
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 611: going to the mines


A collective gasp echoed through the group as Isolde and the others expressed their shock.

"Huh? Split up?" Isolde questioned, clearly not enthusiastic about the idea.

"Yes," Ren answered. It was to save time. He didn't know how long the quest would last, but he only had one day in real time to finish this whole thing.

He could just explore the Fey Realm to his heart's content after the Fey Realm became accessible and all his problems were solved.

"Then I will go with Ren," Elena declared and grabbed Ren's arm.

Isolde's eyes narrowed, noticing the touch between Elena and Ren, prompting Ren to quickly withdraw his hand.

Unfazed, Elena smiled suggestively, "I see. I understand. You prefer privacy. We can continue later when we're alone."

No. You don't understand. Ren wanted to say. The words were on his lips, but instead, he changed the topic to avoid any further misunderstandings.

In the Fey Realm, Ren and the others planned their tasks to retrieve the metals needed for the Exile's Blade.

"The Adamantite in Starfire Abyss Mine is mine to take," declared Prince Zeroth, holding Elaine's hand affectionately. "Wait for me, my love. I shall return shortly."

Ren, unfazed by the lovey-dovey moment, assigned Elena her task. "Then Elena, you'll get the Silver in Moonlight Vein Mine."

Elena seemed hesitant, worried about their safety. "But I want to go with you. It's not safe alone. What if something happens to either of us? We can watch each other's back if we're together." Her eyes shimmered, hopeful and imploring.

But it wasn't enough to move Ren's stony heart. "You and the Prince can handle a boss easily. Finding the material should be a piece of cake. Isolde and I will retrieve the Cold Iron in Frostforge Mine. We have Pii with us, so we'll be fine."

Elena's smile faded, and her eyes turned to Isolde. Her face took on a serious expression, and her voice became formal, reminiscent of their first meeting.

Elena couldn't accept the decision to split up. She tiptoed to Isolde, attempting to persuade her with tempting offers.

Elena whispered into Isolde's ears. "I will give you rare items and Legendary equipment and lend my pets to aid you in your quest. Just say no––"

But Ren intervened with a warning. "Elena, don't bribe her. My decision is final."

Elena pouted, trying to cover up her intentions. "I-I'm not bribing her. I'm just concerned about your safety."

Ren couldn't help but find her lie amusing, thinking to himself, 'And I thought royals don't lie.'

She was amusing and cute, though. Ren thought.

Isolde calmly tapped Elena's shoulder, reassuring her, "Ren is strong, and I'm more powerful than I appear. We can take care of ourselves."

Unmoved, Elena seemed to have more to say, but in the end, she sighed in defeat.

As Elena and Prince Zeroth vanished through their respective teleportation circles, Elaine approached Ren with a serious demeanor. "I bid you safe travels."

Elaine grabbed Ren's hand, her eyes locking onto his with concern and sincerity. "I hope you return to us safely," she said, her voice filled with worry.

Without uttering another word, Elaine turned and left, leaving Ren standing there, his hand still tingling from her touch. In his palm, he found a small crystal with a note attached to it.

[Break this crystal when you reach the mine. Be careful. The Queen of Air and Darkness have ears in all of her territory.]

Curious when Ren went silent, Isolde asked, "What is it?"

Ren held the crystal tightly, feeling a mixture of emotions, and replied, "Nothing. Let's go."

As they were teleported to Frostforge Mine, Ren couldn't wait any longer. He broke the crystal, and to his surprise, Elaine's face appeared in the swirling smoke it released.

Her image was accompanied by her voice.

As Ren and Isolde gazed at the image of Elaine in the swirling smoke, Isolde couldn't help but express her surprise. "Whoa. So there's something," she remarked, intrigued by the unexpected communication.

Ren nodded, explaining, "I didn't tell you before because we're still in the Queen's territory. It's too risky to reveal everything."

Elaine's voice conveyed urgency as she warned them about the future.

"The Queen of Air and Darkness desires power and revenge against Titania. Her banishment has twisted her perspective, and unless you work to mend the diplomatic relationship between the fey, her wrath will extend to all Seelie fey.

"You must not give her the Exile Blade at all costs.

"If the Queen can't get the materials for the Exile's Blade, she'll go ahead with her plans. This gives Titania a better chance to win the final battle and bring eternal summer and ruin to the Fey Realm.

"But if you want the Exile's Blade for yourself, it's a potent weapon against the Fey Queens. But going after it will anger Titania. If you persist, you'll lose your only chance of alliance with her and make enemies of both fey factions.

"Please choose your choices wisely."

The smoke dissipated, and Elaine's image vanished, leaving Ren and Isolde pondering her warning.

"What does she mean?" Isolde asked, frustration evident on her face. "I thought she's on the Queen's side?"

Ren corrected her, saying, "She's on the realm's side. She's just being cautious because we're still in the Queen's territory."

"Why didn't she say anything to the prince and her sister?"

Ren explained, "She's a seer. Her actions are based on her visions of the future. She must have chosen a path that leads to the brightest future, making sure not to alter the course of events even slightly."

"So, if she had told the Prince and her sister, the future might change?"

Ren nodded. "That's a possibility."

Isolde questioned, "So what are we going to do now?"

". . ." There was still no option popping, so they had no choice but to go with the plans. "Let's go to the mine and retrieve the materials first. Then we'll decide what to do next."

After making a decision, the both of them then entered the mind together, hoping for the best outcome of their choice.