
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 340: into the boss’s room


Looking through the giant door, Ren only blinked, passively listening to the murmurs from the side as Eric and Erica gave their morale speech in front of everyone.

Apparently, every guild had one and it was customary to begin every war with a speech, or so how the norms went.

"There is something I want to say first before we head into battle," Eric said as he took a deep breath. "Do you remember what I told you at the start?" he asked.

No one nodded.

"Well, it has come to this point where you must fight for your lives," he continued. "You are going to face an enemy that wants nothing else but to kill every single one of us. We have suffered multiple defeats from this boss in the past, but now . . . things will be different!"

"Remember our strategy," Erica added. "As long as everyone sticks to the plan, we can win this! The Primordial Thunder King is just another Boss for us to kill!"

Eric and Erica wanted to boost everyone's confidence before the boss's fight, but Ren didn't think that it was effective. Looking at the players, they were just casually chatting with each other and he bet that only a few really cared about what the twins said. Most of them were loyal core members and admirers of the two.

"I wonder if we can get some good loot from here," someone said as they looked around.

"Yeah, I'm sure there would be plenty of rare drops," another replied. "Too bad that all of it would go to the group's inventory."

"There's a reason why players keep on entering dungeons despite the high risks," yet another said. "The rewards are usually worth it. The only downside is that you have to be careful of the monsters inside."

"True. We should probably clear the dungeon before someone else comes along," another player added.

"Idiot, don't you know how hard it is to clear this dungeon? I understand that you don't know anything because you're new, so let me tell you. A lot of players from White Unicorns, including the core members, had to start from scratch repeatedly after getting wiped out by the boss here."

Hearing that, the surrounding newcomers collectively gasped, which they followed up with a series of questions. Ren's ears inadvertently picked something from their topic.

"You know that guy standing over there? That's Ren of World Conqueror. I heard White Unicorn paid a hefty price for him to help us clear this dungeon."

"That's a scam if you ask me."

"Yeah. That's a bit too much, paying for a single guy. I'm sure we will all do the dirty work, and he would just stand there and kite our kills or, worse, steal our loot."

"He temporarily joined the group so all the items he would acquire today would automatically go to the group inventory."

"But he would still share our EXP and gil."

"I heard White Unicorns would pay him a million for every second-tier spell he acquired."

"He asked for that large sum of money? He is just one person. I mean . . . What can a single person possibly do?"

The gossips continued, but Ren merely yawned. He didn't bother defending himself. Anyway, his actions would do all the talking later. He knew his worth and didn't think anything less of himself.

"Alright! Let's go!" Eric and Erica shouted out to their group.

White Unicorns finally marched inside the giant door. The moment Eric and Erica opened it, a blast of cold wind assaulted everyone's exposed skin, and they were welcomed with the sound of the roaring thunder and storm.

The doorway was extremely tall and wide. It emitted an ominous feeling that progressively grew stronger the deeper they got into the darkness of the room. Despite the torches placed around the area, it was still too gloomy.

They moved forward with caution but paused the moment they noticed something moving ahead.

"What is that?" one of the members asked.

Before anyone could answer, a loud roar echoed through the desolate area, followed by a blinding thunder that illuminated the place. With it, the boss arrived!

� P R I M O R D I A L

T H U N D E R K I N G ‖

Location: Thunder Cave


"Where thunder walks, mountains fall."

This giant is the perfect fusion of flesh and thunder, seamless and brutal in its symbioses. Their breath is a perpetual hurricane that follows wherever they tread, and their weapon can channel the power of thunder into the earth itself.

Their one goal is to restore the world to plains and rebuild it anew.

‖ A T T R I B U T E ‖

HP: 770 000

MP: 5 000

STRG: 700

DEF: 600

MDF: 500

INT: 500

AGL: 40

LCK: 50

‖ P R I M O R D I A L


H E A D A N D B O D Y ‖

HP: 385 000

‖ P R I M O R D I A L


L E F T A R M ‖

HP: 115 500

‖ P R I M O R D I A L


R I G H T A R M ‖

HP: 115 500

‖ P R I M O R D I A L


L E G S ‖

HP: 154 000

‖ D A M A G E

R E S I S T A N C E S ‖

¶ Bludgeoning

· Piercing

¸ Slashing

‖ D A M A G E

I M M U N I T I E S ‖

¶ Cold

· Lightning

¸ Thunder

‖ C O N D I T I O N

I M M U N I T I E S ‖

¶ Paralyzed

· Restrained

¸ Unconscious

‖ W E A K N E S S ‖


‖ E N D ‖