
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 549: satyr in love

Elena smiled. "Actually, I was thinking we could set up a little poetry reading at the local tavern. We'll invite all the cute shopkeepers and bachelors in town, and you can perform some of your best work. It'll be a great way to get to know people and show off your talents."

Beau's eyes widened. "That's . . . that's a great idea! I've got a few pieces I've been working on that I think would be perfect. And maybe, just maybe, I'll finally be able to find someone who appreciates me for who I am."

"Sounds like a plan. Let's get to work."

The tavern they chose was a small, cozy place with wooden tables and chairs and a warm fire crackling in the fireplace. The walls were adorned with various hunting trophies and old paintings, giving the place a rustic and homey feel.

But despite the inviting ambiance, the place was nearly empty. A few regulars sat at the bar, nursing their drinks and chatting amongst themselves, but there was no sign of any cute shopkeepers or bachelors.

Beau's face fell as he looked around the room. "I can't believe no one showed up. I thought for sure this would be my chance to find love."

Ren rubbed his neck. It was probably because of the Satyr's reputation. To summarize his appearance, he looked gross. Period. Harsh it was; it was the truth.

Elena put a comforting hand on Beau's shoulder. "Don't worry, Beau. It's not the end of the world. We'll just have to come up with a new plan."

Ren nodded in agreement. "That's right. We'll find another way to help you find love." He couldn't believe he was saying it.

Beau looked up at them, a grateful smile on his face. "Thank you. You guys are the best."

Elena put her hand on Beau's shoulder. "Don't worry, Beau. We'll think of something else. How about we try a different venue? Maybe we can host a poetry slam at the park or even at the local library. We'll advertise it better this time and make sure to spread the word. I'm sure there are plenty of people who would love to come and hear your beautiful poetry."

Beau nodded eagerly. "Yes, yes! Let's do that! And maybe we can even offer a prize for the best poem. That'll attract more people for sure."

Ren watched as Elena and Beau bounced ideas off each other, their faces lit up with excitement. Beau was eagerly suggesting different locations around town where they could hold their next event while Elena listened intently and added her own suggestions.

Ren couldn't help but feel a little skeptical about their chances of success, but he didn't want to dampen their spirits. Instead, he leaned back in his chair and watched as the two of them continued to brainstorm.

The tavern was quiet now, but the energy in the room was palpable. Beau was practically buzzing with excitement, and Elena's smile was infectious. Ren couldn't help but feel a little envious of their enthusiasm.

As they left the tavern, Elena turned to Ren. "You know, I think we might be onto something here. With a little bit of creativity and some perseverance, we can make this work."

"It's not about creativity and contest. I think it's more about appearance here. I mean, look at him."

Beau was a round and plump satyr with thinning hair that was balding in some parts. His chubby cheeks were rosy, and his eyes were bright and full of hope. He was skipping steps and humming a tune, clearly lost in happy thoughts.

"I'm sure it's not all about appearances." Elena defended.

"Right . . . because you fall in love with personality at first sight."

Elena batted her eyelids. "Touché. Despite his less-than-ideal appearance, there is something endearing about him that made me want to help him in his quest for love."

"Is that right? It must be his balding head."

Elena laughed.

However, their efforts hadn't borne any fruit at all.

Beau sat slumped over in his chair, dejected and defeated. He had dressed up in his finest attire and had performed his best poetry and song, but still, no one had shown interest in him. The few people who had wandered in had barely paid him any attention.

Elena sat across from him, looking just as disappointed. She had tried so hard to help Beau, but it seemed like her efforts had been in vain.

"I don't understand," Beau muttered, running a hand over his balding head. "I thought I had done everything right. What's wrong with me?"

Elena put a comforting hand on his shoulder. "There's nothing wrong with you, Beau. Sometimes these things just take time. We'll keep trying. We won't give up until you find someone who loves you for who you are."

Beau managed a small smile, but it was clear that he was still hurting.

Ren couldn't hold it anymore and uttered a few words under his breath. It was time to cast the [Beauty] HEX on him.

Though it had a few setbacks, right now, he was more adamant about finishing this quest and moving along to their next destination.

A shimmering aura surrounded Beau. The Satyr's appearance started to change before their very eyes, his round face becoming chiseled and his balding hair transforming into luscious locks.

Beau gasped, running his hands through his new hair and admiring his reflection in a nearby shop window. "I look . . . I look amazing!"

Elena raised an eyebrow at Ren. "You cast a beauty hex on him?"

Ren shrugged. "It was the only way to make this work. Besides, it's not like he was happy with himself before."

Beau strutted down the street, catching the eye of every person he passed. He was no longer shy and awkward but confident and charismatic. As they made their way back to the tavern, Beau was already making eyes at the attractive shopkeepers and bachelors he had previously been too nervous to talk to.

Ren and Elena exchanged looks, unsure if they had done the right thing. But as they watched Beau basking in the attention and adoration of his newfound suitors, they couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction.

"Told you, it's only a matter of appearance," Ren said.

"I don't know . . . that spell will only last like . . . a minute?"

"An hour," Ren corrected.

While Beau was surrounded by admirers, he couldn't help but catch glimpses of his reflection in the shop windows. He preened and posed, admiring his new appearance and reveling in the attention it brought him.

At this point, he was more interested in himself than in his new suitors.

Elena eyed Ren. "Is this what you're hoping for?"

Ren coughed on his fist. "It's a side effect. Everything will work out in the end eventually."

But as the minutes went on, something seemed off. Despite the swarm of admirers vying for his attention, Beau seemed more interested in himself than anyone else. He would spend minutes in front of the mirror, fussing over his hair and practicing his charming smile.

Elena was beginning to worry. She had wanted Beau to find love and happiness, not become vain and self-absorbed.

"We need to do something," Elena said firmly.

"Relax. The spell will wear off . . ."

As it did, Beau looked in the mirror and saw his true form once again. He felt a sense of disappointment wash over him, but then a realization hit him.

Beau approached Ren and Elena with a sheepish expression on his face, looking slightly embarrassed. "I'm sorry for the way I acted before. I realized I was so obsessed with getting the love that I forgot about what really matters . . . I need to love myself first. I need to take care of myself, my appearance, and my talents. Love would come after that."

Elena looked at Beau with a mixture of surprise and admiration. "That's a really mature realization, Beau," she said, smiling warmly at him. "I'm glad you came to that conclusion. We're here to support you."

Ren nodded, still trying to play it cool. "Of course, we knew that all along," he said.

Beau looked grateful and relieved. "Thank you, both of you," he said, smiling a genuine smile. "I really appreciate your help, and I promise to take better care of myself from now on. When you see me next time, it would be a new Beau with a thick hair!"

As the Satyr trotted out of the tavern, Ren and Elena exchanged glances.

"See . . . quest cleared. I'm sure the Queen would be proud of our achievement, and you can continue your journey here with me."

Elena sighed and managed a smile. "That could have gone badly, but I'm glad that everything worked out in the end."

The two then made their way back to the palace to report about their successful quest to the Queen.

As they entered the throne room, Ren and Elena expected to find the Queen staring down at them from her throne. But was struck with shock and disbelief at the sight before them.