
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 278: under the rain

Evie let out a small laugh, and Ren's ears perked up. The giggles reminded him of the upcoming Christmas in three months.

"What's so funny?" he asked.

"Mm . . . It's just that . . . you're not so cold and unapproachable as I thought you were. The first time we met in the game, you were hiding your appearance, and there was an invisible air around you that pushed everyone away."

It was because he was with her. But Ren hid the real reason behind a chuckle. "You're the same as well."

Evie giggled. "I guess I didn't have the right to say something like that." Knowing that she was also the same. She was pushing others away from her because she didn't want the attachment. It would only be a hindrance in the future.

Though with Ren, Evie couldn't stop herself from getting close. Not that she was planning to in the first place. Something about him drew her in, and she knew there was no stopping it once it started.

A chilly breeze flew Evie's hair, followed by the pitter-patter of the first drop of rain. And soon, the droplets turned into heavy rain.

Ren wanted to smack his head. He was too excited that he forgot to bring an umbrella or even just a jacket.

Luckily, Evie saved the day by pulling out an umbrella from her sling bag. Not to brag, but she always had an umbrella in her bag because of the unpredictable weather conditions.

It was a small transparent umbrella, and it was obvious that it would only fit one person.

"Here. You hold it," Evie said when Ren was about to open his mouth. For some reason, she knew exactly what he was going to say. She had a feeling that he would refuse to go under the umbrella with her.

And she was right. Ren was about to refuse because they would, without a doubt, get soaked if he pushed himself under that one parasol with her.

But his protest was stuck in his throat when Evie squeezed closer to him, and their shoulders touched. Ren caught his breath while his heart was beating faster and faster until he couldn't take it and slightly pulled away.

His effort was useless, though, as Evie squeezed to his side once more when the gushing rain caught up to their location. And not long after, Ren's other side was completely soaked as he made sure that Evie had the most side of the umbrella.

"By the way." Ren broke the silence when Evie was quiet for a minute. The rain in their background grew softer enough for them to talk again without shouting. "I'm just curious . . . but why aren't you stopping your part-time job in the restaurant? Don't you have enough money? I'm sure that you have accumulated quite a sum in COVENANT?"

". . ." Evie's eyes rounded at his question before she settled them on the ground. Money was a sensitive topic to talk about, and it was precisely the reason why she was here in the first place. Far away from her family.

"I'm going to resign once my career in the game takes off," she told him.

Ren felt that there was much more to it, but he didn't pressed further. He didn't want to dampen the mood. There was a web of complicated emotions on her face behind her wall of silence.

"You could always invest your money for another extra income," Ren suggested. He and Leonel were already doing it though they let the professionals handle their money since they were clueless about investing, the stock market, and the likes.

Ren also had another source of income besides World Conqueror. Selling information in the Black Market and Auctioning items were among the few he was doing to accumulate the wealth he had now.

And once he became an Alchemist, Serius Alvarez would no longer pose a threat to him. Both the real world and the gaming world would bend their knees to him. Not that he was planning of world domination or anything grand like that.

He just wanted to live the lifestyle he wanted without worrying about money, save his parents and have the power to protect his family against threat and blackmails.

Ren was consumed with his thoughts that he slightly flinched when Evie's voice rang in his ears.

"We're here."

They stopped in front of a twenty-story apartment about thirty minutes from Diamond Palace. It was still within the business district, and a lot of people were up and about on the sidewalk. Cameras lined the lamppost every five meters or so, and guards were stationed at the apartment entrance.

At least the area was secured, and the apartment looked like it was within the ten thousand to fifty thousand range.

The place was good. Ren thought.

"Do you have any plans to buy a unit in Diamond Palace?" Ren asked out of nowhere. He was even surprised at the question. It was probably brought out by the fact that Evie might leave the restaurant in the near future, decreasing the time he'll see her.

Evie's eyes rounded, stunned at Ren's question before she seriously pondered. "I don't know. I never thought about it."

"Diamond Palace is an excellent choice if ever you want to invest in a condo in the future," Ren explained with a serious face and voice.

". . ." Evie really didn't think about it, so she didn't know how to answer Ren. And now that he brought that up, she was seriously considering it. But she would make no promises since owning a unit in that place was astronomical.

It wasn't practical in her viewpoint if she was saving an enormous sum of money. And besides, who could say she wouldn't leave Zone A in the future? She had to go back to her home country, after all."

However, Evie didn't have the heart to turn down the expectations in Ren's eyes. "We'll see," she said instead.

Ren was satisfied with her answer . . . for now.

He wasn't planning on dictating her what to do, nor was he going to control her. He knew where he stood. They were friends, and he could only offer suggestions. In the end, it was still up to her. He was the one who should adjust . . . if ever.

Come to think of it . . . he needed to buy other units to add to his growing portfolio in the real estate business.

Ren scratched the back of his head. He admitted that the fine line holding their friendship together was blurring sometimes. But he always made sure to retreat and remind himself of his place.

Evie stepped towards the few set of stairs before the entrance door. The wide canopy of the apartment shielding her from the rain. "Thank you for escorting me home. You can give the umbrella back to me tomorrow."

Ren's lips were pressed tight. Looking at her go was beyond maddening for some reason. Why was their time together felt so short?

"Ren?" Evie's head tilted to the side. "Is something the matter?"

Right then and there, Ren knew what he was feeling, and it was too late to stop it now.

He liked her.

Maybe even in the past without him realizing it. He was masking what he felt towards her as guilt because he owed her a debt. He didn't feel worthy of her.

Now, however, he couldn't deny it any longer. It was overflowing with no breaks and he was drowning in it each day.

Love was greedy, after all.

The more you retrained yourself, the more it consumed you until you lost all reason.

Ren closed his eyes for a moment before opening them with a soft smile on his lips, enough to melt his cold countenance.

"See you in the game."