
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 630: to make a point

"Can you ensure the HQ remains secure in our absence?" Ren inquired.

Alice's grin was practically radiant. "Who do you think you're talking to?"

"Good, I'll entrust the HQ to you then. Don't hesitate to take extreme measures if trouble arises."

Alice's grin only grew wider, her eyes gleaming with an eerie excitement. "Consider it done."

"Ren, where are you headed?" Leonel's curiosity prompted the question as Ren stepped outside.

"To make a statement," was Ren's succinct response.

Both Leonel and Alice exchanged glances before joining Ren out.

Upon opening the door, Ren was met with the sight of numerous players gathered outside –– roughly more than twenty of them.

"It's Ren."


"It's the leader of World Conqueror."

"His that Ren?"

"Do you think he's the Ren in the cloak?"

"Who cares if he is or not? He is the prime suspect and the bounty in his head will set you for life."

The players abruptly halted in their tracks, their initial purpose momentarily forgotten as they stared at Ren.

"Do you require something from me?" Ren's expression remained impassive as he addressed the gathered players.

Confusion rippled among the players. Now that Ren was present, uncertainty hung in the air, stifling their intentions.

There was an undeniable air of intimidation radiating from Ren, causing several players to unconsciously take a step back.

Ren, exhausted and sleep-deprived, was in no mood to play games. His head throbbed with fatigue, and he lacked the patience for unnecessary antics.

"If you have no legitimate reason to be here, then I suggest you leave," Ren's voice carried a stern warning. He always gave people a chance, but their choices were their own.

Then, one of the players summoned the courage to step forward. "This isn't personal."

Before anyone could react, the player attempted a sneak attack, targeting what he believed to be Ren's vulnerable point for a critical hit. The player boasted formidable stats of a hundred, and his guildmates anticipated a swift success.

However, to their astonishment, the attack barely left a scratch on Ren's HP. The number that appeared was so minuscule that the player stood there in stunned disbelief.

Unfazed, Ren didn't make any attempt to dodge the incoming swing of the giant axe. The vast amount of EXP he had gained in the Fey Realm, coupled with the completion of a World Quest and the defeat of three Queens (albeit not solely by his hands), had propelled his stats into the stratospheric range of five hundred digits.

His HP had surged to a formidable 5000, further boosted to 15,000 with the addition of the [Robes of Arcane Sovereignty]. His DEF, which was already a respectable 700, now stood augmented by an additional +500 from the robe.

His assailant would need a substantial STR around 500 to breach those numbers and inflict meaningful damage.

Ren had wisely invested in bolstering his DEF and MDF, specifically for his solo exploits in Arcadia. This decision proved its worth now as a horde of players, enticed by the bounty on his head, descended upon him.

With a raised eyebrow, Ren met the stunned expression of his axe-wielding opponent. "Is that all?"

The player stammered, disbelief evident in his voice. "Th-that . . . That can't be . . . That was my most powerful strike. You must be using an item!"

With a swift motion of his hand, Ren conjured a powerful gust of wind that swept the player off his feet, sending him soaring high into the air.

Before the player's body could descend back to the ground, it was met with a simple spell that ended his existence in an instant.

Not even relying on the [Stellarum Scepter], Ren's already impressive INT of around 1000 proved sufficient to obliterate any player he encountered in a single blow.

"Who's up next?" Ren's challenge hung in the air as his gaze shifted to the remaining players.

A palpable unease spread among the players, but as one charged forward and another followed suit, the rest found themselves swept up in the momentum, attacking in a synchronized frenzy.

The point of no return had been reached.

Leonel's voice cut through the tension. "Need any assistance?"

Ren shook his head. "Not necessary. I've got this." This was to make a point –– a point not to mess with him.

With a series of determined cracks from his fingers and a casual stretch of his neck, Ren stood prepared to face the onslaught.

As the remaining players charged forward, a sense of urgency and desperation permeated the air. Their attacks, while coordinated, were futile against Ren's newfound power.

It was as if he moved with preternatural speed, a blur of motion that defied their comprehension.

One player swung a massive sword, only for Ren to sidestep effortlessly, his form a fluid dance of evasion.

Another player unleashed a barrage of spells, but Ren's [Robes of Arcane Sovereignty] absorbed and deflected the magical onslaught.

With calculated precision, Ren retaliated. A swift swing of his hand conjured an explosive burst of magic that engulfed his adversaries.

Their cries of shock were drowned out by the force of the blast, and as the dust settled, their lifeless forms lay sprawled across the dirt covered ground.

A few players attempted to flee, their panicked cries echoing through the air. "He's a monster! Run!"

Ren's voice cut through their desperate pleas, firm and unyielding. "You had your chance to reconsider your actions. Now, you must face the consequences."

Their escape was short-lived. With a gesture, Ren summoned a vortex of wind that swept them off their feet and brought them back to the heart of the confrontation. The players struggled in vain against the magical force that held them captive.

Leonel and Alice watched their expressions, a mix of disbelief and resignation.

Leonel shook his head, muttering under his breath. "It was foolish of them to challenge him."

Alice, though typically cheerful, couldn't help but be awed by the spectacle before her. "He's like a force of nature. Nothing less from my master!"

As the final blows were dealt, a cascade of loot and drops littered the ground, evidence to the players' defeat.

Ren turned to Alice with a nod. "Pick up the drops, Alice. They might be useful."

Alice's eyes sparkled with excitement as she eagerly set about the task, her broom quickly becoming a makeshift treasure collector. "Got it! These will come in handy!"

With the remnants of the skirmish strewn about the area, Ren's expression softened a little. "At least this would lessen those who would attempt to chase after me."

Leonel's voice held a note of approval. "They won't forget this anytime soon."

Ren's gaze swept over the scene. "I'm going to sleep. Alice, take care of everything here."
