
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 513: glitz, the ale master crafter

"You called Elena?" The dragon said in his dragon form though he made himself the size of a man. Twice the size of a bulky man, to be exact. He had the face and build of a bronze dragon but none the fierceness and imposing aura they usually have.

Ren had seen dragons in his past. They were rare and scarce and usually hard to find. He was surprised that the Elven Princess had one, and as a pet, no less.

"Make us one of your fine drinks, Glitz. One that would match this meat."

"Leave it to me." Glitz summoned a cauldron over a stone fire, his brewing tools, jars containing all sorts of drinks of his own creations, fruits, herbs, and spices were also mixed onto the table as well.

"Oh, right," the Princess snapped her head at Ren as she had suddenly thought of something. "Courtesy really eludes me nowadays."

I doubt it. It's already natural in you. The words were in Ren's mouth, but he clamped his lips tight to hold them in.

"Glitz, this is Ren. Ren, this is Glitz, the greatest crafter of ale in the lands."

Glitz squeezed lemon over the cauldron with the black claws on his wings while his real hand stirred the cauldron with a wooden ladle. The dragon had four hands in total, including the four claws in each side of his wings, which were very handy and multitasking if you asked Ren.

"Elena, you know how I feel about your introductions," Glitz said with a brooding tone. "It's not the greatest crafter. It's MASTER crafter. And it's not just the lands. It's in the whole realm, the whole of ARCADIA!"

Princess Elena leaned over to Ren and whispered in his ears, "He has a big ego. Just humor him."

Ren didn't say anything. He knew dragons and their enormous pride. Glitz wasn't the first.

Not long, the smell of ale began to waft in the air. It was a rich, malty aroma that filled Ren's nostrils and made his mouth water in anticipation. The scent was earthy and robust, with a subtle sweetness that hinted at the complex flavors within.

When Glitz stirred the cauldron and added all sorts of liquid from his jars, the aroma of ale became even stronger.

The air was thick with the scent of freshly poured brew, mingling with the other smells of the forest – the tang of sweat and leather, the sizzle of cooking meat, and the faint scent of woodsmoke.

The smell of ale was dominant, however, and it was hard to resist the urge to take a deep breath and savor it fully.

Ren could almost taste the bitterness and nuttiness of the hops, the sweetness of the malt, and the slight tang of yeast. The aroma was heady and intoxicating, tempting him to take a sip and experience the full sensory pleasure of ale.

Glitz laid the rows of frothy mugs and bottles lined the table, each one filled with a different brew. The scent of ale was strongest here, mingling with the sounds of the little animals and the Princess humming, creating an ambiance that was warm and welcoming.

"Here you go. Have a taste of a Master Crafter's ale." Glitz handed a mug over to Ren.

The smell was strong, with bubbles on top. The mug was large enough to hold with both hands. Ren drank the liquor, gulped, and choked hard. He quickly looked at the beer in his hand. It was dark, thick, heavy and stung his eyes it watered.

"What's this?" Ren asked, red face.

Glitz roared in laughter while the Princess threw whatever was left of her lady teachings out of the window and bent over, laughing her heart out.

"Your face. You should have seen your face!" Elena said between laughs.

Ren wasn't amused.

Glitz was quick to recover and praised, "Not bad, boy. Others simply threw up after a taste. You even gulped a mouthful."

[Your Relationship Level with Glitz increased!]

[Your Relationship Level with Princess Elena increased!]

Even the pet had a relationship level with him? Ren thought. Rather, "Is this a test?"

The Princess wiped her tears with the back of her hand and said with a smile. "Sorry. Everyone who wanted to try out Glitz ale the first time must pass his little test first."

Glitz folded his arms and tilted his head over with pride, not one bit sorry for Ren's almost near-death experience.

"If you can't take my worse, then you can't take my best," he said.

Ren washed over his mouth with milk and ice water while glaring at the two.

"Don't look at us like we poisoned you." Elena stifled a laugh.

"You just did," Ren retorted and snorted. The sting still hit him hard, and it made his nose and eyes watery.

"Stop brooding over it. Here." Elena shoved a new mug at Ren's hands. "This time, this is the real deal."

Ren was hesitant and pried over at the two to see if they were pulling his leg again.

The Princess had a sweet smile, while Glitz had expectant eyes.

Ren brought the mug near his nose and sniffed it. The smell was not the same as the black one so that at least was good news.

Just to be safe, Ren's tongue took a small taste. That black ale or whatever it was scarred him for life.

But this one . . . this one was different. The taste was a complex and satisfying sensory experience. At first sip, the bitterness of the hops hits the tongue, followed by a rich, malty sweetness that fills the mouth. The flavors were layered and nuanced, with hints of nuttiness, caramel, and even fruitiness that came through as the beer was savored.

The carbonation of the ale added a pleasing effervescence to the mouthfeel, creating a lively and refreshing sensation on the tongue. The texture was smooth and creamy, with a slight thickness that coated the palate and allowed the flavors to linger.

As Ren swallowed the ale, a slight warmth spread through his body, a comforting feeling that was both relaxing and invigorating. The aftertaste was long and lingering, with a pleasant dryness that left the mouth feeling clean and refreshed.

It was a perfect balance of bitter and sweet, with a refreshing effervescence and a lingering aftertaste that invited another sip.

For a time, nothing mattered, but Ren and his ale, and it was a nice change for once. It made him feel disconnected from his troubles, and the hard lines on his face disappeared. He found it easier to smile afterwards.

Glitz gave a satisfied nod at Ren's reaction.

"Told you it's delicious." Elena quickly emptied a mug and sighed massively. "That hits the spot. Nothing like liquor to ease your night after a long day of battle."

Ren couldn't agree more.