
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 593: to break the barrier

Another prompt appeared on Ren's screen as they walked deeper into the winter forest.

[The Queen seeks to gather an endless army of Unseelie servants and archers through recruitment. She offers power in exchange for loyalty but conveniently omits certain crucial details, like the loss of free will, to those she invites.]

The prompt must have appeared because of what the Satyr told them. If the Prince wasn't with them, they wouldn't have talked to the Satyr in the first place and he wouldn't have probably received this notification.

Maybe this was the true ending? Ren hopes.

Ren and the others ventured deeper into the forest, and the biting cold intensified. The air felt crisp and frosty, making their breaths hang in the frigid air.

As they pressed on, corrupted fey creatures emerged from the shadows, their once beautiful forms twisted by darkness.

Elena swiftly drew her bow, her arrows finding their mark with precision. Prince Zeroth brandished his sword, swiftly dispatching any threats that approached.

The short-lived battles echoed through the silent forest, with the clash of weapons and the occasional roar of defeated creatures.

Each victory brought a momentary reprieve from the cold, but the chilling air continued to seep into their bones.

The freezing cold surrounded Ren and Elena as they walked together in the winter forest. Elena's eyes sparkled with mischief as she looked at Ren, hoping for a certain response.

"It's very cold out here," Elena remarked, her voice filled with playfulness.

Ren, caught off guard, responded absentmindedly, "Yeah."

Elena's smile widened, and she teased, her tone full of humor, "Want to cuddle?"

Ren's immediate reaction was a firm. "No."

Undeterred by his response, Elena continued her playful banter. "Too bad. I'm soft and warm, you know."

Ren's gaze shifted to Elena's blushing face, finding her irresistibly cute at that moment. He couldn't help but feel a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

The chilly air seemed to fade momentarily as Elena's smile brought a touch of warmth to Ren's being.

Unfazed by Elena's playful offer, Ren declined with a hard "No," again, and continued walking ahead.

Elena was left behind and couldn't help but pout in disappointment. However, her pout quickly transformed into a gentle smile.

"Muh! How cold!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with a mixture of faux indignation and affection. "But that's what I like about you. Teeheehee~"

Ren's spine tingled as her words reached his ears. He realized the need to decrease his [Relationship Level] with Elena as soon as possible, feeling slightly unsettled by her growing fondness for him.

Maybe there was an item for that.

Once he cleared this quest, opened the Demon Realm next, and acquired all the recipes in Vanadon-Necroth's lair, he would make that item before Evie could find out about this.

As Ren gazed at the dark snowy sky, a bittersweet smile crossed his face. Memories of Evie flooded his mind, taking him back to the days they spent together in Lone Valley. The snowfall reminded him of a particular quest they embarked upon, a journey that had brought them closer, just the two of them.

The snowflakes gently drifted down from above, creating a serene and magical atmosphere. Ren's heart ached with the longing to see Evie again, feeling as though ages had passed since their last encounter. The weight of their separation weighed heavily on his thoughts, and he couldn't help but wonder how she was doing.

Ren quickly shook his head and concentrated on the task ahead. This wasn't the time to think of her and be distracted by his memory of her. It would only make his emotions unstable and affect his mind later on.

Eventually, they arrived at the edge of the forest, where the barrier shimmered before them, its invisible presence hindering their progress.

Isolde's eyes were filled with curiosity and hope as she turned to Prince Zeroth.

"Can you break it?" she asked, her voice laced with anticipation as the Prince placed his hand over the impenetrable force field.

"I'll try," replied the Prince, determination etched on his face as he unsheathed his gleaming sword. He took a few steps back, preparing himself for the upcoming assault. "Stand back."

Ren and Isolde obediently moved away, creating a safe distance between them and the Prince, while Elena remained where she was, unbothered.

All eyes were fixed on Prince Zeroth as he focused his energy, channeling his power into a single devastating attack. With a mighty swing, he unleashed his most potent strike against the barrier, his sword glowing with dark energy.

The air crackled with anticipation as the blade connected with the invisible shield, unleashing a wave of energy that rippled through the surrounding area.

However, to their dismay, the barrier remained intact, withstanding the Prince's formidable attack.

Ren's brows furrowed as he observed the barrier's resilience. Prince Zeroth's stat was a little greater than the Princess and that made him the most powerful in their group – still, the barrier didn't budge.

It was a formidable defense, one that seemed impervious to even the most devastating of blows. The realization sank in that their task would not be as simple as he had hoped.

"Just as I thought . . . this wouldn't break easily," Elena muttered with a frown on her head.

"What should we do?" Isolde questioned, worried.

Ren was drawing a blank since this route wasn't familiar to him. He was just relying on Elena and the Prince to advance the storyline, and the Princess didn't disappoint.

"I think we need to get the [Scepter of Seasons] to break this kind of powerful barrier," Elena said seriously. "This scepter is what Queen Titania used to seal the Queen of Air and Darkness in another plane. It is rumored to hold immense power within this realm."

Isolde's face lit up with excitement, her hands clapping together in delight. "We have a plan then! How do we obtain this scepter?"

The Prince shook his head. "This scepter is so powerful that it causes a power struggle within the realm. I heard that the Queen hid it somewhere."

"Where?" Isolde asked innocently.

". . . I don't know," the Prince replied with a weak sigh.

There was silence for a moment before the Princess spoke again.

"If anyone knows, then it's the Seelie court who have kept a close eye on its location."