
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 384: the guild wars 3


Guns and Knives' morale was at an all-time high, and their momentum couldn't be stopped. The DPS pushed their enemies away from their main attacking unit, while the mages and archers supported them whenever their left and right army were weakening.

Isolde contributed the most as to why their plan was a success. With her ditching out ridiculous amounts of damage in a wide area, she annihilated dozens of players from the other side, leading to the safe passage of their main attacking unit.

Fate Alliance could do nothing but watch in horror as Guns and Knives reached their walls. The moment their Stone Slammer got destroyed, their morale decreased so much that almost everyone lost the will to fight. That was one of the reasons why they were unable to push back against an army with fewer players compared to them.

It only took a minute before Guns and Knives completely pushed through Fate Alliance's formation. As soon as they did, the ground artillery of Fate Alliance began to defend their base.

Mortars, Cannons, X-bows, Archer Towers, Wizard Towers, and every ground artillery attacked the Tanks as soon as they were within range.

The reason why Guns and Knives sent out their Tanks to the front was precisely because of this. All artillery weapons inside the Guild House would target the first thing that stepped on their range.

This was to ensure that the Wall Breaker remained at its optimal health and that it would break as many walls as it could inside the guild, which would allow their players to destroy as much structure as they could to earn points.

Guns and Knives' Tanks quickly spread out while the Wall Breaker did its job, reducing the wall's HP to zero within seconds. The Eagle Artillery on the enemy's side wasn't just going to let them break through the walls, though.

The Eagle Artillery was like a mortar, but it had the widest range among all defenses. In fact, it covered all the area of the Guild House, and its damage wasn't to be messed with.

The Eagle Artillery had an AoE damage that would cause knockbacks. What's more, it had a target-locking mechanism that would ensure it hit its target no matter where it went. This was the reason why everyone would target it first to destroy it because leaving it launching a missile every ten seconds would surely wipe out an entire army.

The Tanks spread out because the Eagle Artillery targeted the first thing that stepped into its range.

As soon as the first block cracked, a large portion of the wall soon crumbled, and the Tanks immediately started pouring in and got to work, destroying as many defenses as they could so that the main unit could preserve their HP.

They left the Eagle Artillery to their Wall Breaker as intended. To begin with, they purposely deployed their Wall Breaker in the Eagle Artillery's direction so it would destroy it along with the walls protecting the artillery.

Once the Eagle Artillery was destroyed, the main attacking unit entered the enemy's base and rained hell upon everything they saw.

The Goal here was the TH.

Ren sighed. "It's over."

"They're going to win?!" Leonel's eyes shone in delight.

"In this fight, but there's still more. The bracket system will ensure that all guilds in their category will fight each other. At the end of the fight, the one who had the highest points is the winner."

"I . . . I see . . . then . . . Even if Fate Alliance Guild loses the fight in the first round, as long as they earn points in the next, they still have the chance to be in the top?"

Ren nodded. "It's going to be a long fight, though."

"No wonder they're only given an hour each."

"Breaking it into categories also helps with reducing the time while simultaneously holding battles in each round."

"Wow, Guns and Knives are really wreaking havoc inside that HQ. But their Tanks are already gone in the fight, and their Wall Breaker is about to get destroyed as well," Leonel said. His attention was already on another topic.

"It's like a maze in there. Walls are everywhere, and most of their defenses are safely enclosed inside another wall. With all the walls, Guns and Knives will have a hard time pushing their way into Fate Alliance TH. Good thing that they have a lot of mages and archers who could ditch damage over the walls."

The walls were only about a meter and a half tall, and the walls nulled all jump and other teleportation skills that could bring a player to another location on the map. So the players had no choice but to break it to get to the other side.

However, the walls' HP wasn't a joke, not to mention the many defenses left that continuously poured attacks on them while they were busy breaking the walls.

"Forget about stopping them!" Dmitri yelled. "Change tactics and storm their base!"

The players of Fate Alliance all looked at each other. Guns and Knives' base was at least seven hundred meters away. Would they make it in time to punch through those walls in under thirty minutes without using a Siege Machine?

"Damn it! Everyone, use teleport, and blink! Do I have to tell you every fucking step?! Where did your brains go?!"

Dimitri shouted at the top of his lungs.

Outside in the open, they were still able to use those skills. Only in the face of a wall were those skills null.

Watching as Fate Alliance no longer stopped Guns and Knives and instead stormed into the latter's base in reckless abandon to earn points, Ren couldn't help but shake his head.

"If I were Dimitri, I would have aimed the Stone Slammer in the direction of the Wall Breaker. At least, that way, both Siege Machines would be destroyed. But he was too greedy and wanted to save his Stone Slammer until the bitter end. He probably thought that he could destroy the Wall Breaker first and break Guns and Knives' formation. In that way, they would definitely win without a doubt.

". . . His only mistake was underestimating Isolde's damage. Couldn't blame him because Isolde's legendary weapon was not broadcasted. It was her ace and Guns and Knives' trump card, apparently."

Ren explained to Leonel, but the latter wasn't even listening to him. His attention was on the war, specifically at Isolde's wellbeing.