
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 565: the paladin, the warlock and the rogue

The lightning-filled pillars posed a formidable challenge, and their fate hinged upon their ability to endure their wrath. With every triggered trap, the room erupted into a dazzling display of cascading electricity, illuminating the chamber in a mesmerizing dance of light and shadows.

There was only one safe path through the board, and the route was hinted at with the warning on the wall.

[Pawns march with purpose, no room to roam

Rooks traverse the board, a castle to call home.

The Queen, a sorceress, her reach knows no end.

Her power reigns supreme, a foe none can defend.

Pain, the ruler, its presence ever near.

No objections tolerated; its dominion clear.

Yet, in shadows, dark forces may arise.

Trust in their embrace, where a secret lies.

In this chessboard realm, the strategy we'll deploy.

Navigating dangers, each step we'll employ.

With cunning and wit, you'll find your way through.

Unveiling the path to victory, strong and true.]

"Let's go," Ren said.

Elena was surprised. "You solved it already?"


"I don't like the sound of that."

"Just follow my lead if you don't want to get roasted again."

"It was just one time!"

Ren ignored her and pressed on.

If what he thought was right and with the mirrored ceiling reflecting the board, he must navigate the path where he could see the black chess pieces while avoiding the white chess pieces.

The Pawn could only move in one direction, which was forward, so they should avoid any tiles where they could move in that direction. The Rook moved side to side, up and down, while the White Queen moved in every direction.

However, they would find solace in the tiles beside the black pieces.

Step by cautious step, Ren traversed the correct sequence of tiles, guided by his knowledge of the game and the clues on the board, with the Princess just behind him.

"Whoa . . . we're really going to make it out of here," the Princess uttered in awe.

"Don't let your guard down," Ren warned her, keeping his eyes on the chess pieces in every direction.

Each move was calculated, every footfall scrutinized for any hint of danger. The tension in the air was palpable as they inched closer to the chessboard's opposing edge, fervently hoping to reach the other side unscathed.

Finally, as they reached the last few tiles, their hearts racing, they breathed a collective sigh of relief.

Ren had successfully deciphered the intricate pattern, skillfully maneuvering through the deadly obstacles that lay in their path. The chessboard, once an insurmountable challenge, now stood conquered beneath their feet.

Elena gazed back and sighed heavily. "I'm glad that's over! It's like we're walking on needles there."

"It's because you didn't read the instructions."

Instead of brooding over what he said like she usually did, Elena hopped to Ren's side and patted his shoulder. "That's why you're here for that reason."

Ren didn't comment and pressed on. The next trial awaited them, and who knew how many puzzles, traps, and riddles they needed to solve before the White Queen would take notice of them?

Time was running out.

The next trial was another closed door. As Ren and Elena approached within 20 feet of the door, three statues suddenly came to life, each wearing a different-colored tabard. They positioned themselves in front of the door, barring the way. One of the statues spoke up, explaining the condition to proceed: they must correctly answer his riddle.

The statue adorned in a blue tabard confidently asserted, "The rogue stands among us, wearing the red tabard."

The statue donning the red tabard promptly countered, "No, the rogue is not me, but rather the figure clad in green."

Unyielding in its response, the statue clothed in green interjected, "You are mistaken. The one in red assumes the role of the rogue."

Addressing the perplexed adventurers, the initial statue resumes, "So I ask you, discerning travelers, which of us truly embodies the rogue? Who among us is the righteous paladin, and who assumes the mantle of the enigmatic warlock?"

Elena blinked as she stood before the three animated statues with an air of befuddlement. The gears of her mind churned in disarray, attempting to unravel the enigma before her. Though not known for her logical prowess, she had a slim chance of guessing the correct answer out of the three possibilities.

With a burst of misplaced confidence, Elena pointed her finger at one of the statues, and before she could proclaim anyone, Ren was quick to cover her mouth with his hand.

"Hold it," he said. "Stop making wild guesses, and let me handle this."

Elena whipped her head in Ren's direction. "You sure?"

"Yes. Things like this are my thing, remember?"

Elena rolled her eyes with a smile. "Right. I forgot that you're the brainy one in here."

Ren didn't rise to the jape and proceeded to read the clues on the board.

[In this puzzling realm, a challenge we present.

Three statues standing, their identities unbent.

Clad in tabards, colors vibrant and bold,

Paladin, warlock, rogue, secrets yet untold.

Listen closely, dear adventurers; heed this decree.

The paladin speaks the truth; trust their words with glee.

The warlock, crafty and cunning, will deceitfully be.

While the rogue, a wild card, can embrace both honesty and trickery.

Now answer us this, unravel the enigma's cloak.

Which among us is the elusive rogue folk?

With tabards alike, appearances may deceive.

But seek the one who can lie or truthfully conceive.]

"I'm having a headache just reading it," Elena muttered and looked at Ren thoughtfully. "Did you get it?"

"Logically, to find an answer to an enigma such as this one, a sleuth must first eliminate their own bias. Or, take a wild guess."

Elena didn't get it. "Then . . ."

"But Logic will win in the end," Ren finished.

". . . So you know the answer?" Elena asked the second time around.

Ren kept staring at the statues, never sparing her a glance as he said, "To solve the puzzle, it is deduced that the statue in red cannot be the rogue based on logical reasoning. If both the blue and green statues were telling the truth, the red statue would be the rogue, but that contradicts the fact that the warlock must lie. Hence, the red statue is identified as the paladin. With the paladin always telling the truth, it is concluded that the green statue must be the rogue. Consequently, the remaining statue, the blue one, is determined to be the warlock."