
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 483: mistwood trading company

Ren proceeded to look around the castle after his talk with the Princess. While he was at it, he auctioned the slots of his party to go to the Fey Realm.

The Fey Realm wasn't accessible right now, the only way to enter it was through the quest. And right now, he was the main player holding that quest.

Ren then went into the banquet hall. Another impressive room in the castle, where Elven feasts were held. The walls were adorned with intricate carvings of flowers, leaves, and vines, and the tables were laid with the finest silverware, crystal glasses, and embroidered tablecloths. The room was filled with the aroma of exotic spices and roasting meats and the sounds of live music and laughter.

As soon as Ren entered the room, the elves in the area went silent, murmuring words that he couldn't hear before they left.

That works for him, and he immediately stole the food on the table that he could acquire. Like [Strawberry Tart] that cured Charm, [Blueberry Delight] that cures Poison and recovers 10% HP, [Fruity Pudding] that recovers 20% of HP and MP, as well as the many herbs and plants propped on the vases and plates.

After he was done, Pii guided Ren to the library. The room was a quiet sanctuary within the castle, with towering shelves of ancient tomes and delicate scrolls. The room was illuminated by glowing orbs of light that seemed to hover in the air, and the scent of old leather and parchment filled the air.

In here, Ren got the [Tornado Scroll] that dealt AoE wind damage and [Tornado Spellbook]. There were also other low-level scrolls and spells, but the [Tornado] spellbook was a high level AoE wind magical attack that would surely fetch a high price when auctioned.

After he was finished, Pii guided Ren towards the bedroom areas. At least in the quarters that were accessible to him, like the Guest rooms.

Ren couldn't access any private rooms like the Princess room and the Queen's quarters. Maybe in the future if his [Relationship] level with them was high enough.

Though Ren wasn't interested in that aspect of the game.

The guest rooms were opulent and spacious, with large four-poster beds draped in luxurious fabrics. The walls were adorned with intricate carvings of woodland creatures and plants, and the windows were draped with sheer silk curtains that allowed the soft light of the sun to filter through.

In this room, Ren got [Eunice Flute] that could be equipped by a Blue Mage, [Elven Tale] that told the history of the Elves, and [Gertrude's Earrings], which added extra LCK to the women who wore them.

They wouldn't cost much, but they were still free items that would get him extra money.

Holding the flute in his hand, Ren thought about Evie. Every little thing that reminded him of her made him miss her even more.

Shaking his head, he stored the flute and went out of the castle before he could be distracted from his goal.

Overall, the interior of the Elven Castle was a stunning display of beauty, luxury, and artistry, reflecting the refined taste and elegance of the Elves. The rooms were grandiose, filled with a sense of magic and mystique. The walls were adorned with intricate carvings and filigree work depicting scenes from Elven mythology and history. The ceilings were high and vaulted, and the floors were made of smooth, polished marble.

Ren thought that it was a nice place to tour around and live in. Not that he was planning to live there.

Ren then pulled out the Elven Realm's Map that Queen Eleanor gave him.

He needed to go to Verdant Woods because Eldermill was located in those parts of the Maze Forest as well as Viscendra's Hut. He still had to do Anansi's quest after all to get his [God Fruits].

Fortunately, the woods weren't that far from the castle. It was located on the western side, and Ren didn't waste any more time on getting there.

After more than an hour of traveling on the back of a [Four Horned Deer], a popular mode of transportation in the Elven Realm, Ren arrived at Verdant Woods entrance, and a prompt notification immediately appeared on his screen.

[A dying village, a cursed forest, and a burgeoning war between dark elves and elves – the verdant woods have never had a greater need for heroes than now!

A call for a heroic adventurer has been issued by the Mistwood Trading Company. Their lucrative trade with Eldermill has been disrupted in recent weeks!

The Mistwood Trading Company is ready to reward a group of Adventurers with 100 000 gil each if they can resolve the issue and get trade flowing again.

Are you the adventurer that they have all been waiting for to solve their problem?]

And like an automatic response, a beast woman NPC went to Ren. Her name was Odessa, and she belonged to Mistwood Trading Company.

She and her crew of traveling merchants, together with their carriages, were prompt at the entrance of the woods, and it was hard to miss them or evade them.

"Finally! An adventurer! Can you help us?" she said.

And before Ren could reply, the woman was already explaining the whole situation.

"We've long had a good trade relationship with the townsfolk of Eldermill, a settlement in the Verdant Woods. In the last week, their shipment of grain, timber, and iron has trickled to a halt," the gray-haired woman said, frowning deeply.

"We've heard accounts of angry elves, sabotage, and even dark magic afoot. We need someone to travel to Eldermill and get to the bottom of this. Whether it means relocating a few pesky elves or soothing the worries of seeming superstitious farmers, trade must be re-established," she said, aiming a pointed look at Ren.

"Will you help us?" she ended.

That 100 000 gil was enticing, and it was the first time that a quest offered that kind of huge reward. Usually, the game only give it if the players killed Bosses.

So Ren accepted the quest. Maybe he could do it while doing other things too. If he couldn't, that was fine as well. He wouldn't lose anything anyway.

Odessa then gave him a sealed letter that identified him as a representative of the trading company and asked Ren to seek out Amelia, the mayor of Eldermill and the company's business partner, when he arrived in town.