
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 296: the race for the monarch sovereignty

'It is now or never,' thought Ren.

He saw their chance when the barrage of magical attacks ceased, and the Colossus's HP dropped below the hundreds.

The Princess went in with [Demonsbane], and Ren knew that she was going for the kill.

'Not on my watch,' mused Ren while casting [Multiattack] equipped with [Infernal Scepter]. He planned to go all out with four [Infernos] while simultaneously using [Grinding Stones] to make sure that [Infernal Scepter's] durability wouldn't turn to zero.

Every second mattered in this fast-paced battle and he would make sure that he got the Scepter in the end.

The Princess leaped forward to end the Colossus once and for all, but she suddenly burst into a butterfly and found herself three hundred meters away from the Colossus.

"Who did that?!" The Princess roared as her skill got canceled by that interference.

The armies were still fixated on the battle, but when they heard the Princess's booming voice, they subconsciously paused and took a step back. No one would dare admit it, especially not when the Princess was so angry she was almost stomping her feet.

On the contrary, the players didn't mind her uproar in the slightest. They didn't even know her, and their mind was full of greed over the value of the Colossus.

While everyone was occupied, Ren took it as a chance to attack the titan. He was about to charge and finish the Ooze when all of a sudden, a series of attacks came his way.

Among the players, his ATP was unmatched. He took a look at where the attacks came from, and took a deep breath.

Black Lion, Golden Phoenix, White Unicorns, Ferocious Raves, Sleeping Dragon, and Great Dynasty were all marching forward toward the Colossus. The top guilds led the front with everyone else behind them.

"Like we'll let you kill it!"

"Men, push the others back! Don't let them through!"

"Don't let them overpower you! Everyone, smash those pulps into dust!"

In a matter of seconds, the war against the Ooze transformed into a PvP fight.

Black Lion was being held by Golden Phoenix. Ferocious Ravens went against White Unicorns. Sleeping Dragon fought against Great Dynasty, and soon, their respective leaders tried to break into the front of the battle to get to the Colossus.

"Where do you think you're doing?" Sumeri blocked Scar's way with balls of searing fire. This time, she was working with Golden Phoenix and was trying to be a pain in the ass to Scar.

"You . . ." Scar's eyes narrowed as he said in a calm voice, "As much as I love the attention, this isn't the time, sweetheart."

Sumeri sweetly smiled. "Well then, why don't I make time for you?"

Nikolai shot out from Sumeri's back and attacked Scar. His knuckles were met with the steel of Hilda, sending him away from their guild master.

Sumeri answered with her own, supporting Nikolai with bolts of spells, while Hilda protected Scar from any incoming attacks. At the same time, Scar was busy conjuring a spell to kill Sumeri, Nikolai, and everything else that got in his way.

While the players were locked in combat, and while the NPCs were startled at the sudden appearance of thousands of players, the Colossus bit off a good chunk of the NPCs and Players' numbers.

What's more, another round of Jibblinplip's hum percolated in the air, attracting unsuspecting NPCs and Players alike into its loving embrace.

Ren became so occupied with the players that even he was caught off guard by the World Boss's song. He ran towards Jibblinplip and halted when his body turned into butterflies. Before he knew it, he was transported near a group of NPCs that were being healed by the armies' mages.

It was n [Dispel] area that covered 25 square meters. Thanks to Evie transferring him to that location, he became free from Jibblinplip's control.

Another strategy they used since they didn't have a White Mage with them. They didn't need one. The Kingdom's armies have a lot of high tier White Mages in their ranks that would heal players and NPCs alike as long as they were in their area of range.

Ren didn't know where Evie was located from all the chaos that surrounded them. He was too busy with the players who were after his throat and watching Jibblinplip's HP at the same time. It was true that he had made a lot of enemies, but in everyone's lifetime, who didn't?

Ren thanked Evie in his mind. With her around, he didn't have to worry twice as much. However, the other guilds also had a Blue Mage in their ranks, so he had to be wary of being teleported here and there.

Though he doubted whether they could even teleport him with more than a hundred-meter distance. He knew that their ATP was still weak at the moment, unlike Evie, who had already reached the second tier of her class [Illusionist]. Her ATP was high enough to cast [Butterfly of Deceit] three times within a three-hundred radius meter.

Jibblinplip's HP was dropping fast since NPCs and players alike were raining hell upon it. Ren ignored those who were after him and closed the distance between him and the Colossus, enough for the [Infernos] spell to hit it.

Ten players from different guilds blocked his path. He didn't bother with them, leaving it to the [Paralyzing Dud] he snatched from his inventory to do its work. Unable to move, the players could do nothing but curse under their breath while Ren moved quickly toward the giant Ooze.

Just as he was nearing the World Boss's lieutenant, another group of players hindered his path.

"Ren, go! I'll take care of them!" Appearing on sight, Ragnar swung his blade at his enemies with his newly acquired weapon [Savage Scavenger]. With the rare item in his hand, and after reaching his second tier class [Barbarian], not even the expensive armor of his enemies could keep them safe against his savage strike. One hit, and they disappeared like butter.

"Shit! What damage is that?!"

"Tank! We need a Tank!" they roared and took a step back from Ragnar.

With Crimson Crawler, Savage Scavenger, and Evil Toothy Maw, coupled with his tall, intimidating physique, Ragnar quickly overpowered his enemies,' decreasing their morale by just simply standing and holding [Savage Scavenger] over his shoulder.

"Thanks!" Ren hollered and zoomed into the Colossus, but another group of players blocked his way. They were endless, and he was about to lose his patience, especially with the Princess racing against him to end the Colossus's life.

Whatever happens . . . [Monarch of Sovereignty] mustn't fall into any of the NPCs' hands!

"Out of my way!" Ren snatched another Dud in his inventory. He had no problems depleting them as long as he got the legendary item in the end.

But before he could throw those Duds to his enemies, a missile came crashing down on his opponents, blowing them away.

A/N (Doesn't Consume Coins)

By the way, stat panels for bosses and beast aren't place there to add coins. In fact, the panels saved coins. Imagine if I explained those skills and spells in paragraphs. that would take too much effort, time, coins and its straining on the brain to read.

Whereas, the panels are summarize, concise, and its easier to check from time to time.

PS. I wrote in word and if I copy pasted it on Webnovel there is a reduce word count. Sometimes, 10, 20 and even reach 100 words less. It never add words, it always lessens it from the original word count.

Thought I'd explain it.