
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 317: the final battle with jibblinplip 1

As they neared the armies, Ren took a quick glance at the beating ball of flesh at the center of the room, which was protected by an animated ooze with a humanoid figure. It looked like a Colossus, except it had armor made of the same substance as its flesh.

ǁ T H E H E A R T

O F J I B B L I N P L I P ‖


"The beginning of the monster known as Jibblinplip."

The ever-beating Heart of the Continental Ooze and the most protected body part of Jibblinplip.

The Heart constantly chasmed, beating nonstop, while its core rested inside its protected space. In this plane, the core is immortal, and the only way to kill it is by banishing it to the plane of its origins.

‖ A T T R I B U T E ‖

HP: 500 000

MP: 1 000 000

STRG: 10 000

DEF: 20 000

MDF: 15 000 +1000 [Domain Bonus]

INT: 10 000 +2000 [Domain Bonus]

AGL: 10

LCK: 400 + 100 [Domain Bonus]

‖ D A M A G E

R E S I S T A N C E S ‖

❶ All Magical Damage

‖ D A M A G E

I M M U N I T I E S ‖

❶ Acid

❷ Poison

❸ Psychic

‖ C O N D I T I O N

I M M U N I T I E S ‖

❶ Blind

❷ Charmed

❸ Deafened

❹ Exhaustion

❺ Frightened

❼ Sleep

‖ W E A K N E S S ‖

❶ None

‖ S K I L L S & S P E L L S

Passive Skill:

❶ Basically Mindless

The Heart is immune to any effect that required to control its mind.

❷ Stationary

The Heart is immune to any effect that would move it out of its space.

❸ The Core

When Jibblinplip's Heart is reduced to 0 hit points, it will reveal the core, which is the original piece of Jibblinplip from the plane of Ooze.

Casting [Banishment] to the core and maintaining concentration for the required duration will return it to whence it came, and the rest of Jibblinplip will wither and die within a week.

If the core is not banished within an hour, the Heart will come back to life with full hit points.

Active Skill:

❶ Multiattack MAX

–– The Heart uses the Ooze Tendrils and The Madness

–– Cost –50 000 MP

❷ Death from Above MAX

–– The Heart chooses a point from its sight, ranging a hundred meters, and opens an orifice that releases a cloud of concentrated toxins. All creatures affected in the area will suffer continuous poison damage

–– Cooldown 2 minutes

–– Cost –40 000 MP

❸ Ooze Tendrils MAX

–– The Heart forms tendrils from the walls, ceiling, and floor.

–– Upon a successful hit, the creatures will suffer bludgeoning damage and will be grappled. While grappled, the creatures are restrained.

–– Cost –20 000 MP

❹ The Madness MAX

–– The Heart chooses an area to attack from its sight, ranging a hundred meters, and assaults its mind.

–– All creatures within range will suffer Confusion that lasts for one minute.

–– Cooldown 2 minutes

–– Cost –20 000 MP

‖ E N D ‖

ǁ P R I M E V A L

A N T I B O D Y ‖


"Jibblinplip's primary defender."

As long as this titanic creature is alive, it will defend the Heart no matter what.

‖ A T T R I B U T E ‖

HP: 200 000

MP: 500 000

STRG: 50 000

DEF: 50 000

MDF: 20 000 +500 [Domain Bonus]

INT: 10 000 +500 [Domain Bonus]

AGL: 1 000

LCK: 200 + 100 [Domain Bonus]

‖ D A M A G E

R E S I S T A N C E S ‖

❶ All Magical Damage

‖ D A M A G E

I M M U N I T I E S ‖

❶ Acid

❷ Poison

‖ C O N D I T I O N

I M M U N I T I E S ‖

❶ Blind

❷ Charmed

❸ Deafened

❹ Exhaustion

❺ Frightened

❼ Sleep

‖ W E A K N E S S ‖

❶ None

‖ S K I L L S & S P E L L S

Passive Skill:

❶ Adaptive Immunity

Every time the Primeval Antibody is affected by a status effect, it develops immunity from them. Immunity lasts for twenty-four hours.

❷ Adaptive Resistance

When the Primeval Antibody is affected by a spell or skill, it develops resistance over those abilities. Resistance lasts for twenty-four hours.

❸ Amorphous

The Primeval Antibody can move through a space as narrow as one inch without squeezing.

❹ Born of Jibblinplip

As long as Jibblinplip's Heart is alive, even if the Primeval Antibody is reduced to 0 hit points, it will be reconstructed by the Heart Chamber after five minutes.

Active Skill:

❶ Multiattack MAX

–– The Primeval Antibody makes two Pseudopod attacks and uses Purge.

–– Cost –40 000 MP

❷ Pseudopod MAX

–– The Primeval Antibody reaches an area within a hundred meters and deals bludgeoning damage and acid damage. Upon successful hit targets are pulled towards the Primeval Antibody until they're potentially consumed.

–– Creatures inside the Primeval Antibody are restrained and suffer continuous acid damage

–– Cooldown 1 minute

–– Cost –10 000 MP

❸ Purge MAX

–– The Primeval Antibody slides into its targets space, and everyone hit by it are dragged along until they're consumed

–– Creatures inside the Primeval Antibody are restrained and suffer continuous acid damage.

–– Cost –20 000 MP

‖ E N D ‖

Ren took a deep breath. This battle would definitely last thirty minutes or so. It also meant that he had to protect his life for thirty minutes until his chance to get the first kill arrived. He didn't care about the Body since what really mattered was the Heart.

The tricky part was that they had to kill the Heart first so that the Body wouldn't resurrect every five minutes. However, to get to the Heart, they must go past the Body first.

Having this in consideration, he must not fail no matter what.

"Hey, Ren!"

Ren was surprised to find Isolde running to him in a hurry. She was not whom he wanted to find, but nevertheless, he was relieved to see a friend around.