
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 496: the conclusion

[CONGRATULATIONS for completing the quest, SAVE ELDERMILL!]



❶ Platinum Chest x2

❷ Gold Chest x5

❸ 10 000 EXP

❹ 100 000 gil ]

[Your Relationship level with all the Inhabitants in Eldermill has increased to Friends!]

[Your Relationship level with Aimon and Amilia has increased to Intimate!]

Not bad. Ren thought and decided to check his loots later.

When both Aimon and Amilia regained consciousness, the two siblings embraced each other, speaking words of forgiveness and reconciliation.

"Thank you so much, Ren," Amilia said with tears in her eyes. "Without you, I wouldn't have escaped from the accursed blade and made up with my brother. Please accept this small token of my thanks."


❶ 100 000 gil

❷ Betrayer's Blade

❸ Herbs Chest x1

❹ Cloak of Elven Kind]

"And this is from me. It's not much, but I hope you will accept it as a token of my gratitude. You have done so much for us, and I hope we can repay you even just a little."


❶ 5 000 gil

❷ Aimon's Hunting Knife

❸ Aimon's Hunting Bow

❹ Elven Gauntlet

❺ Elven Boots

❻ Potion Chest x1]

Ren mostly got the equipment, and he couldn't be more satisfied. Especially the [Betrayer's Blade] that added +200 STR and +100 AGI, which also added Necrotic damage every time it hit its target.

The disadvantage was the user would receive Necrotic damage too at his every turn. Maybe if he cold tune it, the necrotic damage would disappear, increasing its value in the market.

Ren wanted to try but he was left disappointed when the attunement needed materials and gil. He didn't have those materials and he didn't have time to search for those items so he auctioned it as it was.

As for the Herbs Chest, when Ren opened it, he received all kinds of herbs, from common to rare ones like Auris Bellia, Bad Root, Clover of the Ancient, Elemental Tree, Grovillia, Hindirell, Shadow Seed, Twin Shrood and Wind Petals.

From Aimon, his reward wasn't that great except for the [Elven Gauntlet] and [Elven Boots] that added +50 DEF and +50 AGI respectively. The boots also had a special effect of negating difficult terrain and increasing jumping height up to ten meters.

While the [Potion Chest] contained all kinds of potions in large quantities, like HP and MP potions.

However, Ren decided to auction all the equipment he got except for the [Elven Boots] for it would come in handy if he wanted to venture into the Fey Realm. Negating difficult terrain and being able to jump ten meters would aid him a lot in the Fey wilds.

And now, with the completion of the quest, the save crystal of the places he went to earlier became accessible. This was good news because he didn't want to waste time traveling to get to Viscendra's rewards and tell Kail'ithal about his dead son's body.

"What are you two going to do now?" Ren asked.

"We will resume our leadership of Eldermill," Aimon said firmly. "This time, standing as one in our effort to conduct operations in a way that does not harm the dark elves' lands."

Amilia nodded in agreement with her brother. "And know that Eldermill will be open for you forever."

Ren nodded, and after saying one last thank you, he said his goodbyes and went on his way. There was nothing to do here anymore, and he could finally claim all his rewards and confront Anansi.

Back in the Dark Elves' home, Ren reported about El'athal's grave to Kail'ithal, and the dark elves cried while giving their thanks to Ren – the dark elves then traveled to the Yil'Quessir Ayin immediately.

[Your Relationship Level with Kail'ithal increased to Intimate!]


❶ 10 000 gil

❷ Herbs Chest x1

❸ Kail'ithal's Ring]

Though he received little rewards, [Kail'ithal's Ring] was the rarest. It added +50 LCK, and it protected its wearer from all kinds of status effects. It worked like [Monarch Sovereign].

Without a second more, Ren auctioned it before he went to Viscendra's Hut.

"You really did it, huh?" Viscendra chuckled. "Here's your reward, as I promised."


❶ Demon Metamorphosis]

Ren was curious and read the description of what it was that Anansi wanted to covet.

[The Demon Metamorphosis is a dark and ominous artifact believed to have been forged in the fiery depths of the underworld itself. It is said to be a large, obsidian-like gemstone that was jet black in color and emitted a sinister aura that could be felt by those who approach it.

The stone is said to be imbued with a powerful demonic energy that could corrupt and transform anyone who wears it. Those who possess the stone are warned of its dangers, as it has the ability to turn the wearer into a demon and double their power, but at a terrible cost.

Once the stone is used, the wearer will feel an intense burning sensation as the stone's energy courses through their veins, transforming their body into that of a demonic entity. Their skin will turn a deep shade of red, their eyes will become black, and their teeth will sharpen into razor-sharp fangs.

As the transformation progresses, the wearer's strength and power will double, making them nearly invincible in battle. However, their humanity will fade away, replaced by a bloodthirsty and malevolent nature. They will become consumed by a desire to dominate and destroy all those who stand in their way.

The Demon Metamorphosis is a cursed object and those who are foolish enough to use it do so at their own peril. It is said that the only way to rid oneself of its influence is to destroy the stone, but even that may prove to be a perilous task, as the stone is said to be indestructible and imbued with powerful magic.]

Hmm . . . What does Anansi want with this? Ren thought.

"Is something the matter?" Viscendra asked sweetly, like he could read Ren's mind.

Something told Ren that Viscendra wanted him to use the stone for some reason.

Ren shook his head. "Nothing. Thank you."

"No. Thank you."

When Ren went on his way, he could still feel Viscendra's intense gaze on his back.

She was definitely hoping he would use the stone.