
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 636: facing the storm

Ren's heart still raced, the electricity of their embrace lingering in the air.

As he continued to hold Evie, a voice disrupted their shared moment.

"I'm here too, you know?" Lamir's voice cut through the silence, an edge of amusement in his tone.

Ren's gaze shifted, acknowledging Lamir's presence, but his focus remained on Evie. He couldn't tear his eyes away from her, couldn't quell the rising swell of emotions that threatened to overwhelm him.

"How are you here? How did you enter the game?"

Evie's smile was a mix of happiness and relief, a response to Ren's unspoken question. "It's Lamir. He helped me."

Lamir's voice chimed in, interrupting their exchange. "That's right, It's all me. But it seems I'm being overlooked."

Ren's attention shifted to Lamir. For a brief moment, gratitude flickered across his features, his expression hinting at the fact that he wouldn't forget this debt.

Lamir, however, seemed undeterred by Ren's reaction. "You know, I actually played a part in this heartwarming reunion, just so you know."

Evie's laughter tinkled in response, a melody that eased the tension in the room. "It's true. Lamir convinced everyone to let me have a pod. He had to lie, though."

Lamir checked his nails and said nonchalantly, "I told them that they had to get Evie a pod since all my time is in the game. We could deepen our relationship there. They hesitated at first, especially my family, but eventually, they gave in."

Ren's gaze flickered back to Evie, his initial stress about their current situation melting away. He hadn't expected Lamir to actually do this, but he was grateful nonetheless.

Ren's voice softened to an admission of sorts. "I suppose I owe you my thanks, then."

Lamir's grin was wide. "Don't mention it. I can't resist being part of a love story. I need the drama once in my life."

Evie's eyes sparkled with mirth. "He's been surprisingly helpful."

Leonel's lips curved into a wry smile. "I'll believe it when I see it." He hadn't forgotten how Lamir played him in their first meeting.

Lamir quickly forgot about Ren and took a closer interest in Ragnar, who was silent at the side.

"You're awfully familiar. My senses are tingling that I know you," Lamir said, licking his lips.

Ragnar's fine hair stood on edge, and he immediately replied, "You've got the wrong person."

Lamir wasn't convinced, and he kept a scrutinizing eye on Ragnar.

As their conversation and welcoming continued, the atmosphere in the room shifted. Tension ebbed away, replaced by a sense of camaraderie that hadn't been present before.

Ren's gaze returned to Evie, a mixture of emotions swirling in his eyes. "I can't believe you're here. It's like a dream."

Evie's fingers reached out, brushing against his cheek, grounding him in the reality of their connection. "It's real. I'm here, and we have a chance to be together again, even just in the game."

Ren's lips brushed against the back of Evie's hand in a gentle kiss, a silent reaffirmation of their connection.

"As long as you're by my side, that's enough for me," he whispered, his words carrying the weight of his emotions.

Sumeri's voice cut through their moment, pulling their attention away from each other. "Alright, break it off, you two," she declared, stepping into the center of the room. "We have more pressing matters to discuss."

Evie's gaze hardened. "I've been catching up on the news and the situation. I'm part of this guild, too, and I'm here to help."

Ren's grip on Evie's hand tightened slightly, a wordless acknowledgment of her commitment. "Alright," he agreed, his voice steady.

He was acutely aware of the warmth of Evie's hand in his, a grounding presence that reassured him she was really here. With her beside him, he felt invincible, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them.

"We're heading to the Demon Realm," Ren stated, his gaze unwavering as he looked at Evie. His decision was final, a protective instinct that wouldn't let him leave her behind again.

Leonel's voice cut through, a note of confusion in his tone. "But I thought you wanted to go alone?"

Ren's gaze turned to Leonel, his sharp eyes made him shut his mouth tight.

Leonel scratched his head, his voice meek. "Uh, alright then. I'll go with Isolde. Is that okay?"

Isolde's cheeks took on a slight blush as she smiled. "Sure. What's the plan? Are we taking on a hidden boss, or is it a dungeon-clearing mission?"

Leonel shrugged, a lightheartedness returning to his demeanor. "Why not both?"

Alice, seemingly unable to contain herself, suddenly interjected. "Why do I smell love in the air? Wait, are you two dating?!"

Leonel's denial was quick and fervent, his embarrassment evident. "N-no way! Don't make things weird, or I'll exorcise you!"

Isolde averted her gaze, her cheeks reddening as she held them with her palms.

Sumeri sighed dramatically. "Ugh, this guild is turning into a nest of couples."

She turned her attention to Roz and Ragnar. "Looks like it's us three, Ragnar. Along with Nikolai, we're forming a team, I guess."

Roz shook his head apologetically, a sheepish smile on his face. "Sorry, but Lira's already employed me. We're planning on some hunting and grinding."

Sumeri raised an eyebrow playfully. "Is that so? Well then, I guess it's just us single folks left."

Ragnar's response was swift and matter-of-fact. "I have a fiancée."

Sumeri's eyes then went to Lamir.

Lamir only looked at her up and down and said, "Sorry sister, I don't swing that way."

Sumeri's hand flew dramatically to her chest. "Gah! Right! No one wanted to pair with me! So, it's just me here, the lone single warrior!"

Nikolai, Sumeri's ever-present brother, tugged at the hem of her clothes. "Sis, you still have me."

Sumeri looked down at Nikolai's earnest face and couldn't help but melt. She pulled him into a tight hug, her voice laced with affection. "Ah, you're right! Who needs a boyfriend when I have the cutest brother in the world? You're all I need!"

As the group settled into their discussion, Ren's hand remained intertwined with Evie's, a constant reassurance of her presence. Amidst laughter and teasing, they planned their next moves.

Ren and Evie were set on venturing into the Demon Realm, determined to get those recipes and pay off her debt.

Leonel and Isolde planned on a dungeon clear and getting a couple of firstbloods.

Meanwhile, Sumeri, Roz, and Ragnar plotted their own strategies, leaving Sumeri playfully exclaiming her single status while holding Nikolai close.

Alice was left to defend the HQ and gossip on her own, dreaming and hoping that some players would storm their HQ, so she could have a bit of fun.