
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 756: echoes of unseen power

"Am I not sufficiently attractive?! Sexy enough?! Is my power not appealing?! I stand among the mightiest demons in the Netherworld! I possess all the qualities that demons desire. But why?! Why couldn't he perceive me as a woman?

"I have done everything that I could to get him to see me as a romantic interest! I have tried everything by the book and even unconventional means, but none of it was effective on him!

"It would have been better if he had just accepted my feelings and rejected me, rather than being oblivious and giving me signs to continue pursuing him! I wouldn't be this hurt if he had just acknowledged my feelings and rejected me!"

Desira let out an anguished, desolate scream that echoed in all corners, like a wolf mourning under the moon.

No one knew what Azazel was thinking under the shadow of his lowered face.

While Vivi was more direct, "You should have known that Lord Azazel didn't have any interest in romance! It was so obvious! It's not his fault that you kept pursuing him blindly!"

Desira unleashed another angry roar, and the air became even more suffocating. Magical beams burst forth in all directions from her, creating a chaotic display of energy.

"Can you not make her angrier?" Elena scolded Vivi.

"S-sorry. I couldn't help it. She's also at fault here, but she only blamed Lord Azazel!" Vivi exclaimed.

"Is that important right now?" Elena argued back. "We should be calming her down if we want to get out of this place!"

At the side, Ren observed that the situation was escalating with Desira's growing anger and anguish, and the air became ten times more suffocating.

They had to find a way to escape, or they would all perish under her oppressive domain.

He even contemplated the idea of handing Azazel over to Desira or assisting her in eliminating him just to save themselves.

After what he had just heard, Ren was confident that everyone would agree with his decision, except perhaps Vivi, who remained fiercely loyal to Azazel.

However, Ren understood that if Azazel was the Demon Lord, keeping him alive was crucial for their survival in the Netherworld.

Additionally, a nagging feeling suggested that defeating Desira without killing her was the optimal solution.

There's got to be a way to defeat Desira without actually killing her. Ren persisted in that line of thought. The only viable solution seemed to involve Azazel.

Unfortunately, the current situation, exacerbated by Azazel's actions, was pushing Desira to the brink of losing control, and there was a hundred percent certainty that she would retaliate with lethal force.

Desira's unleashed magic manifested in a torrent of ethereal energy, swirling around the misty battlefield like an unrelenting storm.

The air crackled with dark power, and Ren and the others found themselves struggling to counter the onslaught, even with the protective items they had hastily used.

The dark sorceress's domain was simply just too strong.

The magical beams emanating from Desira's wrathful outburst darted in unpredictable patterns, creating an intricate dance of destruction.

As the group desperately fought to withstand the magical attacks, their health bars dwindled perilously.

The numbers that indicated their vitality hovered on the brink of dropping to three digits, a dangerous threshold that left them vulnerable to being one-shot by Desira's formidable magic.

"Why is she so powerful?" Lorelai questioned, frustration evident in her voice. It was absurd; there were six of them against just one of Desira.

Correction, four of them, since Vivi and Azazel weren't contributing much either.

"It's because we're trapped in her domain with no skills and spells," Elena explained.

Vivi added, "Not only that, but the corruption could amplify a creature's powers tenfold, making her too powerful now."

"And she's supposed to be a healer?" Elena lamented.

"She's a healer and mage," Vivi clarified.

"And what are you supposed to be?" Evie asked Vivi.

"I'm a supporting tinker!" Vivi proudly declared.

"Ha . . . then make something that could get us out of here," Evie said with her usual bored expression.

Vivi looked to the side and muttered, "I can't use my powers right now, so I can't . . ."

Evie sighed. "Useless."

"Guk!" Vivi was struck straight to the heart.

The mist-laden atmosphere thickened with tension, and the desperation among Ren and his companions was palpable.

Elena, Evie, Lorelai, and even the usually composed Ren were caught in a perilous struggle against Desira's overwhelming magical force.

The battlefield was bathed in the eerie glow of Desira's unleashed power, casting long shadows that danced ominously across the mist.

Just when it seemed like the group was on the verge of succumbing to the relentless assault, Azazel who was undeterred by the powerful magical force surrounding Desira, stepped forward with resolute determination.

His posture conveyed a steadfast resolve, and his eyes, typically oblivious, now held a glint of focus that hinted the seriousness of the situation.

The mist parted as Azazel moved, revealing the tension in the air that seemed to bend around him.

The group, battered and on the brink of defeat, watched in a mix of curiosity and apprehension as Azazel positioned himself between them and Desira, as if preparing to face the full brunt of her magical onslaught.

"W-what is he going to do now?" Elena was worried.

"That idiot! He cause too much trouble already!" Lorelai added.

"Lord Azazel, she's dangerous right now! Stay back!" Vivi warned.

Ren and Evie were concerned that Azazel might do something foolish again and worsen the situation, and attempted to stop him.

However, an unknown force seemed to prevent them from getting closer to Azazel.

The ethereal energy crackled around Azazel, and the mist seemed to momentarily yield to his presence. The magical beams that had been wreaking havoc began to falter, their trajectory disrupted by an unseen force.

It was as if Azazel, in his peculiar way, had managed to exert some influence over the chaotic magic that Desira had unleashed.

"W-wha . . . what are you doing?! How can you move in my domain?" Desira asked in incredulously.