

Ren's disoriented consciousness struggled against the encroaching darkness, catching glimpses of the transformed Azazel facing Voraxa.

The air splintered with tension as Voraxa grappled with conflicting emotions, torn between her monstrous form and a more vulnerable demeanor.

"Sorry to worry you. You can rest now, and I'll take care of the rest," Azazel's voice echoed with an unfamiliar edge, and Ren, still battling the effects of Voraxa's draining power, couldn't help but grumble in response.

The confusion about Azazel's sudden appearance and altered state lingered in the recesses of his fading awareness.

Rather, he wasn't worried about him. How was he alive?!

Ren wanted to ask but he found that his voice faded together with his consciousness.

On the side, Lorelai was fighting against the debilitating hunger, and managed to summon the strength to question Azazel. "Hoi! How are you alive?"

A grin from Azazel and a nonchalant response followed, leaving Lorelai without words as her strength waned.

Azazel then turned his attention to Voraxa, a mix of determination and concern etched on his face.

"Vivi, now that I'm here, you don't have to suffer anymore. It's time to give it back to me," Azazel declared, extending his hand towards Voraxa.

Voraxa, caught off guard, reacted with fear. "NO! What will happen if you get your powers back again?! Wait a minute, I'm so close to resurrecting you! This time you would be safe! You wouldn't need this corrupt powers of yours!"

Azazel's gaze bore into Voraxa, and with a solemn tone, he responded, "You and I both know that whatever you're going to make with your powers, it won't be me. It'll just be a puppet with no will."

Voraxa's resolve wavered, her internal struggle playing out visibly. "But . . . but . . ."

"It's time to give it back to me," Azazel insisted, his voice carrying a promise. "You and I know what happens if you're struck with that corruption inside you. This isn't you, Vivi."

Tears welled in Voraxa's eyes as her monstrous form flickered between devil and monster, torn by indecision. "Are you really . . . Obsidian X?"

Azazel nodded. "Yes."

A mixture of emotions played across Voraxa's face, ranging from disbelief to acceptance. Then like she was grappling with another side of her, her face turned monstrous and she screamed, "Lies! LIES! You're not him! You're NOT! He died long ago! I killed him! I killed him!"

Azazel stepped forward, grabbing Voraxa's hand, bringing a moment of calm onto her. "It's not a lie. You can feel it too, right? That time, using what remained of my powers, I sent my consciousness adrift until a body was born that could take my consciousness.

"So trust me. I need you to give my powers back to me. Don't suffer in my behalf any longer."

Voraxa's monstrous appearance subsided, and she choked on her words. "Are you . . . going to stay with Vivi forever?"

Azazel nodded. "Yes. Forever and ever."

Voraxa's tears dropped on her cheeks and her form changed to a little kid, the devil that Obsidian X had met the first time.

"This time . . . don't go anywhere . . ."

A surge of dark light enveloped Voraxa and Azazel.

Then a condensed black orb emerged from Voraxa's stomach, flying into Azazel's body, and a burst of darkness engulfed everything before finally settling.

After what felt like an eternity, Ren and the others gradually regained consciousness.

"You guys finally wake up, huh?" Azazel remarked, casually sitting on the floor and munching on an enormous amount of food that had seemingly materialized out of nowhere.

"What happened?" Ren questioned, feeling disoriented. The hunger had vanished, his body returned to normal, and the oppressive feeling had lifted.

"Where's Voraxa?" Evie inquired.

"And why are you alive and eating there like nothing happened?" Elena added. "Weren't you digested? Or is this the afterlife?"

Azazel took another gulp of food before speaking. "You should be thanking me for saving your lives. And I'm hungry after all that happened."

"That's doesn't answer any question as to what happened here?" Ren pressed. "Where's Voraxa?"

Azazel wiped his mouth and grinned. "Ah, about that."

"Lord Azazel! I brought you more food!"

A tiny, twinkling, and energetic voice suddenly emerged from the doorway and entered the throne room.

Ren and the others exchanged puzzled glances as they saw a cute devil with long braided pink hair, a small horn on her forehead, big red doe-like eyes, and an oversized hat on her head. She wore a polka dot pink dress, and her fangs peeked out as she smiled widely.

"Oh, your friends are awake?!" she exclaimed.

Ren and the others stared at each other, then simultaneously asked, "Who are you?"

The kid with pink hair blinked and shyly smiled. "Eheeheehee. It's me . . . Voraxa. But you can just call me Vivi."

. . .

. . .

A heavy silence settled in the air before everyone collectively gasped.


"I was brought back to my original form thanks to Lord Azazel," Vivi explained.

"Original form?" Evie and Elena echoed in confusion.

"Lord Azazel?" Ren muttered with a frown.

"You must be confused," Vivi said, eyes widening.

"Confused is an understatement! We want answers!" the others exclaimed in surprise.

"Let me explain, then," Vivi began, but Lorelai grumbled at her side and opened her eyes.

"Oh, looks like your other companion is awake too," Vivi pointed out.

Lorelai yawned and rubbed her eyes. "What happened?" She blinked numerous times before her gaze settled on Vivi. "Who are you?"

Vivi shyly reintroduced herself while fidgeting left and right. "It's me . . . Voraxa, but you can just call me Vivi."

Lorelai couldn't react for a moment before her face contorted, and her lower lip puckered out as her mouth fell open. "HUH?!"

Once more, Vivi explained what happened.

Lorelai stood to her feet and brandished her weapon, [Demon's Bane]. "Are you really Voraxa? Then prepare yourself! I will bring justice–!"

Lorelai didn't finish her words when Ren interjected. "Sheathe your sword already. The fight is already over."

"What do you mean the fight is over?" Lorelai spat. "The fight isn't over until I say so. Have you forgotten that she is the cause of all the suffering here?! Of Nori and the others' pain?!"