
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 638: elena vs. evie

"Ren mentioned that you're his girlfriend," Elena said with an amiable grin. "I, on the other hand, am Ren's first wife. But don't worry, I'm not possessive enough to want him all to myself. He's an extraordinary man, and I believe he shouldn't be confined to just one person. I'm content with the idea of sharing."

". . ."

". . ."

Fuck me! Ren cursed.

As Elena's words hung in the air, the atmosphere in the room grew taut with unspoken tension.

Ren felt the weight of Evie's stare, like hot coals burning into his skin. Her eyes were sharp, ablaze with a mixture of disbelief and anger. He could sense her every emotion, even though her face seemed frozen in place.

"Wife?!" The word erupted from her like a volcano, spewing forth molten fury.

Ren moved swiftly, stepping closer to Evie in an attempt to diffuse the situation. "Evie, please, let me explain."

Evie's façade of stoicism cracked, her eyes widening in shock. "So it's true?!" Her voice was a mixture of hurt and accusation, cutting through the charged atmosphere.

Ren's heart raced as he struggled to find the right words to explain himself. He had never seen Evie this angry, this betrayed. "No, it's not what you think. It's a misunderstanding. It's a glitch in the game's mechanics. An accident."

"An accident?" Evie's voice dripped with incredulity, her gaze locked onto Ren's like a laser. "Things just accidentally lead to a marriage?"

Ren's mind raced, desperately searching for a lifeline of explanation. "I . . . I can't really explain it right now. But it's not what it seems."

"Please, let's not fight," Elena interjected, her voice calm and composed yet with an undertone of concern.

Evie's gaze turned to Elena, the intensity of her stare making it clear that this was not a welcome intervention. "We're fighting because of you," she spat, her frustration palpable.

On the sidelines, the rest of the group watched the scene unfold, a mix of amusement and bewilderment etched across their faces.

Sumeri's lips curved into a wry smile, her voice teasing. "Only Ren could accidentally snag a pretty NPC as a wife."

Leonel's brow furrowed, his curiosity getting the better of him. "Seriously, how do you manage to do that?"

Isolde shot Leonel a knowing look. "Are you considering trying it yourself?"

Leonel stammered, his cheeks reddening. "Wh-what? No, absolutely not."

Alice was the only one finding the situation hilarious.

Elena's serene demeanor remained intact, even in the face of the brewing storm. "We don't have to fight," she repeated calmly, her gaze moving between Ren and Evie. "I'm willing to share Ren with you."

Evie's ears rang with those words, her head throbbing with conflicting emotions. She had always believed herself to be level-headed, not prone to jealousy.

Yet, this situation was testing the limits of her patience and understanding. She knew Elena was an NPC, but the claim in her tone grated on her nerves.

It was time to assert herself, to show Elena and even Ren where she stood. She felt her lips curl into a confident smile. "Your name is Elena, correct?"

Elena nodded gracefully, her smile unwavering even in the face of Evie's challenging gaze. "Yes, that's right. It's truly a pleasure to finally meet you."

Ren stood uncomfortably between the two women, his unease palpable. He had never anticipated such a direct confrontation between them. He opened his mouth to say something, but words failed him as the tension escalated.

Evie's gaze remained locked onto Elena's, her eyes determined. "You mentioned being Ren's first wife and that you're content with sharing. But I want to clarify something. I am Ren's first kiss, first hug, first girlfriend, and the first woman he spent the night with."

The others mouth dropped. Even Ren's. None of them thought that Evie would be so bold as to proclaim that while Sumeri only rolled her eyes.

"They're lovers and in the right age. It's only natural. Mature up people."

Elena's smile didn't waver, but a spark of amusement danced in her eyes. "That's quite the list," she acknowledged. "But have you ever heard him sing? Have you seen him dance? I did."

Evie was stunned silence for a moment. She then snapped at Ren.

"Dance and sing? Really?!" her voice held a mix of disbelief and frustration, her eyes boring into him.

As if sensing the impending storm, Leonel muttered under his breath, "Ren is in for it now."

Ragnar chimed in, his voice carrying no sympathy. "He brought this on himself."

Ren's attempt to explain himself felt feeble in the face of Evie's anger. "It's not what it seems. I can explain."

Evie's incredulous tone only intensified. "Oh, really? Explain, then."

Ren's desperation was palpable as he tried to justify himself. "It's part of a quest. It's not what you think."

Elena's voice, a soothing melody amid the tension, interjected. "You see, a person is made up of many facets. Ren has shared parts of his life with all of us. Your experiences and mine — they're both valid. We've all played a role in his life in our own unique ways."

Ren's silent plea echoed in his mind. Please don't make this worse.

His discomfort was evident as he shifted uneasily, a sense of dread settling over him. He attempted to speak once more, but his words remained trapped within him, lost in the chaos of his mind.

Evie's initial resolve seemed to waver, exhaustion and confusion clouding her eyes. She looked at Ren, her gaze devoid of emotion. "I see that you've been busy while I wasn't around."

Ren's attempts to formulate a coherent response were fruitless, and it was Elena who spoke up, her tone innocent as she continued to wear her smile.

"Yes, indeed. Ren and I have been quite occupied this past few days. We embarked on adventures in the Fey Realm, tackled intricate puzzles and quests, and faced overwhelming odds together. We've stood against powerful foes and queens, all to restore harmony within the realms. We've been through so much together, and he has accomplished so much."

. . . I'm dead. Ren lamented.