
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 338: white unicorn's request

"Ren, this is Roger, Ivan, Miguel, and Serine. They are the core members of the guild and will be joining us in our meeting today."

While the introduction was on going, Ren studied the people on the table.

Serine was a beautiful woman with green hair and an even greener sultry eyes. Looking at her fluffy ears and tails and her cute little canines that showed when she grinned, she was a beast with an Animist subclass.

Ivan was a lanky man with pale skin and hollowed dark eyes. His gloomy countenance heavily contrasted with his cheerful attitude. Seeing his robe, Ren could tell that he was a Dark Mage.

On the other hand, Roger was a rough-looking guy with stubbles on his chin. He was bulky, but not in a fat way, and based on his armor, he must be a Sniper.

And last, there was no other way to describe Miguel but a short guy with bulging eyes. He was an Orc, and that was it.

Serine gave Ren a wave and a sweet smile while Miguel only nodded without a change in his serious expression. Ivan was friendly enough to actually greet him with words, which was the polar opposite of Roger, who seemed hostile and didn't even put Ren in his eyes.

"Out of all people, I still don't get why we need to ask help from the thief who stole from us and wasted millions of our money in the process," Roger silently muttered under his breath, but it was still loud enough for everyone to hear.

Although he was shown smiles and a cordial attitude, Ren could still feel that the core members didn't like him. They kept giving him weird glances whenever he wasn't looking. It was as if they were judging his character or something.

It was just that, unlike them, Roger was more open with his opinions.

Ren didn't care, though. He expected it. It was not like he wanted a warm welcome, either. In fact, he'd rather that they were open about their dislikes with him than be fake towards him. In that way, it was easier to deal with them.

"It's because World Conqueror is the best there is. Or would you rather we help another guild claim those elemental spells?" answered Ren.

No one refuted him, nor was there anyone who tried to mediate the situation, so the tension rose further.

Erica sighed. "Enough of this. I thought we had already discussed this. We didn't invite Ren here to talk about the past. What's done is done. Now, move on and focus on the future of the guild."

At Erica's fierce display of authority, everyone looked down and avoided any eye contact with her. Roger fell silent as well, but not before grumbling to himself. Serine only shook her head, still keeping the smile on her face.

"Now, let's get down to business, shall we?" Eric began and continued with eyes on Ren, "I'm sure you're aware that we are not a guild that is willing to take risks with our reputation or our money's value. Despite the rumors that it's you who stole the [Monarch Sovereignty] from us, we still employed you with the consequence of earning the ridicule of the public if they knew that we did.

"That's why I need to be sure that you can get us those spells and that we're not merely wasting time here with our money and reputation on the line. Of course, we'll do our part and fight the boss. It's not like we would leave it all to World Conqueror's hands."

"I am aware of your predicament," said Ren and explained further, "but don't worry. If we don't get those books as promised in the contract, you don't have to pay a dime to us."

They all exchanged glances and turned their gazes toward Ren.

"That's reassuring." Roger snorted.

Erica batted an eyelid at him while Eric gave him an annoyed look but said nothing. At the twins' stare, Roger clamped his mouth shut, and his invincible tail and ears curled down. He looked like a rabid dog tamed by his owner.

Ren then continued, "However, there's a condition."

"Here it goes," Miguel whispered to Serine, to which the latter responded with a roll of her eyes.

"What condition?" asked Eric. His calm face said that eh already expected it.

"No questions ask about our personal information. We're not inclined to divulge our ATP, spells, skills, and the likes to White Unicorn." Ren shrugged. "The usual SOP of any sane player."

"Alright. That's reasonable since we also won't let you know any information about us and our guild," replied Erica.

Ren nodded in agreement. "Let's keep our information private for the sake of your group and mine. Though if the situation calls for it, then we will allow it. Agreed?"

"Agreed," replied Erica.

"Anything else?" Eric probed.

"Yes." Ren stared at everyone present in the room and looked them in the eyes. "And this is the most important of all . . ."

Everyone listened with unabated attention to what Ren would say next.

". . . all of you will listen to what I'll say."

". . ."

". . ."

Heavy silence lingered in the air, thick and heavy. But not until Roger laughed. Miguel and Ivan shook their head while Erica frowned at Ren's request.

"That's unreasonable," Serine said with a forced smile.

She briefly shot a look at Eric and added, "That's like you're assuming the role of our leader."

"It's dangerous," Ivan seconded. "What if you had planned an ambush for us?"

"Would it be possible for you just to help us while we do our own thing?" asked Miguel with a skewed smile. "I think it's much safer that way. We're a little uncomfortable with following orders from some stranger."

"Who would potentially get us killed," uttered Roger with a matter of factly tone.

Eric and Erica looked at each other, gauging each other's thoughts on what to do next.

Erica was about to open her mouth but then closed it again and sighed. She then gave her brother a weak smile. "I'll leave it to your judgment."

Eric crossed his hands on top of the table and stared seriously at Ren. "I did read the contract you sent me, and I was hoping I could change your mind regarding that part. As a leader, I hope you understand where I'm coming from.

"As much as we want your help, I also have to hear my members' plea. I don't want to sow discord amongst the group by not hearing their opinions and disregarding their feeling about the matter.

"Because at the end of the day. . . you're not a part of this group. You don't have any connection with us, and so our predicament is how we'll trust you with our life during combat."

There was another short silence that lingered as soon as Eric stopped talking.

Ren could understand where they were coming from. However, he was used to ordering everyone around since he knew the game more than anyone could possibly know. Especially since a single wrong move against those elemental bosses spelled a wipeout. He did not want to have some ignorant and arrogant prick ruin everything.

This was why Ren chose to negotiate. And the only thing that would change their mind and give him absolute control was power. "I understand. So how about I propose something."

Everyone looked at Ren with serious expressions.

"Let's hear it then," said Erica.

"We will do as you say. I'll follow your command to the last letter while you lead," said Ren. "However, if we still don't get that spellbook despite that . . . then you will follow my strategy. How about it?"

Everyone looked at each other, and Ren knew that they would agree based on the visible relaxation of their tight muscles.

"That seems fair," said Erica.

Eric shifted his attention to his members. "Does anyone object?"

Roger raised his hand. "Are you sure you will follow our orders?"

Ren nodded. "That's what I said."

Roger took a deep breath and grinned, hiding his evil intentions with a smile. "Then I don't have anything against the idea."

Everyone agreed with Ren's proposal. White Unicorn was confident that they could handle the Bosses in the Elemental Cave with World Conqueror's help. All they wanted was to order Ren and the others to use their unique spells, and they would do the rest.

( . . . continuation on NOTES)