
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 694: the mysterious boy

The boy sat cross-legged on the uneven ground, his youthful frame mirroring Nori's in both age and height. His sun-kissed skin carried the warm hues of brown, hinting at days spent under the open sky.

His hair, as dark as the midnight sky, fell in a tousled mess that seemed untouched by any comb. It framed his face, emphasizing the sharp contrast against his complexion.

His eyes, deep as obsidian, shone with an infectious vitality, a bottomless pool of pure onyx.

Yet, these orbs held a light within them, a perpetual spark of mischief and amusement that seemed to dance with every word he spoke.

His wide grin was the first thing anyone noticed upon meeting him, a feature that stretched from ear to ear, revealing a row of pearly white teeth.

The curve of his lips hinted at a perpetual amusement as if he found the world and its complexities endlessly entertaining.

His eyes, mere slits when he smiled, crinkled at the corners, showcasing the depth of his delight. It was a smile that seemed to say he was in on some cosmic joke that the rest of the world had yet to discover.

His attire was simple, yet it carried an air of casual confidence. He wore a loose-fitting tunic in earthy tones, perfectly complementing his sun-kissed skin.

The fabric, woven with intricate patterns, hinted at a nomadic lifestyle, a wanderer of distant lands. His hands, calloused from countless adventures, rested comfortably on his knees, displaying a subtle grace beneath the rough exterior.

Despite his carefree demeanor, there was a glint of wisdom in his eyes, as if he had seen more than his youthful appearance suggested. His presence exuded an aura of mystery, leaving those around him both captivated and intrigued.

"Yo!" he greeted.

"Who are you?" the group demanded in unison.

Ren stood there, utterly perplexed at how this kid had managed to sneak in unnoticed by the two Princesses. He cautiously used his [Monocle] on the boy, but the kid's stats appeared too weak to pose any significant threat.

'Perhaps it's part of this [Story Mode]?' Ren pondered to himself.

Princess Lorelai, not one to tolerate sneakiness, brandished her weapon and aimed it at the boy's throat. "I don't appreciate being snuck up on. Depending on your answer, your head might find itself detached from your shoulders."

The boy, unfazed, shot back with a smirk. "Whoa there. Be careful where you point that thing. It has the potential to end us in an instant, you know."

"If you're aware of that, then introduce yourself," Princess Lorelai pressed, her patience wearing thin.

The boy's grin widened. "Shouldn't you introduce yourself first before asking someone their name?"

Caught off guard, Princess Lorelai cleared her throat, slightly embarrassed. "Ah, you do have a point. My name is—"

"I'm Azazel. Nice to meet you!" the boy interrupted with a cheerful laugh.

A vein visibly popped on Princess Lorelai's forehead, and she was about to swing her sword when Elena intervened, placing a calming hand on her arm.

Elena was the only one capable of stopping Princess Lorelai's aggressive outbursts. Ren and Evie, understanding this, opted to stay back and observe the situation.

"What are you doing? I told you to stop threatening children," Elena chided the Princess, holding her back firmly as she tried to break free.

"Child? I'm sure he's at least a hundred years old," Princess Lorelai argued defiantly.

"Hundred?" Azazel tilted his head, bemused. "I'm only just forty years old."

"That's still old!"

"In the Nether Realm, that age is considered a kid," Nori interjected timidly.

"No one asked you!" Princess Lorelai scolded, her tone sharp.

Nori bit her lip, holding back tears, feeling unfairly attacked.

"Enough with the insults, and for the love of all things holy, act your age. You're only making things worse," Elena scolded the Princess, taking charge of the situation. "Let me handle this."

Elena cleared her throat, adopting a stern expression as she faced Azazel. "Hey kid, what do you want? Depending on your answer . . ." Her eyes narrowed, and her smile took on a disturbing edge. "It might be your last day."

"Hoi," Ren interjected, giving them a disapproving side-eye.

Azazel merely blinked, seemingly unfazed. He lowered his head and spoke seriously, "Don't make threats like that, lady, or someone will die."

Suddenly, the atmosphere shifted, tension crackling between them. Ren and the others readied their weapons instinctively while Nori shivered, seeking refuge behind Evie amidst the palpable unease.

Elena's eyes narrowed into menacing slits as she demanded, "Oh? And who's going to die exactly?"

"Me," Azazel said, pointing at himself without a hint of hesitation.

"YOU?!" Ren and the others exclaimed in disbelief, struggling to comprehend the audacity of the boy's statement.

Elena gritted her teeth. "Can I kill him?" He's clearly mocking them.

"NO," Nori interjected, coming to the boy's defense. "He's just a child. He doesn't know what he's saying."

Azazel sprang to his feet, a mischievous grin playing on his lips. "Of course, I know what I'm talking about. There are four of you and only one of me, so I'll be dead in no time."

"I'M HERE TOO!" Nori protested.

Azazel crossed his arms and tilted his head to the side. "You're so weak that I could probably flick you to death, so you don't count."

"Kill him! KILL HIM NOW!" Nori shouted, jabbing her finger accusingly at Azazel.

"Enough," Ren silenced the crew with a commanding tone, fixing a serious gaze on the boy. "What do you want?"

"I see that you're the boss here."

Azazel and Ren locked eyes in a battle of seriousness, neither willing to break their stare. They engaged in a silent standoff that seemed to stretch on for an eternity.

Then, with utmost gravity, Azazel pointed at Princess Lorelai. "I'm here because I was drawn to that lady's food."

. . .

. . .

Ren and the others turned their incredulous stares toward Princess Lorelai, who still held a piece of meat in her hand.


Without wasting another second, Azazel dropped to the ground in a hurried prostration, his tone desperate.

"Please! Give me food! I'm so hungry!"