
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 698: obsidianreach

"We're here," Nori announced, pointing to the ground.

In the Netherworld, endless darkness prevailed, making it difficult to discern the passage of time.

Without the sun or clocks to mark the hours, demons and devils lost their sense of time, perhaps contributing to their seemingly ridiculous ages, Ren pondered.

"Where exactly is the village?" Elena inquired. "I only see endless desert here."

Nori leaped from Tiki, and approached a rock. "It's here." She tapped her foot on it.

The others exchanged puzzled glances.

Nori whispered to the ground, and suddenly, the earth trembled beneath her command. In response, a concealed ladder emerged, leading downward into the mysterious depths below.

"Let's go," Nori took the lead, followed by Lorelai and Elena.

"She must have whispered 'open sesame,'" Evie jestingly remarked with a stoic face.

Ren chuckled and reached for her hand, and the two descended the stairs together.

As Ren and the group descended the ladder, they found themselves in a hidden realm that defied the desolation of the surface.

Houses, intricately carved from the natural rocks and sands, stood as testaments to the resilience of the villagers against the harshness of their surroundings.

Ventilation shafts, carefully integrated into the rock-carved structures, adorned the village like an intricate network of veins.

These shafts not only allowed the circulation of air, providing a breath of fresh oxygen into the underground abode but also served as conduits for collecting rainwater during the rare instances when the surface world wept.

The village seemed to have adapted to the scarcity of light in this subterranean world. Strange mushrooms, their bioluminescent glow casting an ethereal radiance, were scattered across the rocky landscape.

These mushrooms acted as nature's lanterns, softly illuminating the winding paths and intricate carvings of the village.

The eerie yet enchanting glow created an otherworldly ambiance that captivated the senses.

Amidst the smaller fungi, a colossal mushroom stood at the village's center, resembling a natural grand chandelier.

Its luminous cap stretched wide, providing a central hub of radiance that served both as a meeting place and a source of warmth for the villagers.

The intricate patterns on the mushroom's surface added an artistic touch to the underground sanctuary, making it a focal point of communal life.

"Welcome to Obsidianreach," Nori said.

"What's with that big mushroom over there?" Lorelai asked.

"That's a Maelossa," Nori explained.

The others exchanged glances. "Maelossa?"

Nori proceeded to elaborate, "Maelossas are linked to fairies. They are sources of life and enchantment, releasing breathable air that spreads to the surrounding tunnels."

"Fairies?" Elena questioned with glee. "There are fairies even her?"

Nori nodded. "Though the Fairies in the surface might not be the same with the fairies in here. So anyway, this soft breeze carries pollen and spores of bioluminescent life forms, which settle wherever they find some humidity.

"Life above ground may draw its energy from the sun's radiation, but here it is fed by the density of occult currents."

"Occult currents?"


"Ah," the group understood all at once.

This means that Netherworld endemic species cannot generally be cultivated anywhere else, Ren thought. He had reserved his storages just for this.

"What about these crystals and plants that glow all around the homes?" Elena asked.

"That's Bioluminescence and Radiance of Living Crystals," Nori explained. "Although the long-time inhabitants of the Netherworld can see in the dark, they often use light sources to better navigate large spaces and discern colors. Different solutions have been developed, and each can be employed depending on the situation.

"Some of the plant and animal life are bioluminescent. Living crystals also shine in similar, delicate tones. The presence of bioluminescent creatures provides a faint light; the more numerous they are, the brighter the light. These life forms can be found anywhere from small, well-lit areas to many dim-lit zones.

"Bioluminescent plants and minerals decorate the Netherworld and are found in many homes, where they're maintained with great care."

"How about using wood?" Lorelai asked without much thought. "We used it a lot on the surface."

Nori answered her, "Non-magical fire isn't the preferred light source in the Netherworld. It requires wood as fuel, and wood is a rare commodity. Moreover, fire consumes oxygen, which is an extremely precious resource underground, and the smoke poses an additional problem in poorly ventilated galleries."

Lorelai crossed her hands and nodded to herself. "I know that."

The others gave her the side eyes.

"Ren." Evie tugged at Ren's clothes and pointed at the villagers who were peeking out of their windows.

The residents of Obsidianreach peeked out of their houses with a mix of curiosity and caution. Their appearances were diverse, with different skin tones reflecting the varied demon and devil heritage.

Horns adorned their heads, each unique in shape and size, a testament to the rich and complex lineage within the Netherworld.

Despite the presence of these distinctive features, many had scrawny arms and legs, hinting at the challenges they faced in this harsh environment.

The dryness of their skin bore witness to the relentless conditions of the underworld. The older residents, in particular, appeared on the verge of exhaustion, their frail bodies showing signs of deterioration.

Clouded eyes revealed a lack of hope, and hunger etched lines of desperation on their faces. These were individuals who had endured the hardships of their realm, facing the perpetual struggle for survival.

Their weary gazes spoke of a life marked by scarcity with each passing day.

"Nori . . ."

A frail, old voice greeted them from the side, and out shuffled an elderly hunched devil who relied on a crane for support. His ears were long and sagging, his eyes almost non-existent beneath the weight of his aged skin.

Cracked lips and skin clinging to bones portrayed the fragility of his existence, as if the passage of time could claim him at any moment.

"You brought surface dwellers?"

"Morgrimm!" Nori exclaimed, quickly introducing Ren and the others. "This is Morgrimm, the village elder. Morgrimm, Ren and the others saved me when a Giant Pur–a beast almost tried to eat me."


"There are still beasts outside?"

"Nori, did you bring food?"

Chatter quickly spread among the villagers.

"Y-yes . . . there are, and Ren and the others have defeated it and acquired its meat!" Nori announced.

A surge of energy coursed through everyone, and they quickly gathered around Ren's group.

"You brought food?"

"Meat? Meat? I haven't had one for years."

"P-please . . . give us some meat."

In a blink, the villagers swarmed closer to Ren and the others, surrounded by hungry eyes on all sides.