
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 685: clash of divine and infernal forces

Asmodeus was a formidable adversary, engaging his enemies with the malevolent language of evil itself. His primary tool of devastation lay in his [Aura of Subjugation], a feature that threatened to charm any creature daring to oppose his fiendish influence.

It's important to note that immunity to the charmed condition offered little defense against this dreadful power, as the [Ruby Rod of Asmodeus] ensured no shield was fool proof.

Once ensnared by this aura, escaping its grasp and achieving victory became nearly impossible unless liberated by allies or withdrawing from the fight.

Yet, Princess Lorealai possessed an innate passive skill that rendered her immune to all controlling and status-effect abilities. She stood as the ultimate counter against devils and demons, her unique prowess unrivaled in this department.

Asmodeus possessed other fearsome powers, albeit less subtle. Among them, his [Infernal Decree] was particularly versatile, allowing him to tailor his attacks to exploit the vulnerabilities of his foes.

In the heat of battle, Asmodeus strategically assessed his options, always selecting the most effective course of action among his multiple targets.

When he decided to take a fight seriously, he would unleash his dreaded [Hellfire Crown], a lethal effect that made harming the Lord of the Nine an incredibly risky endeavor while amplifying his own abilities to even greater heights.

When his formidable arsenal fell short, Asmodeus would rely on his [Archdevil's Might] for slightly less powerful but still potent options. This action proved invaluable if he needed a specific spell, deadly attacks, or an ally to join the fray.

Uncharacteristically, Asmodeus rarely fought to kill. Wasting resources annoyed the Lord of the Nine, and enemies held more value when turned into allies, even against their will.

His role as a controller ensured his enemies perpetually battled under a cloud of disadvantage — charmed allies turned foes or their hit point maximum diminished from hellfire damage.

Asmodeus had an uncanny ability to force most foes into a position where surrender was the sole path to survival, a situation that suited the archdevil perfectly.

Every challenging battle commenced with Asmodeus utilizing [Hellfire Crown], followed by an unrelenting onslaught of [Infernal Decrees], and meticulously chosen to maximize their effects and afflict the most vulnerable targets.

Asmodeus's intelligence and experience were so profound that he could discern most weaknesses in an enemy with just a glance.

With an entire layer of Hell under his command, Asmodeus never fought alone. Devils, fiends, and other immensely powerful monsters were ready to heed the archdevil's call for aid.

Many of these creatures were uniquely dangerous or unknown to mortal scholars, secret weapons kept in reserve for such crucial moments.

While Ren and the others handled Salister's lieutenants, the Princess confronted Asmodeus directly. Rather, she was the only matched for that devil even he's only a replica.

In the dim-lit, ominous chamber of Salister Kane's lair, the battle between Princess Lorelai and Asmodeus started with a whirlwind of magical prowess and divine strength.

Princess Lorelai's Valkyrie form emanated a radiant aura as she faced the archdevil with the intention to kill it.

Her eyes, a blazing mix of steel and intent to kill, met Asmodeus's crimson gaze head-on. With a swift, fluid motion, she unsheathed her sword, Demonsbane, its blade shimmering with celestial light.

Asmodeus wielded his Ruby Rod, and exuded an air of confidence. He swung the rod with calculated precision, his movements swift as he unleashed spells and hellfire upon his foes.

Their clash began with a lightning-fast maneuver from Princess Lorelai. She closed the distance between them in a blink. Her Valkyrie wings unfurled majestically behind her. With a skillful parry, she deflected Asmodeus's initial spell, the energy crackling and dispersing harmlessly around her.

Asmodeus was undeterred, and swung his Ruby Rod, aiming for a melee spell attack. The rod crackled with dark energy, and struck Princess Lorelai's shield with a resounding clash.

Despite the impact, the Valkyrie stood her ground, her divine shield absorbing the blow.

Then came Asmodeus's Hellfire Blast, a raging inferno hurled from a distance.

Princess Lorelai was nimble and agile, dodging the searing flames with a graceful sidestep, her Valkyrie form allowing her to move with unparalleled speed and precision.

But Asmodeus was far from finished. He invoked his Archdevil's Might, casting spells and summoning demonic allies.

Fire and darkness swirled around the chamber as he unleashed Hellfire Crown, a deadly aura of infernal flames.

Princess Lorelai resisted the fiery onslaught, her divine resistance shielding her from the worst of the attack.

Amidst the chaos, Asmodeus issued his Infernal Decree. The Dark Speech, a language of evil, echoed through the chamber.

However, Princess Lorelai's willpower was unbreakable, and resisted the archdevil's attempts to subjugate her mind, her mind shielded by her divine spirit.

At first, it seemed like Princess Lorelai was no match for the Lord of the Nine Hells, but as the battle raged on, her Valkyrie form began to radiate with divine power.

With each clash of their weapons and each evaded spell, she memorized the patterns of Asmodeus attacks.

In a moment of sheer determination to defeat her foe, Princess Lorelai surged forward, her sword slashing through the air with blinding speed.

Asmodeus attempted to counter, but the Valkyrie's strike was true. Demonsbane met the Ruby Rod, a clash of celestial and infernal forces.

A shockwave reverberated through the chamber as Princess Lorelai's blade overpowered Asmodeus's defenses.

The archdevil staggered back, momentarily caught off guard by the Valkyrie's resolve and might.

With a fierce battle cry, Princess Lorelai pressed her advantage. She channeled her divine energy, her strikes fueled by the might of the heavens.

Asmodeus, despite his cunning and power, found himself hard-pressed to match the Valkyrie's relentless assault.

The tide of the battle had turned.

While on the other end, Ren, Evie, and Elena found themselves facing Salister's lieutenants, a formidable array of devilish minions.

"Good thing that Princess is strong and can held up that arch devil," Elena said.

Ren wasn't worried with the princess the least because he knew he could take care of Asmodeus herself.

They focused on fighting against Salister's minions. Evie conjured a protective illusion magic, deflecting the Ice Devil's icy blasts.

Elena was channeling her magical energy, unleashed a blinding burst of vines, blinding and destroying the Bone Devil.