
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 674: shifting allegiance


[Ragnar, Sumeri, Nikolai]

The players' collective outrage reverberated through the battleground as realization dawned upon them: their precious time was slipping away, slipping away like sand through their fingers.

The urgency of the situation gripped their hearts, for they understood the dire consequences of failure.

In the tumultuous midst of battle, the players' desperation was blowing through the roof, their fear of failure gnawing at the edges of their resolve.

The prospect of letting this quest slip through their fingers hung over them like a dark cloud.

All the painstaking preparations, the meticulous allocation of resources, and the significant investment of time and money would be rendered futile if they couldn't halt the cultists' progress.

It wasn't merely about losing a chance at glory; it was about the tangible loss of hard-earned rewards, the squandering of gathered items, and the potential financial setback that haunted their thoughts.

But the specter of failure wasn't the only shadow that loomed over them. The prospect of demotion within their guild, a fate worse than just losing privileges, weighed heavily on their minds.

A demotion would mean a cut in their pay, a reduction in perks, and the forfeiture of hard-won privileges. It wasn't merely a setback; it was a potential downfall, a plunge into the ranks of the overlooked and undervalued.

For many among them, this expedition represented a last-ditch effort to prove their worth to their guild. They had specifically chosen this dungeon because it was a known entity, a place where the path had already been cleared, and the materials needed were readily available.

It had seemed like an easy choice, facilitated by the wealth of information available online. The rewards, while not extraordinary, were enticing enough to justify their endeavor.

This quest and dungeon had been a haven for players looking to grind or collect items during their free hours.

But little did they anticipate the turn of events that unfolded with the arrival of World Conqueror.

What was once a routine, albeit fruitful, venture had transformed into a harrowing struggle for survival.

The appearance of this infamous guild had turned what was supposed to be a casual grind into a battle for their guild standing and personal reputation.

Amidst the frenzied clash of weapons and the crackling energy of spells, the players' cries grew louder, resonating with a blend of anxiety and frustration that painted the chaotic scene with a vivid, pulsating intensity.

Each strike, each incantation, was fueled not just by the urgency of the present moment but also by the weight of their aspirations and the fear of what failure might bring.

Amidst the chaos, the players' anger burned hot as they glared at Ragnar, Sumeri, and Nikolai. "What the hell are you doing? We're all players here! Why protect these cultists?" one of them shouted, frustration etched deep into his face.

Ragnar was undeterred by their accusations and remained tight lip as he defended the cultist with all his might. It wouldn't be long now . . . only a few more minutes and the ritual would be completed.

"There is something there, isn't it? That's why you're protecting the enemy. What is it? Tell us! We're both players here! We should help each other out."

Sumeri shot a quick spell onto the players who suddenly appeared at Ragnar's side, and they were blown into the air. "We don't owe you anything to tell you about our quest. If you don't want to die, then get out of our way!"

Ragnar and the others continued to shield the cultists from the incoming players and NPCs.

In the midst of the battle, the players exchanged glances, their voices low as they shared bewildered whispers.

"There has to be a reason," one of them said, his brow furrowed in deep thought. "Maybe there's a hidden quest or some special reward for protecting the cultists. It wouldn't make sense otherwise."

Another player nodded, skepticism giving way to curiosity. "I remember hearing rumors about secret quests in this game. Maybe this is one of them. If we join in, maybe we'll unlock something amazing."

Swallowing their anger and confusion, they made a collective decision. If there was a chance for a hidden quest, an opportunity to unveil the mysteries behind World Conqueror's actions, they would seize it.

With newfound resolve, some players redirected their efforts. Instead of attacking the cultists, they focused on defending them alongside Ragnar, Sumeri, and Nikolai.

The battlefield erupted into a cacophony of shouts and accusations as other players, incredulous at the sudden alliance with World Conqueror, voiced their disbelief.

"What are you guys doing?!" they cried out, their voices laced with confusion and frustration.

"There's no information online about siding with the cultists. Maybe this could trigger something new!"

"We might set off a chain reaction!" another exclaimed, eyes alight with a spark of reckless curiosity.

"Traitors!" spat one, their tone dripping with disdain, while another player hurled the word "Fools!" with venomous resentment.

The mood among the adventurers soured and rapidly transformed from camaraderie to bitter betrayal.

The NPCs also vented their anger. Their shouts reverberated through the chaotic battleground, drowned out by the clash of weapons and the crackling of spells.

"Traitors! We should have never asked your help in the first place!"

Instead of targeting the cultists, the NPCs turned their fury toward the players who had dared to betray their cause.

The players, caught off guard by this sudden change, found themselves outnumbered and outmaneuvered.

The NPCs were unkillable, so it was only a matter of time before they died in their hands. Their demise was inevitable, each blow dealt by the NPCs bringing them closer to the brink of defeat.

Meanwhile, Ragnar and the others watched the unfolding drama with a gleeful gleam in their eyes.

To them, the chaos among the players and NPCs was a golden opportunity. The more these factions clashed, the more advantageous it became for Ragnar and his companions.

If the NPCs succeeded in eliminating the players, it would serve their purpose perfectly. It would not only weaken the opposition but also buy them valuable time in the race for the ritual's completion.