
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 568: surprise captive

Chapter 568: Surprise Captive

A mixture of relief and concern washed over Elena as she took in Prince Zeroth's appearance, marveling at his captivating presence.

Right . . . Elena like him. Ren mused to himself.

Maybe the storyline got altered because of the Princess?

Ren really hoped that this was the very true ending and not the bad ending or all his efforts would really go to waste.

"Prince Zeroth?" she exclaimed, her voice filled with astonishment. "You're here? But . . . HOW?"

Princes Zeroth opened his mouth, but no words were heard. He was trapped inside the mirror and could only look at them while opening his mouth and gesturing with his hands.

Elena's eyes widened, a mixture of surprise and concern flickering across her face. She turned her attention to the White Queen, her voice filled with urgency. "Your Majesty, please, release him. He is not your enemy."

Ren was surprised that the Princess understood that, all he made up were silly gestures.

Love really conquers all. He mused to himself.

The White Queen's gaze lingered on Elena, her diamond eyes piercing through her soul. A moment of silence hung in the air, heavy with tension.

"Prince Zeroth sought solace within the realms of my dominion, beseeching aid for his tumultuous plight. Yet, his burdens, though weighty, were not of my concern. A bargain was struck, a pact made in whispers and shadows."

The room seemed to hold its breath as the tension grew, the fate of the captive Prince hanging in the balance.

The White Queen's lips curled into a wistful smile, a playfulness dancing in her eyes. "I offered him passage, a clandestine journey to the Autumn Palace, where his hopes and dreams lie. But fate is a fickle mistress, my dear adventurers. The path to what you seek is paved with trials, and Prince Zeroth, alas, stumbled upon a challenge he could not conquer."

Elena's voice quivered with a mixture of sympathy and disbelief, her words delicate as a butterfly's wings. "What manner of challenges did he face, Your Majesty? What treacherous path barred his way?"

The White Queen's laughed, like tinkling icicles in a winter breeze, filled the chamber, a symphony of enchantment and mystery. "Ah, the challenge, my dear, was one of riddles and enigmas. A labyrinth of words and puzzles intertwined meant to test the boundaries of the mind. Prince Zeroth faltered, lost amidst the labyrinth's whispers, unable to unravel the secrets within."

Ren's brows furrowed as he gathered his thoughts while Elena's eyes darted between the White Queen and the captive Prince Zeroth.

"Is it okay for her to capture a Prince?" Ren asked because he thought it would cause some kind of war or something.

"The White Queen doesn't care if you're royalty or not. As long as you seek her in her domain, you must overcome the challenge she imposes upon you or suffer the consequences."

Ren didn't know what to say, and so he addressed the White Queen. "Is there a way to free him?"

The White Queen's gaze lingered upon Ren and Elena, her eyes flickering with a mix of curiosity and calculation. "Thine desires intertwine, yearning for passage unto the Autumn Palace while also harboring the intention to liberate the imprisoned Prince. A lofty endeavor, indeed, but the toll it demands . . . is of great consequence."

"Your Highness," Elena started. "This is no time to be playing riddles and puzzles. We believe that the Autumn Palace is in danger. The whole Fey Realm could be in danger–"

The White Queen raised her hand to stop Elena from speaking. "What transpires within the realm holds no sway over me, for I am the essence of games. My purpose has long been that of a mediator between the Winter and Summer Courts. The intricacies of politics and conflicts that unfold in this realm bear no relevance to my being."

"But . . ." Elena couldn't form any words of reply.

Ren stepped in. "Then what do you want for you to give Prince Zeroth to us and grant us passage to Autumn Palace?"

The White Queen regarded Ren and Elena for a moment, weighing their words and intentions. "Very well," she finally replied. "If your desire to liberate the Prince burns true, then I shall bestow upon you the chance. Demonstrate your own merit by unraveling the riddles that eluded him. Should you prevail, I may contemplate releasing him into your custody and even aid your clandestine journey to the Autumn Palace, veiled from prying eyes."

Elena's face lit up with a mixture of relief. "Thank you, Your Majesty. We will do our utmost to succeed."

"Behold, the three enigmas that await your unraveling."

Elena and Ren were both surprised because the White Queen was going to challenge them herself.

"Are you going to give the riddles yourself, your majesty?" Elena blurted out.

The White Queen's diamond eye's settled on her. "Does it not meet your expectations, my dear challengers?"

Elena shook her head vehemently. "No, your majesty. It would be an honor."

Though she said that, Ren heard her voice falter, and sweat coated the side of her face.

If the White Queen was the one giving out the riddles, then there was no way that it was going to be easy.

"The rules are simple," the White Queen started. "I'll give you three riddles. An hour each for you to answer. You have three tries from all three."

Then that means they only have two try at each riddle. Ren thought.

"And what if we fail?" Elena asked.

"If you fail . . ." the White Queen looked over at the mirror beside her with Prince Zeroth still pounding and shouting something. "You will be together with the Prince as my servants . . . for all eternity."

Ren didn't like the sound of that.

"Don't worry. The White Queen is bound by honor to face her opponents openly and in good faith. Her enemies must know whom they face, witness her brilliance, and ultimately kneel in defeat before her majesty. Unless her foes are dishonorable knaves, the queen always adheres to principles of fair play and good sportsmanship," Elena told Ren, mistaking the grim on his expression.

Oh, Ren knew that the White Queen would never cheat. It was the prospect of losing that he was worried about.