
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 534: vandolin

When Elena defeated the Petal Monster, Vandolin revealed herself.

"Stop," she said, voice strangely nasal like she had a worse case of sinus. "I feared my Petal Monster had grown too aggressive for its own good," she remarked.

"What did you come here?" she asked after a short observation at Ren and Elena.

It seemed like Vandolin was willing to talk to them. Ren mused to himself.

Ren used [Probe] on her just to know what they were dealing with.

[Vandolin is a human-like fey of elvish descent. Despite her callous exterior, she is a lover of nature that is deeply hurt by the death of her companion.]

Her stat was nothing to be scared about. Ren noted. Besides her passive [Resistant to Magic], there was nothing impressive with the rest of her skills.

"We're here on behalf of the Frogfolks," Elena started, and Vandolin's face slouched in a sour line.

"The Frogfolks? Those slimy little creatures murdered my friend! Did they send you to murder me too?"

"No," Ren answered. "They just wanted to know who was behind this kidnapping and why she's doing it."

The mayor didn't really speak of any murder, if Ren recalled. The quest even said to put a stop to the problem. So there was no reason for them to start a fight with Vandolin to death.

Not all quests had to be a battle.

Some could be avoided through reasoning, and at the end of the day, if both parties live, then they would get both rewards.

"That's right, it was me," Vandolin admitted. "I did it for my desire to avenge my friend." She made it clear that her grievance with the frogfolk was the killing of her beloved shark creature.

Externally, Vandolin was resolute in her desire for revenge. Internally, she was conflicted and would hear the party out if they attempted to resolve things.

And Elena saw right through her. "I think you should go and meet the Frogfolks and tell them what happened. It's possible that they didn't know, and all of this was just a misunderstanding."

Vandolin was silent, and Ren urged. "It's the only peaceful solution. Unless, of course, if you want the hard way, a lot of your friends would pay the price. You too–!"

Elena elbowed him, but Ren only kept a straight face despite the burn of the blow on his right rib.

"I'm irritated that the Frogfolks never so much as apologies," Vandolin stated after a short silence. "I'm also upset that they display the skeleton of my friend as a decoration," she expressed in a voice thick with anger and sadness.

Ren was about to open his mouth, but the Princess pointed glares stopped him.

"Actually, we're not here to fight with you or harm you," Elena said before Ren could say anything. "How about I propose a solution?"

"A solution?" Vandolin eyed Elena warily.

"We will bring the mayor in here so the two of you can talk."

"What makes you so sure that little frog mayor would go here?" Vandolin questioned, and Ren knew that she was had.

"The mayor is actually a very nice frog. The whole village is friendly, and if you two talked it out, I'm sure we would come to a more peaceful solution as opposed to fighting. I mean . . . aren't you tired as well? Do you want to kidnap little froglings for the rest of your life?"

". . ." Vandolin didn't comment, but Ren saw her wall breaking.

"They are alive, right?" Ren asked, "The froglings."

Vandolin nodded. "The kids are safe. They're playing with my shrubs inside the Greenhouse."

"That's good to know." Elena clasped her hands, face brightened. "It would make things easier."

"Alright." Vandolin finally agreed. "I will suspend my campaign of terror against the village — at least long enough to hear what they might offer me in return."

Ren and Elena hurried back to Hopten Beach and brought the mayor to Vandolin after explaining everything to him. In fact, the elders of the Ribbetog Clan came with them when they went to the Greenhouse.

The elders of the village expressed their heartfelt regret over the death of the shark creature Vandolin loved. In an effort to mend fences, the Ribbetog Clan offered to carefully remove the skeleton from the roof of the great house and arrange for a proper burial on a nearby beach.

Vandolin accepted this apology and became a steadfast friend to the frogfolk. With the adventure complete, the clan elders provided a bag full of assorted gems as rewards, while Vandolin gave Ren access to her Greenhouse, taking anything he wanted but for only a limited amount.

Ren couldn't be any happier, and he wasted no time in pillaging Vandolin's garden. He couldn't believe that she had so many rare plants in stock, like Eye of Green, Kingberry, Black Gem, Clover of the Ancient, and so many more. She even had the Heart of Gold, a main ingredient to make a [Full HP Potion], and the Elemenia Leaves, a main ingredient for making [Full MP Potion].

Ren bargained to only have the seeds of Heart of Gold and Elemenia Leaves and nothing more, to which Vandolin agreed.

"If its seeds you want, then I have plenty. You can take them and the seeds of the others plants you fancied."

"Thank you," Ren replied readily. He wouldn't say no to that.

It was better to grow his own rare plants than constantly search and forage for them.

Feeling happy and sated, Ren went out of the Greenhouse to find Elena waiting for him outside.

"Got everything you need?" she asked.

Ren nodded, couldn't contain a smile. He could almost see Evie soon.

"Then it's time to get those suckling pigs."

The two of them returned to Hopten Beach just in time for the sun setting in the horizon.

Ren had to wonder how did that happen. It was only afternoon a while ago and he was sure that he didn't linger in Vandolin's garden for more than an hour.

Was it the quest?