
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 557: the third day

As Ren introduced Elena to the members of Golden Phoenix, a sense of curiosity and awe swept through the group. The elven princess, adorned in regal armor, exuded an air of grace and power that commanded respect.

"She's the lady from before," uttered Ruru in awe. Big eyes shone at Elena. "Princess Elena, it is an honor to meet you. Your presence brings an air of nobility and wisdom. We are grateful for your support in our fight."

Elena huffed, laughed, and patted Ruru's head. "It's not a big deal, little cat."

Ruru's smile fell. "I'm supposed to be a tiger . . . of some sorts . . ."

"Are you really an NPC?" Pamela asked, and the rest of the girls clamored at Elena.

"How did you get an NPC as your companion?" Lucia asked, eyes scrutinizing Ren.

"It's part of the quest," Ren only said.

"Is that right?" Lucia wasn't convinced.

"Princess Elena, we are indebted to you and Ren for your assistance. Your arrival and support have allowed us to explore this realm for another day. We cannot thank you enough," Pamela said, voice formal.

Elena waved a hand. "Just call me Elena. We're miles away from the Elven Realm."

Ren looked at the girls with mixed emotions. He was the one who saved them, but it felt like Elena was the MVP of the day.

Not that he was jealous or anything.

"Give me access to your inventory," Ren said to Silvia.


"So I can give you provisions. Consider it as freebies for the million of dollars that you would pay me."

Silvia's face brightened, and she immediately gave Ren authorization to exchange items.

Silvia's mouth fell in astonishment as she received the potions and tents. They were Greater Potions! Both HP and MP! And he was giving hundred each to them.

The price of all those potions was more than a million, and Silvia looked at Ren in bewilderment and surprise.

"Wait . . . are you really giving me this?" she asked in a daze.

"I can also get them back if you don't want them."

Silvia was quick to cancel Ren's authorization, so he couldn't take the potions back anymore.

"You've already gave it. No take backs."

Ren stifled a laugh.

"Ah . . . Did you just laugh?"

Ren cleared his throat and said in a hard voice, "We'll be on our way then. Best of luck to you."

"Egh? You're leaving already?" Ruru asked, fluffy ears plopped to the side of her face.

"We're on the run at the moment." Elena laughed though there was an edge to her voice.

The girls didn't ask any further questions, and their gratitude was evident on their faces, and their voices filled with genuine appreciation.

"Ren, these potions and tents are beyond what we could have ever imagined," said Silvia. "Your generosity and support mean the world to us. With these gifts, we can further explore the Fey Realm and continue our expedition."

Ruru chimed in, her voice filled with excitement, "Ren, Princess Elena, thank you! These items will allow us to delve deeper into the mysteries of the Fey Realm. We are truly grateful for your kindness."

Ren's gaze softened, but he merely waved a hand at them and went his way with the Princess by his side.

With heartfelt thanks exchanged, Golden Phoenix and Ren bid farewell, the girls' hearts filled with gratitude. As they parted ways, the echoes of what happened propelled Golden Phoenix forward into the unknown, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them in their quest to further explore this realm.

Silvia gave one last look at Ren's back before uttering, "Thank you . . ." she would never forget this.

On the other side, Princess Elena stepped closer to Ren, a playful glimmer in her eyes. She couldn't resist teasing him about his change of heart in assisting the girls when he initially seemed reluctant. A mischievous smile tugged at the corners of her lips.

Elena playfully nudged Ren's arm and chuckled, "Oh, Ren, I must say, you truly surprised me. I recall you initially refusing to lend a hand to them. And yet, here you are, bestowing them with such rare and powerful gifts. Care to explain?"

Ren grumbled under his breath. He shrugged lightly, a hint of sheepishness in his hard voice. "I did it for the money."

Elena's laughter danced through the air, her voice laced with playfulness. "Ah, so it was their money that won you over, was it? And not your heart that may be softer than you let on."

Ren smirked, his eyes twinkling with a mix of amusement and mild embarrassment. He took a moment to gather his thoughts before responding, his voice laced with playful defensiveness, "Every heart is soft, or it wouldn't pump, and we all die."

"Is that right? Don't worry. I know. You did it for the money and not because of their spirit and conviction that touched your heart. I'm glad to see that you've embraced the greater purpose that lies within you."

Ren stifled a laugh and didn't have the chance to comment when he was forced to log out again by the system.

Another day had passed, and like usual, when Ren got out of his pod, he staggered to his bed, writhing in the surging heat of his body, leaving him drenched in a cold sweat.

The sensation was unsettling, a signal that his body was undergoing yet another mysterious evolution. Gasping for breath, he stumbled towards his bed, seeking solace and relief from the intense surges of something within him.

Lying on his bed, Ren's body trembled as he succumbed to the transformative process. Beads of sweat glistened on his forehead, evidence of the immense strain he had endured. The room seemed to spin around him as his consciousness teetered on the edge of comprehension.

Hours passed, and when Ren finally regained consciousness, his eyes fluttered open, his gaze clouded with confusion. The memories of his transformation were once again shrouded in a haze, lost in the abyss of his mind. It was as if the intense journey he had just experienced had been erased, leaving only a lingering sense of disorientation.

He sat up slowly, his breaths ragged as he attempted to make sense of his surroundings. His gaze scanned the room, seeking familiarity amidst the lingering fog of his memory loss. Frustration washed over him, a mix of bewilderment and disappointment at his inability to recall the details of what happened again.

Ren's hands trembled as he pushed himself upright, his mind grappling with what happened. He knew that within him lay newfound powers and abilities, gifts forged through the crucible of his evolution. Yet, the elusiveness of his memories left him yearning for answers, for a clearer understanding of what he had become.

Taking a deep breath, Ren went to the bathroom and washed over the sticky feeling of sweetness on his body, trying to brush off the feeling that there was something in his brain that was waiting to be opened, but he couldn't grasp what it was and how it could be opened.

Something was definitely wrong with him.

It seemed like it was time to meet with Joker and Angelica again.