
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 723: clash of shadows and light

Undeterred by the oppressive atmosphere, Lorelai stepped forward boldly. "Voraxa, your tyranny ends here. Obsidianreach and all its citizens will be free from the shadow of your oppression!"

Voraxa's laughter echoed through the room, a haunting sound that sent shivers down the group's spines. "You think you can defy me, little ones? The Netherworld bends to my will."

The final confrontation had begun, and Ren nervously checked Voraxa's stats. His heart sank as he realized her stats were close to Elena's!

And she was just one Warlord. What about the rests?

Were they all world bosses or something?!

The Demon Realm is truly formidable. The current players can't defeat something like this yet. Luckily, we have the Princess and Elena on our side. Ren mused to himself.

Evie was concerned, and asked Ren, "What about Azazel? Is he still alive?"

Ren paused, unsure. Azazel had been a special NPC, now that he thought about it, and he couldn't be certain of his fate.

"If he's truly the Demon King, he wouldn't die so easily."

"But what if he isn't?"

". . . If he isn't, let's hope he's alive within Voraxa's stomach until Lorelai defeats her."

"Ha . . . Seems like a good plan to me." Evie shrugged.

Lorelai raised her sword. "Your reign of darkness will crumble, Voraxa. The Netherworld deserves more than your tyranny."

Ren sighed. If only Lorelai could skip the dramatic declarations and just start the fight already.

Voraxa wore a sinister smile, rose into the air, taking advantage of the terrain. "You underestimate the power I wield, surface dwellers. This castle is a conduit of the Netherworld's essence, and it obeys my every command."

The room trembled as Voraxa unleashed her dark magic. Shadows coalesced into menacing forms, and the air crackled with energy.

Lorelai was undeterred, and launched their counterattack.

Elena had enveloped everybody with a veil of white light that protected them from all status effect.

The battle started, and a clash of wills and powers reverberated through the fortress.

Voraxa, though formidable, found herself being overpowered by Lorelai's attacks.

It was expected since Lorelai's presence was like a bane in the Netherworld.

Her holy and light magic could really do damage against the demons and devils in here.

With each strike, the castle seemed to groan as if resisting the oppressive force that had bound it for too long.

Voraxa unleashed a torrent of dark spells upon Lorelai. [Shadowbind]. Inky tendrils emerge from the floor, reaching to ensnare Lorelai in their grasp. The shadows writhed and twisted, aiming to immobilize her.

In response, Lorelai's sword infused with light energy, executed a swift maneuver known. A gust of wind erupted from the blade, dispersing the shadowy binds before they could take hold.

Undeterred, Voraxa shifted tactics, conjuring a dark mist that obscured vision and sapped the strength of those within. [Abyssal Veil] sought to disorient Lorelai and weaken her. The mist coiled and swirled, threatening to plunge the area into an abyss of despair.

Lorelai initiated a countermove known as [Blazing Perception]. Channeling the essence of Holy magic, she created an aura of radiant heat that dispelled the oppressive mist. The elemental energy danced around her, a shield against the encroaching darkness.

Voraxa was angered by the resistance, and summoned spectral minions with her skill [Phantom Legion]. These ghostly entities, clad in tattered armor, materialized with a haunting presence.

They advanced upon Lorelai with eerie coordination, aiming to overwhelm her with sheer numbers.

Lorelai was undaunted, and employed the technique [Elemental Dissonance]. With a deft swing of her sword, she channeled the harmonious energy of the elements, creating a shockwave that disrupted the spectral minions.

The dissonance between the elements shattered the cohesion of Voraxa's summoned legion, dispersing them like mist in a gale.

"How persistent! Just die already!" Voraxa roared, recognizing Lorelai's strength, and she tapped into one of her devastating spells.

With the incantation of [Nether Convergence], she initiated a dark ritual that drew upon the very fabric of the Netherworld.

The air quivered with the convergence of mystical energies, and the room itself seemed to respond to the call of its malevolent sovereign.

Lorelai sensed the impending danger, and invoked the defensive skill [Elemental Ward]. A barrier of elemental energy enveloped her, and the others, shielding them against the converging forces.

As the ritual reached its climax, Voraxa unleashed a devastating spell named [Abyssal Eruption].

The ground beneath Lorelai and the others trembled as shadowy tendrils erupted in a chaotic symphony of destruction.

Ren quickly took Evie by her waist and flew away from the tendrils while Elena teleported in a safe distance.

"Should we help her?" Elena asked while Lorelai and Voraxa were fighting each other.

"I don't need your help!" Lorelai shouted. "I can defeat her by myself."

Elena grumbled under her breath. "It would make things faster you know."

"Just stay out of my way!"

Elena frowned. "Fine! Suit yourself. I won't help you even if you die there."

Which was unlikely. Ren thought.

The clash between Voraxa's abyssal power and Lorelai's holy magic created a dazzling display of opposing forces.

The room trembled under the weight of their fierce confrontation, and a palpable tension hung in the air, creating an atmosphere of anticipation.

As the battle reached its peak, the inevitable outcome became increasingly apparent — Lorelai would emerge victorious.

It wasn't a reflection of Voraxa's weakness; rather, it was an acknowledgment that Lorelai held a distinct advantage, her light and holy prowess serving as a formidable counter to the Warlord's dark abilities.

Ren grappled with the implications of witnessing one of the Warlords matching Elena in stats. It raised unsettling questions about the potential strength of Obsidian X, the Demon King.

The mere thought sent a shiver down Ren's spine.

The idea that Obsidian X might surpass the combined might of Lorelai and Elena was too ominous to contemplate.

The very notion hinted at a level of power that could tip the scales drastically.

Ren was burdened by the weight of such possibilities, hesitated to delve further into the unsettling depths of what the Demon King's stat might be and wish that they wouldn't have to face him in the end.