
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 505: waiting in erendia town

Ren's short talk with the Princess turned out to be eventful as he got a [Dimensional Storage] accessory in the form of a wristband. With this, he could buy all the things he wanted for his journey in the land of the Feys.

Though he only borrowed the Dimensional Storage Wristband and had to return it to the Princess at the end of their journey, Ren was still glad.

After this, Ren didn't hold back and bought everything that he needed. From simple items such as potions, to complex things like Duds, tents, traveler's backpacks, and expensive Alchemist and Herbalist backpacks and tools.

Once ready, Ren stood in a small clearing just outside of Erendia Town, the designated meeting spot for the players who had purchased slots on the journey to the Fey Realm.

Ren had arrived early, eager to head out as soon as they were completed.

The clearing was surrounded by tall trees that casted dappled shadows on the ground, and the air was filled with the sweet scent of wildflowers and pine. A small stream bubbled nearby, its gentle melody providing a calming backdrop to the excitement and anticipation that hung in the air.

As the clock ticked closer to the appointed meeting time, Ren felt the energy of the other players building around him. Every time a new group arrived, the air seemed to crackle with excitement.

But Ren didn't feel a sense of camaraderie. He was more on the money and materials he would get.

Despite the tension and nerves that came with any new adventure, Ren sensed the others' joy and wondered at the prospect of exploring the mysterious and magical Fey Realm.

Ren wondered if he would feel the same way too if he wasn't keen on the money and materials. Maybe he would be happy and excited too and could hardly wait to set foot in that enchanted land, to discover its secrets and unravel its mysteries with Evie and the others by his side.

And so Ren waited in the clearing, with the other players whose hearts were beating with a mixture of excitement and trepidation, eager to embark on the journey of a lifetime.

The hype was palpable, and anyone could feel it like a lodge in their throat that was waiting to explode.

"Who do you think this Ren guy is?"

"He is the player who found the quest and auctioned the slots. So he must be a solo player."

"A smart guy. I would sell the slots too. Imagine earning easy millions with just that."

Ren looked over at the group of players and said in a loud voice, "Can I have all your attention?!"

Ren's voice resounded in every player's ears. When the others looked over and found a man whose face was hidden by a cloak, the others were quick to judge.

"Who's he?"

"Is he an NPC?"

"For an hour I didn't see him moving one bit, I thought he was a statue."

"Idiot, look at the name on top of his head. It said, Ren."

"No way! Is he the player who sold the tickets?"

Ren ignored them and proceeded with his speech.

"I will confirm your attendance right now. I hope every one of you read the contract attached to the tickets. If I called your name and guild and you're not here, I will not wait for you. We will leave at exactly thirty minutes from now."

His words were concise and clear as he read the names and guilds on his list. When everyone was present, Ren then said about the contract once more just to remind everyone about it since he felt like they had forgotten about it because of their excitement.

"Once we're inside the Fey Realm, you can disband and do your own thing. Whatever your get there will be yours. If you die in there, it's on you. You will remain dead until we get wiped out, or I cleared the quest.

"The Fey Realm will serve as a dungeon, and once there, we can't go back into the mortal realm, so take note of that. And I hope everyone is prepared for the long journey ahead. If you have no more questions, I will teleport us now to Verdant Woods, the lands of the elves."

Ren then went to the entrance of Erendia. He touched the Teleportation Crystal while he heard the other murmurs.

"Verdant Woods?"

"The land of the Elves?"

"Does that mean he knew how to navigate Maze Forest to get to the Elves?"

"Just who is he?"

"Who cares about that? Do you think he would auction the Maze Forest Map?"

"I bet he would."

"And I bet our guild would buy it."

The murmurs never stopped until one piercing voice stood out from the rest.

"Agh! You!" Hugo from Great Dynasty shouted when he finally recognized who Ren was. He was that guy in the Maze Forest who they thought was an NPC!

But before he could utter another word, everyone found themselves enveloped with white light, suggesting that the teleportation was already working its wonders.

The light that enveloped the players was a brilliant, radiant white that seemed to fill the entire world around them, drowning out everything else.

At first, it was blinding, so bright that they had to shield their eyes with their hands. But as their vision adjusted, they saw that the light was not just white but also contained hints of every color in the spectrum.

Every new major location had its own teleportation designs, and this was a new experience for the players.

It pulsed and shimmered like a living thing, dancing and twirling around them in a chaotic, beautiful display. They felt its warmth on their skin and a sense of comfort and safety that they could not explain.

As they gazed into the light, they saw images flashing before their eyes, like a montage of memories and dreams. They saw glimpses of places that they had never been to, mostly forest.

But then, as the light began to fade, the images receded, and they were left feeling disoriented as if they had just awoken from a deep sleep. They looked around and saw that they were in a new location, far from where they had started.

"Welcome to Verdant Woods, in the popular monument of the three statues in a location in which the elves called Yil'Quessir Ayin," Ren announced to the others.