
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 516: ren vs. fieldians

Upon inspection, Ren found out that the Fieldians ATP wasn't that high. It was only nearing one hundred, and even though there were five of them against ten of Lamir's side – the oil prince should be able to hold on.

So the problem really lies in his group and even Lamir himself. He was a sprite and had already advanced his class into an [Illusionist], but he was still stumbling here and there.

His group was worse. They didn't know what front and back were. Their positioning was a mess, their lineup more so. They looked like they had just been put together on the spot. Some even hit each other in the heat of the battle, while most bumped against one another in frantic desperation to get away from the Fieldians.

And . . . Ren even swore that he saw some of the men prancing around.

Were they gays too? Ren didn't like to judge but that was how he saw them.

What the hell was happening to Lamir's group? He thought.

"Are you going to help them?"

The Princess's voice rang in Ren's ear.

Instead of answering, Ren pulled off from Tiki and jumped onto the ground with ease. "Sorry, Princess. Please wait for me a moment. I'll just take care of something."

Watching Ren's back as he sauntered to battle made Elena break into a smile. "Prideful, I see." She leaned to Tiki and gently stroked her reptile's side cheek, its slimy skin cold to the touch.

"He didn't even ask for my help." She giggled before she looked to the side and blushed a shade of pink. "Though I don't dislike it in a man . . . being prideful, I mean."

Tiki hissed, long tongue slithered out in reply.

As Ren approached the battle, he heard Lamir's strained shrieks, trying hard to command his teammates amidst the chaos to no success.

The Fieldians fought like mounted combatants without any of the usual hassles. Their tactics were hit and ran, an essential strategy of a skirmisher. Their favorite move was the [Deadly Charge] which, when combined with [Quarry], was a sure recipe for some massive damage, and this was the main cause of deaths from Lamir's side.

"Agh! Help!" Lamir shouted with a shrill voice that didn't go well with his manly and handsome appearance.

One of the Fieldian had locked his eyes on him, and it galloped with its steed in full force, flickering his saber in both hands, the sharp edge gleaming under the light.

The blade was close to Lamir's neck when a huge mass of fire engulfed the Fieldian.

Sudden large waves of fire made Lamir yelped. "Hot!" He stumbled and fell on the ground butt first.

The Fieldian stood no chance to Ren's almost 1000 INT. It died on the spot and burst into particles.

Lamir still had a stunned look on his face and couldn't react even when Ren appeared in front of him. Quickly the aggro shifted from the others to Ren since he had the highest ATP in the group.

Ren stood his ground as he faced the remaining four Fieldians that had surrounded him. The feys rode on ghostly steeds, their sabers at the ready.

As the Fieldians charged towards him, Ren raised his scepter. The air around him crackled with electricity as he summoned a bolt of lightning to strike one of the feys. The Fieldian dodged out of the way, but he had managed to create a small opening.

Ren seized the opportunity and cast another spell, this time creating a powerful gust of wind that knocked two of the Fieldians off their horses. The remaining two charged at him, their sabers glinting in the sunlight.

Ren drew his own scepters, the [Monarch Sovereign] and [Infernal Scepter], in both hands that glowed with magical energy. He twirled it expertly, deflecting the first saber strike with simple magic and countering with a blast of fire that singed one of the Fieldians' steeds. The creature reared up in pain, throwing its rider off balance.

Ren pressed his advantage, casting another spell that caused the ground to shake and the Fieldians to lose their footing. One of the feys managed to stay upright and charged at Ren with renewed fury.

Ren sidestepped the attack and blasted the Fieldian with a beam of sun rays, melting him into nothingness.

The remaining Fieldians had regrouped and were now circling Ren, sabers at the ready.

Ren had a lot of spells, and only a few were in cooldown, so he wasn't worried. He had to act fast, though. Least he wanted to be the recipient of the Princess's eerie for making her wait.

Ren created a wall of fire that separated him from the feys. They tried to charge through it, but the flames were too intense. This gave Ren time to cast [Super Nova].

As the fire died down, Ren emerged unscathed. He released a final spell, summoning a massive ball of light that swept the Fieldians off their feet and carried them away.

The battle was over.

Or so he thought.

There was another Fieldian by the tree, hiding, concealing himself in the thick leaves, and waiting for the right moment. He pulled his bowstrings, aiming a powerful shot at Ren's head when a thin beam of light screeched through the wind and made purchase to the Fieldian's heart. He died on the spot.

Ren only knew of another one hiding in the trees when the leaves rustled, and the Fieldian's falling body, bursting into particles, came falling to the ground.

Ren looked over at the Princess, who held a bow with one hand while waving at him in the other.

Ren stored his scepters and surveyed the scene. The ghostly steeds had vanished, leaving no trace of their existence. The only evidence of the battle were the particles and the singed earth.

He then faced Lamir and berated him, "What are you doing? Did you pay hundreds of millions just to play around?"

Appalled by how weak his group was, Ren burst out, not realizing that Lamir might not recognize him.

Lamir took to his feet and dusted his bottom. "First of all, it's nice to finally meet you, Ren," he said with his friendly tone, already forgetting about the disgraceful fight with the Fieldians.

"I'm sorry I hadn't approached you before. You were quite busy, so I didn't bother. My name is Lamir, by the way."