
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 687: into the nether realm

Princess Lorelai's resolve reignited by the Goddess's words. She then stepped forward and boldly declared. "We won't let him bring harm to our world. We'll stop him, no matter the cost."

Seraphina nodded approvingly, her divine presence filling the room with a comforting warmth. "I have faith in your courage and strength, brave warriors. But before you go, take these gifts from the heavens."

With a graceful gesture, she conjured legendary-grade items that glowed with an otherworldly radiance.

Ren and the others looked on in awe as Seraphina presented them with thirty exquisite fruits, shimmering with ethereal energy.

"These are Revive Fruits," she explained. "They can bring a fallen comrade back to life, restoring them with half of their vitality. And these are Holy Fruits. They restore your HP and MP to full. Use them wisely, for they are precious gifts from the divine."

Ren's demeanor quickly shifted, and he gave thanks to the Goddess with all seriousness. "Thank you, Goddess Seraphina. We are truly honored by your assistance. Rest assured, we will stop Salister and put an end to his nefarious plans once and for all."

As he spoke, Ren efficiently dismantled each divine fruit, meticulously turning them into valuable recipes.

The excitement in his eyes was palpable as he realized he possessed most of the necessary ingredients and tools to craft them.

To achieve their full potential, however, he needed divine fruits, which were exclusive to the Heaven Realm.

Regardless, he could still create a modified version with his current resources.

Instead of reviving with half HP and MP, these fruits would restore only a single HP upon consumption.

Yet, even this limited capability made players eager to get their hands on them, especially since no similar Revive item was available in the market as of yet.

Ren saw a business opportunity in this scarcity. He planned to auction ten of these modified fruits, predicting a skyrocketing price due to their limited quantity.

His eyes gleamed with a hint of cunning as he contemplated the potential profits.

Meanwhile, Evie observed Ren's calculating expression with a deadpan look. In her mind, she could almost hear his thoughts, imagining his devious plans to maximize their gains.

Seraphina's ethereal voice enveloped the chamber, its melodious tones carrying the weight of an otherworldly sorrow. "I lament that our assistance must remain limited. The denizens of the Heaven Realm are bound by cosmic laws that prohibit their direct presence in the material plane. Even my manifestation here exacts a toll upon my celestial essence."

She paused, her luminous eyes reflecting the anguish of her words. "To descend into your world, our kind must temper our divine might, suppressing it to prevent unintended cataclysms. The consequences of unrestrained power could rupture the delicate balance of the universe, inviting cosmic retribution upon both realms."

A profound sadness filled her voice as she continued, her form flickering like a distant star. "Know that I ache to offer more substantial aid in your noble quest. My inability to intervene fully pains me beyond words. Yet, despite these cosmic constraints, I pledge eternal solidarity."

Her divine aura pulsed, a beacon of unwavering support. "I will weave your tale into the very fabric of my prayers. Even from the lofty heights of the Heaven Realm, I shall watch over your endeavors, lending my spiritual strength to guide and shield you, my brave champions.

"You are not alone in this arduous journey; my presence echoes in every step you take, in every challenge you face. Take solace in the knowledge that my support, though ethereal, is steadfast and undying."

"G-Goddess!" Princess Lorelai stuttered, her voice choked with overwhelming emotion. Tears and snot threatened to create a waterfall on her face.

Meanwhile, Ren, with utmost seriousness, turned to Evie. "Hey, are you eating properly at your place?"

Evie, unflinchingly composed, replied, "Don't worry about me. I've got a stash of snacks that could feed a small army. By the way, Ren, the portal seems to be closing."

"Yeah, you're right. Let's not dilly-dally here, then."

Evie nodded, her expression unchanging before the two of them hurried towards the closing portal while chatting about food.

"Hold on, you guys! The Goddess hasn't finished speaking yet! That's just plain rude!" Elena scolded them.

Ren, without missing a beat, waved his hand dismissively. "If we wait for the Goddess to finish her speech, we'll be waiting until the end of time. We're going ahead. You can wait for Princess Lorelai if you want."

Elena huffed indignantly, muttering under her breath. She shifted her eyes between Princess Lorelai, who was still so moved by the Goddess's words.

Then, without wasting any time, she chased after Ren and Evie. "Wait up! I'm coming with you!"

Emerging from the portal into the Nether Realm, Evie and Ren found themselves in a desolate landscape shrouded in an eerie, otherworldly glow. The air was thick with an unsettling energy, and the ground beneath their feet seemed to pulse with malevolence.

Sinister shadows danced across the jagged rocks and twisted trees, casting an ominous atmosphere over the entire realm.

"I'm surprised . . ." Evie muttered, glancing around in disbelief. "I thought it was going to be all lava and fire in here."

"Yeah . . ." Ren replied, his eyes wide with astonishment. It was his first time in the Netherworld, too. "It's like an underground world without a horizon."

They stood amidst the ruins, surrounded by sand akin to a desert, yet there was a stark difference — there was no sky. Instead, there was just an endless expanse of earth stretching impossibly high.

"Strange . . ." Ren uttered in bewilderment. The Netherworld was nothing like the fiery abyss he had envisioned.

"This place feels eerily similar to the surface," Evie commented, looking around. "Except, you know, there's no sky, just endless land . . . and darkness."

Though they could see perfectly fine because of the glowing fauna and rocks that scattered across the place.

If nothing else, the Netherworld seemed magical.

[WARNING! You're going to enter STORY MODE! In this mode, the actions and choices you make will decide the fate of this realm]