
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 489: kail’ithal


Ren wouldn't have a problem in that department since he would turn into a bat and fly to the other side.

The dark elves knew the area well, and with their night vision, it was easy for them to navigate the difficult terrain. And within just one minute, the dark elves escaped through the mist while Ren was already waiting for them on the other side.

Eventually, after another ten minutes of travelling they arrived at the Dark Elves' home.

Dark Elves were typically portrayed as a subterranean race living in underground cities or mountains, which were often characterized by dark, twisted architecture and the use of magical illumination. They were typically known for their cruelty, trickery, and mastery of magic, as well as their use of powerful spider allies.

However, the dark elves living in these parts appeared like regular elves with their houses on trees.

Ren guessed that Queen Eleanor tolerated some of them encroaching on their borders than face a large-scale war. However, the consequences of her actions were the skirmishes happening in their villages because of the dark elves, like what happened with Eldermill.

The dark elves have lived in the Verdant Woods for centuries, building their homes in the tallest trees. Camouflaged and far above the forest floor, the town of the Dark Elven Home was nearly invisible to anyone traveling below.

Without the dark elves' help, players might not find the dark elves' dwellings. But even without the dark elves, Ren might still find their home with Pii as his guide.

Though it would be an entirely different matter if he would be welcomed in their home or not, with the four dark elves, at least his sudden appearance would be tolerable.

"Wait here," Tyr said. "There are traps all over this place."

And like on cue, four wild elven warriors revealed themselves, trained long bows on Ren from the trees ten meters above them.

Their leader, a male elf named Eiellon, called out to Ren in accented common language.

"You're trespassing on our lands. Leave this place at once or feel the sting of elf-made steel!"

It was funny how they spoke about trespassing when they themselves trespassed in the white elves' lands. Ren thought.

Though this was near the borderlands from the dark elves' realm, they were still miles apart, and this part of the map was still within the white elves' territory.

"Eiellon! It's us!" Tyr shouted. "This man has saved us from those hypocrites white elves!"

"He wanted to talk to Kail'ithal about this curse," Ravos added.

Eiellon jumped down from the trees and spoke privately with the four dark elves while Ren didn't move from his spot. Occasionally, they threw glances his way, obviously talking about him.

Ren was glad that he picked that third choice now. If he didn't, he would probably be pushed away by force if necessary.

If Ren didn't pick the third choice and if the players refused to leave or strike first, the dark elves would attack. They aimed to incapacitate and disarm, not to kill.

If the elves win the fight, they'll ensure that each player is stable but unconscious and take them to the clearing, where Kail'ithal will speak to them when they woke up.

If the dark elves were losing, they'd flee toward their home, jumping from branch to branch and leading any characters who chased them to a clearing where Kail'ithal awaited.

If the elves can't flee, Kail'ithal shows up, shouts to stop the fight, and uses her healing magic to revive any fallen elves.

"You." Eiellon looked over at Ren. "If you want to speak with Kail'ithal, then you need to be blindfolded. If you refuse, then you have to leave.

Ren shrugged. "Sure."

After being blindfolded, Ren was brought into a wide clearing where Kail'ithal awaited.

Ren's blindfold was removed as Kail'ithal approached him.

The dark elf before Ren was tall and stately. Her slender form was wrapped in an elegant, flowing dress and a gnarled wooden staff in her hands. Though her face was smooth, her eyes were old.

"You have sought us out, traveler. Why?" she asked softly in a common tongue.

The venerable druid judged each living being on its actions without prejudice, and Ren met her with the same open mind as he inquired calmly.

"What curse had befallen Eldermill?"

"It's not just that town that suffers," Kail'ithal answered. "The forest itself is permeated by the darkness seeping from the Yil'Quessir Ayin."

Yil'Quessir Ayin? Ren frowned. That was a hard word to pronounce.

"What is this Yil'Quessir Ayin?

"The monument in the west of Eldermill is sacred to us," she replied. "Our forebears used to go there to let primal energy from the Fey Realm seep into the forest. The monument has been corrupted and is now at the center of the spreading darkness."

"Are you behind the corruption?" Ren asked straight to the point.

Kail'ithal shook her head. "We have been in this land long before those creatures build their home in that area. We are not happy with the settlers, but we would never unleash such a curse. We hope that once they leave, whatever evil they woke here will be appeased and disappear."

It was funny how the white elves were cursing these lands and not the dark elves. Ren thought. The dark elves could lie as well as the white elves, so he would remain neutral in this quest.

Ren only hoped that he was making the right choices here.

"Do you know how to undo this curse?" Ren asked.

Kail'ithal paused, seemingly thinking about what she would say next.

"The Yil'Quessir Ayin is at the heart of this. I cannot go near it to cleanse it for fear that its corruption would take root in my heart. If you insist on trying, there's a poem our ancestors used to activate its magic. I don't know how, but it may be helpful," she said and began reciting a melodic verse:

"Bring us three gifts of great worth,

That all have, but none can own.

One is seen but never heard,

Grows trees and pales bone.

One is the mother's to give,

But shared freely by all.

One is the reason we live,

Or why we choose to fall."