
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 559: secret abilities

Lamir's eyes turned crescent. "All the better! I shall offer you my assistance. Let's raise the stakes, shall we? I will help you maximize the price of those items, and in return, you promise to sell me the good stuff. I'll pay double or triple for it. It's a win-win situation, don't you think?"

Ren's eyes sparkled with a mixture of gratitude and intrigue. "Aren't you afraid that you'll go bankrupt with that proposal of yours?" he japed.

Lamir laughed. "My family has plenty of money. They didn't care what I did with it as long as I didn't pay Evie's debt with the fortune. Frankly, I would be happy if we ran out of money, then maybe I could be free from this . . . torment."

Something flickered in his eyes, but Ren was too caught up in his words to notice it.

"I want to ask this for a long time, Lamir . . . why are you helping me free Evie when sooner or later, some other royal is just going to take her place?"

Lamir's smile fell, and his voice was serious as his face. "Probably. But you must understand that Evie is different. She is the last Royal who truly matches me in every sense of the word."

Ren's brow furrowed, a mixture of curiosity and confusion coloring his features. "What do you mean by 'matches'?"

"The other royals are either too old, too young, too taken, or too broken. They do not possess the qualities that resonate with me. Evie, on the other hand, is the perfect candidate. Or so my parents insisted."

"So, you're using this opportunity to buy time until you can ascend the throne and change the system." Ren could only come up with that conclusion from the amount of information he gathered from him.

"Precisely." Lamir sweetly smiled. "You're very perceptive yourself. My ultimate goal is to abolish the archaic law that binds us to this cycle of arranged marriages. I believe in a future where love, choice, and equality reign supreme. If I have to deplete my kingdom's resources to achieve that, then so be it."

"You're determined, I see."

"Of course I am! I can't be tied by a single woman. It's the men's strong and sexy arms that I truly belong to. I would see to it that it would come to reality. I would have my own harem of only wonderful, beautiful men!" he said with a passion.

"Then I guess we have a deal, then."

Lamir extended his hand, sealing the deal with a firm handshake. "Agreed, dear Ren. Let's embark on this venture together, forging a path toward a brighter future."

"Do you have to be so dramatic about it?"

"Where's the fun in that if you aren't? Life's a drama!"

After his meeting with Lamir, Ren then proceeded to meet up with Joker and Angelica in the usual café.

Though they belonged to the enemy guild, he didn't have any negative feelings about the two. His feelings toward them were neutral if he had to put it simply.

The moment Angelica saw him, she scowled and berated, "What are you doing?" she questioned.

Ren was baffled. "What?"

"You've . . . grown . . ." Joker sat on the opposite chair and grinned. "You're the very first human I know that evolve so fast. Your body is already adjusting two times . . . no four times than an average human. I wonder why that it . . ."

As usual, they spoke in riddles, but Ren only had one question for them because he knew that even if he asked, they wouldn't answer them.

"What's happening to me?" he questioned.

Angelica checked the menu and answered instead, "I hope it's your threat, a small price for calling me here. My time is precious, after all."

Joker snickered. "You're just shopping."

Angelica slammed the menu on the table. "How did you–!" she cleared her throat, and her calm smile was back to her face. "I mean, of course not. I was doing something important when you called."

"Don't worry. It's my threat order anything you want," Ren said, a little impatient. "Now, can you answer my question?"

Angelica shrugged. "Your body is evolving. I thought you already knew that."

"I want to know specifically what's happening with my body," Ren insisted.

Angelica leaned back in her chair, contemplating Ren's words. "Well, Ren, it seems that your body is undergoing a significant transformation. The changes you're experiencing are indications of an evolution, a shift towards a more powerful state."

"Am I becoming something . . . more?" Ren asked because Angelica was going on circles for some reason.

Angelica nodded; her face was a mask of calmness and smiles. "Indeed. It appears that you are unlocking the dormant potential within yourself. Your heightened body temperature, increased speed, and enhanced strength are all signs of your body adapting to this newfound power."

Ren's heart raced as he absorbed Angelica's words. "You know what's happening to me?"

Joker shrugged. "We've also undergone it in the past though I didn't want to remember about it. Good for you that this game existed in your world. It certainly hastens your evolution."

"So, what exactly am I evolving into? There was something in the back of my mind that was waiting to be opened, but I don't know what . . . and how."

Angelica took a moment to gather her thoughts, her voice filled with a mixture of wonder and caution. "It's difficult to say for certain. Each individual's evolution is unique, shaped by their innate abilities and aspirations."

Ren's mind whirled with possibilities. "Like powers beyond human limits? That's . . . hard to believe." Especially since he didn't see it first hand . . . only felt it but didn't know what or how to harness it.

"But be warned," Angelica suddenly said, lips smiling but eyes glinting in danger, "Take your time, and don't hasten your evolution. It might cause . . . serious effects on your body."

Ren ignored what she said and proceeded to ask, "Then you two . . . you have like . . . powers?"

Ren's question hung in the air, anticipation brimming within him as he awaited Joker and Angelica's response. Their exchanged glance carried a hint of caution, a silent agreement passing between them.

After a brief moment, they both nodded simultaneously, signaling their acknowledgment.

Ren leaned forward, his eyes gleaming with curiosity. "So, you both possess powers? Abilities beyond the ordinary?"

Joker's lips curved into a playful smile, his eyes reflecting a mischievous glint. "Indeed. We each possess unique abilities that set us apart from the average person."