
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 402: the mad lab 9

The Below Ground section linked Dr. Frida's mansion and the Mad Lab Tower through a tunnel.

The Storage Room was located along the basement of the main mansion. Dozens of crates, bags and barrels were stored here, and inside them were all sorts of limbs, skins, and organs, as well as other general provisions of all kinds.

While Leonel and Isolde were eliminating players on the first and second floors of the mansion, Evie and Ren were going through the basement section.

After pillaging all the arts and jewels from the Gallery, their next stop was the Storage and the Armory.

As they went through the items in the Storage, Ren was startled when Evie suddenly called his name.


Evie called like she had witnessed a miracle and yelled across the room with an urgency that had Ren sprinting.

He was afraid that something terrible had happened, but when he reached her location, she seemed to be fine, causing him to breathe easily.

"Ren, look. It's a doll." She chortled while holding a mechanized doll in her hands. It looked like Nano with its creepy smile and black button eyes.

Ren wryly smiled. "Are you going to take it with you?"

"It said that it's like a Voodoo doll, so it might come in handy."

Ren looked at the stuffy room. A complex mechanical box gently hummed in the far corner, and the storage contained all sorts of treasures inside:

❶ The Time Trap Device

❷ Three cases of Limbs

❸ Four boxes of different colored eyes

❹ Two barrels of organ parts

❺ A crate of different types of skins

❻ 10 sticks of Dynamite

❼ 2 small barrels of gunpowder

❽ 400 ft of fuse

The only useful items here were the [Time Trap Device] and [Dynamite x10].

"There's a lot of junk in here," Evie muttered and looked over at Ren. "Should we head to the next area?"

Ren finally achieved his goal of getting Evie alone with him, but he didn't know what step to take next to advance their relationship.

Ren had never been this nervous around a girl before. He was usually more confident when it came to these kinds of stuff. After all, he had his fair share of romance in his past life despite most of them being failed relationships.

There were also Saya, Rayna, and other girls who he had worked with before, but they weren't important.

But now that he and Evie were together, he felt like he was walking on eggshells.

The troublesome thing was neither his class nor race didn't give him romance skills. As a veteran information gatherer and regressor or reincarnation or whatever he was, he lacked experience in these kinds of things.

But nevertheless, he enjoyed this type of feeling. It was part of the experience.

Evie started moving forward again, and Ren followed her lead.

They walked through the store for another ten minutes or so until they reached a room filled with bookshelves. The shelves were packed with books, scrolls, and other miscellaneous items.

They only contained simple spells and skills, but it was worth selling back in the real server.

Evie stopped in front of one shelf and began skimming through the items on it. She pulled out several scrolls and read them quickly. After reading each scroll, she would put it back without saying anything.

Was she nervous like him? Ren couldn't tell because of her bunny face.

Although he found her bunny appearance cute before, it was now hindering any romantic thought he had in mind.

How could he act lovey-dovey with her now? He couldn't muster any romantic thoughts whatsoever with her bunny appearance looking at him straight in the eyes with a furry face, whiskers, pink snout, and big bucktooth.

"We should go to the armory next," Ren said instead.

He then reached out very naturally, taking hold of Evie's hand and squeezing them gently.

In that instant, when Evie met Ren's gaze, he seemed to understand something.

Usually cold and indifferent in bearing, a rare hint of embarrassment appeared on her face but was gone in an instant as her smile turned even more radiant, brilliant as it had never been before.

Evie felt her heart begin to beat faster as she thought about what would happen next.

But nothing . . .

She then secretly released a sigh of relief that Ren wasn't rushing things. She liked their pace, and she was comfortable with their current relationship.

She then turned around and started walking in the corridor.

Ren followed her, trying to stop his mind from wandering too much. He knew that if he lost focus on the task at hand, he might end up making a fool of himself.

They should separate the time for flirting and the time for work. It was important to have a balance.

Besides, their relationship was still in its early phase. They should take their time and just enjoy the moment.

They reached the armory without incident. Evie opened the door and stepped inside with Ren by her side. The room was dimly lit by the glow from the torches lining the walls.

Racks and racks of weapons and armor were piled up. It looked like they had everything there, including instruments like a harmonica.

The orange light from the flaming torches on the walls illuminated Dr. Frida's armory. Swords, daggers, shields, and other large weapons are organized in cases and racks. In the center of the room stood two bronze statues of warriors in fighting poses.

Like all the other rooms, this area was as huge as a large hall and was filled with goodies.

They saw four cases holding weapons, two racks on either wall with larger weapons, and two metal statues. These were Clockwork Soldiers, and they would attack if any player attempted to take any weapon.

However, since Ren and Evie were now monsters altered by Dr. Frida, no monster inside this mansion would attack them, which meant they could freely steal everything in this mansion.