
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 411: dracula’s castle 3


The double doors, which were wide enough to allow ten people to enter side by side, opened, welcoming its guests.

This server was their second, so some players had gotten here earlier than them. Other groups could be seen loitering around the lower floors.

Seeing their small numbers, it was safe to assume that they were part of the first batch who had come into Dracula's Castle before them.

While the rest were probably still busy exploring and claiming some candy points or had died or given up and proceeded to their next server.

The interior of the castle was even more elaborate than its exterior. Most of the rooms were furnished with antiques, including a wide variety of furniture, paintings, and sculptures.

The walls were decorated with tapestries depicting baroque designs. There were also numerous pictures on the walls, including portraits of beautiful people in intricate dresses.

But some of these portraits felt like they were watching them.

The inside was lit with candles on the furniture and candelabras hanging on the ceilings.

Contrary to their expectations, there was not a single monster or vampire around. It seemed like the players took care of the monsters in the grand hall already. However, it was just as bad to hear screams and cries from every corner.

"Great. The map is blank," Sumeri said after checking Dracula's Castle map.

"We should complete this map, right? To get to the boss himself." Leonel pressed his map icon and twirled it back and forth.

"That's the plan," answered Ragnar.

"I think we're going to spend more time here than in the Mad Lab," Isolde chimed in.

And Evie suggested, "Should we split again to cover more grounds?"

Their ATP was high, so they would have no problem even if they searched alone.

Ren nodded and stared at Sumeri's way. "But this time, Ragnar and Roz will accompany you."

Sumeri grinned, but there was a frown on her face. "Is this because we died on the previous server?"

"It's because your ATPs are the lowest amongst us," said Ren, straight to the point. "I got careless and assigned you two in the Mad Lab since I thought no one could get there. But this time . . . we can't afford to lose any of you until we reach the count."

Sumeri's tongue pressed her inner cheeks, and she looked away. "Fair enough . . ."

Ren then addressed the others. "Evie and I will go to the basement like usual. Leonel and Isolde will search the lower floors while you four cover the upper floors."

The group was about to head to their respective ways when, out of the blue, a player butt in on their conversation.

"You're going to split up?" player 1 said. "I won't recommend that. This place might look nice and all because no monsters are loitering around, but don't be fooled by what you see.

"Vampires disguised as humans and players are common here, and you won't even suspect a thing until they bite you on the neck and kill you without knowing how and why."

"He's right," Player 2 chimed in. "Don't be fooled by the grand interiors. The rooms here are alive, and they can eat you whole."

"It's best if we form groups and act as one," player 3 butted in. "In that way, our chances of getting out alive here and earn candy points increase."

"You guys are from World Conqueror, right?" Player 1 asked. "How about forming groups with us? We already have ten members from different guilds here, and we have increased our points ever since we teamed up."

"We're not here for the points, so no," said Ren and pulled Evie towards the basement.

Ragnar, Roz, Sumeri, and Nikolai also ignored the other players and went to the stairs.

As for Leonel and Isolde, they remained with the other players since they were in charge of the lower floors.

Leonel scratched his head before he said to the others. "Sorry. We'll go our way then."

"Don't be too confident and arrogant," Player 2 sneered.

"We're here first before you, so we know the horror of this castle," Player 2 hollered at Ren, but the latter was already climbing the stairs down the basement.

"Forget about them." Player 4 sighed. "They'll come back here and beg us to take them in. This place can't be explored by ten players alone."

Player 4 then addressed the remaining players in the vicinity. "How about you? Do you want to join us? We already have half of the map of this castle."

"They look like mercenaries recruiting to raid a dungeon," murmured Leonel to Isolde when they were meters away from the other players.

"Forget about them, and let's find these maps."

Leonel and Isolde went into the largest hall of the castle on the main lower floor. It was the ballroom where parties were held. It was empty at this time, but whenever the grandfather's clock struck midnight, ghosts filled the halls and danced to live music played by string quartets, pianists, and organists.

Players must navigate these dancing souls out to the other room. If they even touched or disturbed the ghosts here, they would get furious and merge together to form a giant skull and go after the players.

One thousand candy points are then rewarded to the players once they managed to defeat it, and the grandfather's clock would turn its hands back ten minutes before midnight.

And the next dance would resume when the clock struck midnight again.

Leonel and Isolde quickly searched the area before the grandfather's clock struck 12. There were also players around, searching behind the curtains and what little furniture was present.

The dancing hall was a large space with nothing in it but the stage for performers, as well as some tables and chairs that guests could rest when they felt tired from dancing, so the dancing hall was pretty much empty.

"There's nothing here." Leonel gave up after five minutes.

"I found nothing here, either. Let's search the next room."

Isolde and Leonel stumbled upon the dining halls next. The castle had several dining halls where meals were served. While the kitchens just next door contained numerous cooking appliances, such as ovens, stoves, microwaves, and refrigerators.

There were also tables and chairs scattered throughout the hall, making it easy for guests to eat their meals.

And this time, unlike the empty halls, the Dining halls contained . . . creatures and players alike.

( . . . continuation on NOTES)