
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 640: [bonus chapter] evie’s upgrade

With emotions and tensions somewhat eased between them, Ren and Evie pressed on with their adventure, their destination set for the Human Continent within the vast Empire of Renais.

Ren couldn't help but inquire, his concern for her well-being evident in his voice, "Are you absolutely certain about not completing Meriyaah's quest first?"

A determined shake of Evie's head served as her reply. "There's no time for that now. We must prioritize settling this troublesome debt of mine. We can always return to fulfill Meriyaah's quest once this weight is off our shoulders."

Her words resonated with Ren, even though a part of him wished to deck her out in the finest equipment available.

He'd already managed to retrieve a selection of items, some rare and even legendary-grade, from his ventures in the Fey Realm. Most of these had been auctioned off to accumulate the necessary funds, but he'd held onto a few just for her.

For their upcoming journey, he'd adorned her with an entirely new set of armor and weaponry, ensuring she was as well-prepared as possible for the trials that awaited them.

ǁ E T H E R E A L V E I L ǁ

Robe, Legend Grade, Requires Attunement

The Ethereal Veil is a legendary robe woven from strands of moonlight and dreams, making it incredibly rare and coveted by illusionists.

Its fabric is as soft as a cloud's embrace and as enchanting as a starry night. This robe is translucent, shimmering with a gentle, otherworldly glow. It seems to shift in color, mimicking the ever-changing hues of the twilight sky.

The Ethereal Veil is adorned with intricate, silver-threaded patterns of arcane symbols and swirling illusions that dance like wisps of mist around the wearer.

When donned, it grants the illusionist heightened control over their spells, making their illusions more convincing and their enchantments more potent.


AGI +200

DEF +100

MDF +100


Illusionist's Grace: The robe enhances the illusionist's AGI, allowing them to move gracefully and swiftly, blending seamlessly with their illusions. This grants a bonus to their evasion and agility during combat.

Veil of Disguise: Once per day, the wearer can shroud themselves in an illusion so convincing that they become invisible to the naked eye for a short duration, perfect for escaping danger or setting up surprise attacks.

Dreamweaver's Resilience: The Ethereal Veil provides passive resistance to mental and psychological effects, granting the illusionist increased mental fortitude against charms, illusions, and fear-inducing spells.

ǁ E N D ǁ

ǁ M I R A G E W H I S P E R E R ǁ

Scepter, Very Rare, Requires Attunement

Mirage Whisperer is a rare scepter specifically crafted for illusionists who have mastered the art of deception.

Its design is both elegant and mysterious, resembling a slender, crystalline branch of a willow tree. The crystal core of the scepter appears to be ever-changing, shifting through a myriad of colors, mirroring the illusions it creates.

The tip of the Mirage Whisperer is adorned with an enchanting gemstone that captures and refracts light in mesmerizing patterns, casting colorful illusions all around. When wielded, it emits a soft, melodious hum akin to the whispers of distant secrets.


INT +400


Illusionary Aegis: Mirage Whisperer can create a protective barrier of illusory duplicates around the caster, making it challenging for enemies to discern the real illusionist's location. This barrier grants temporary invulnerability against a single attack or spell.

Whisperer's Deceit: The scepter can project vivid and lifelike illusions that can temporarily fool even the most discerning observers. These illusions can be used for distraction, misdirection, or creating false allies to confuse enemies in battle.

Ethereal Manipulation: Mirage Whisperer enhances the illusionist's ability to shape and control illusions, allowing them to create complex and detailed phantasms with less effort. This increases the versatility and effectiveness of their illusions in both combat and non-combat situations.

ǁ E N D ǁ

The amalgamation of the Ethereal Veil and Mirage Whisperer formed an extraordinary synergy, a celestial fusion of enchantments tailored explicitly for the art of illusion.

Together, these artifacts transformed the humble illusionist into an enigmatic force, a formidable presence on the battlefield.

Evie was now armed with an unparalleled mastery of deception. Her skills were honed to perfection under the guidance of these remarkable relics.

Ren had reserved these items with her in mind from the moment he laid his hands on them, and knowing that she had upgraded her equipment brought a sense of relief.

In the midst of their perilous journey, this reassurance was a welcome respite.

Yet, as Ren's thoughts meandered towards the safety of the woman beside him, a fire of determination flared in his gaze.

The knowledge that they were now prime targets for a legion of opportunistic adversaries only fueled his protective instincts. His narrowed eyes spoke of a silent vow, a promise etched in the depths of his soul: he would shield her from harm at any cost.

Those who dared to threaten Evie's safety would soon taste the consequences of their actions.

Ren was resolute in ensuring that their transgressions would haunt them, dissuading any further attempts on her well-being.

His devotion to Evie was unwavering, and he was prepared to face any challenges head-on to keep her safe.

As the landscape unfolded before them, a soft breeze whispering through the tall grasses, Evie seized the opportunity to broach a matter that had been tugging at the corners of her mind.

Her voice, a delicate melody beneath the open sky, carried genuine concern as she asked, "By the way, Ren, I heard from Leonel about what happened to you."

Ren's eyes met hers. Within their depths, a storm of emotions swirled, and a touch of vulnerability betrayed his usual composure.

"About what?" he replied, his tone casual, though the tremor in his voice betrayed his true feelings.

"About you in the hospital and about your hair turning white."

"You don't have to worry about it."

Evie's fingers found his, a silent plea for honesty and reassurance. She held his hand firmly, a lifeline tethering them together. "Telling me not to worry about you would only make me worry more," she admitted, her voice soft.

Ren sighed. "It's only fatigue, Evie," he began, choosing his words carefully. "The doctors couldn't find anything unusual, so they let me go."

It wasn't entirely untrue, but it wasn't the whole truth either.