
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 595: immryg-umryss

As Ren contemplated the situation, he realized that without Elena or the Prince by their side, their only possible means of entering the Queen of Air and Darkness's castle was through Titania. However, he feared that this course of action would likely result in the Queen's demise.

On the other hand, there was the option of joining forces with the Queen of Air and Darkness, aligning themselves with her army, and slaying Titania.

But Ren couldn't ignore the fact that such a choice would lead to the death of those on the opposing side.

Caught between these two extreme options, Ren couldn't help but consider the current route.

Perhaps this current unexpected turn of events was the middle ground, a chance for both sides to coexist without further bloodshed.

Drawing upon his past experiences of analyzing quests and outcomes, Ren was convinced that this path would ultimately lead to reconciliation – a true ending.

"Then what is your relationship with the Drow Queen?" asked Elena.

"She offered her help, and in exchange, we wouldn't interfere in her war with the white elves," The Queen of Air and Darkness said.

"And you agreed?" Elena's eyes rounded.

The Queen shook her head. "No. She tried to kidnap Elaine but Queen Aurora rescued her and brought her here."

Elena's tense posture gradually relaxed upon hearing the explanation. "So that's what really happened."

The Queen of Air and Darkness maintained a cold, impassive expression. "Even I know better than to engage with the Drow Queen. Though I am drawn to death and darkness, I am not inherently evil. The Drow Queen, on the other hand, is malicious and self-serving. Making a deal with her would only lead to trouble."

"Then why did you fake your death?" Elena asked Queen Aurora in which she replied.

"It was easier to move around knowing that no eyes regulated your every move."

"But . . . do you really have to kill the Queen of Spring?" Elena's eyes pierced through the two Queen's, searching for answers.

"It was necessary. Queen Floraia is one of Queen Titania's strong supporters," explained the Queen of Air and Darkness. "Removing her when opportunity strike was crucial to our plans."

Ren and Elena could only exchange glances.

"So what are we going to do now?" Isolde broke the silence by asking about their next course of action.

The prince, still consumed by his longing for Elaine, remained detached from their surroundings, leaving it to the Princess to take charge.

"I cannot abandon my realm while it remains vulnerable," stated the Queen of Air and Darkness. "We are currently gathering an army to face Titania's forces. Until then, I must remain within the castle."

"I, too, am needed here to complete the ritual," Queen Aurora added. "I cannot leave until the ritual is finished."

Ren spoke up, realizing the situation at hand. "So that leaves us, right?"

The Queen of Air and Darkness affirmed his observation with a nod. "If you choose to aid us, you will be greatly rewarded."

"What should we do?" Isolde whispered, her voice barely audible.

Elena turned to Ren, her eyes serious. "The choice is yours, Ren. Will we help the Queen or align ourselves with Titania?"

With only two options before him, Ren weighed the possibilities. He deduced that the middle option would likely reveal itself later in the story.

After a moment of contemplation, Ren made his decision. He chose to side with the Queen of Air and Darkness. Queen Aurora and Elaine were on her side, so this probably was the best choice right now.

"Thank you," expressed the Queen of Air and Darkness. "To defeat Titania, I require the Scepter of Seasons, a powerful artifact capable of shifting the fey realm away from its perpetual summer. Though Titania abandoned it long ago, I have allies hidden within the Seelie court who have kept a watchful eye on its whereabouts."

"Where it's then?" Isolde questioned.

Queen Aurora replied, "It's with Immryg-Umryss, the snatcher."

Isolde struggled with the pronunciation of the name. "Im-Immryg . . . who?"

The Queen of Air and Darkness conjured a mirror, revealing the image of a dragon. "Immryg-Umryss," she clarified. "It is a unique creature, born from the unlikely union of an ogre mage and a wyvern. While it possesses the appearance of a dragon, its nature is far more complex. At times, Immryg is twisted and malevolent, while at others, it can exhibit kindness and complexity."

Queen Aurora joined in, providing more information about Immryg-Umryss. "The name itself is a combination of the words for ogre and wyvern in a language created by a deranged wizard. This magical creature lacks the typical instincts of a dragon and has had to learn how to interact with outsiders on its own. It doesn't hoard gold, burn villages with fire, or seek to amass minions to stroke its ego.

"Indeed, Immryg-Umryss has existed on the outskirts of the dragon world for over three centuries. It has been a solitary figure, separate from the dominant and oppressive nature of other dragons. This has left it feeling incredibly lonely," Queen Aurora explained.

"Pft." Isolde tried to stifle her laughter but quickly composed herself when she realized all eyes were on her. With a serious tone, she expressed, "H-How sorrowful."

The Queen continued, sharing more about Immryg-Umryss's behavior. "Throughout its long life, Immryg-Umryss has taken numerous hostages. However, it took some time for the dragon to realize that mortals are delicate and should not be treated roughly. It gradually learned that creatures have more longevity and can become lasting companions. Each hostage became a step in their personal growth and understanding.

"Essentially, Immryg-Umryss's knowledge of the world is derived from learning from others or through repeated failures. It does not experience a middle ground of happiness. While being held captive by a dragon is undoubtedly terrifying, those who do not attempt to escape find that Immryg-Umryss becomes a generous and accommodating host.

"It provides all the necessities one could require, free from fear. Immryg-Umryss possesses a curious and contemplative nature, making it a perfect companion for those with open minds. Some hostages have even gained profound wisdom during their time with Immryg, although only a select few have survived to utilize this knowledge in the outside world. Those who are captive remain under its care until their final days."

"How perv–! I mean . . . how lonely," Isolde blushed, catching her slip of words, and quickly corrected herself, "I meant to say how lonely."

Ren, eager to move the story forward, asked the crucial question, "Where can we find this dragon?" They need to locate it and defeat it.

The Queen of Air and Darkness provided the answer, saying, "Immryg-Umryss has established its dwelling in an old, deserted mine. It has claimed this location as its nest, and since taking over, other creatures have wisely decided to avoid it."