemn, with both eyes wide.

"So she can be serious and pay attention when she wanted to," Lorelai remarked.

Desira finally calmed down and took a seat beside Azazel. "Now that you're finally awake, return the corruption to Lord Azazel and help us retrieve the corruption from the others as well." ". . ."

". . ."

A collective sense of bewilderment swept through everyone as Lethargia remained silent, staring straight ahead without uttering a word or even the slightest movement.

"Huh? What's wrong with her?" Elena asked, genuinely puzzled.

"D-don't tell me . . ." Ren shook his head with a sense of resignation.

Lorelai leaned over to Lethargia and waved her hand in front of her face. "What the? Is she asleep with her eyes open?"