
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 276: ragnar and silvia

Ragnar and Serius couldn't reach a conclusion, and both decided that it was best to end the call, least they wanted to argue all night long.

Serius was keen on making it harder for Ren, while Ragnar didn't want to be a part of it. Neither side back down. The only thing they achieved was the rising of their blood.

Ultimately, the older man realized that he couldn't change Ragnar's mind. He decided he would discuss the matter again with Ragnar's parents.

Good luck with that. Ragnar thought and resumed looking at the wide screen of his PC. He couldn't wait to enter COVENANT.

Rather, why was Silvia taking so long? They should be having dinner about now, and it was almost nine in the evening.

Ragnar fished his phone and was about to dial her number when his office door flung open and came in Silvia. She was donned in a white bodycon dress over a silver fur blazer. Her six inches pump shoes were tick-tocking on the floor while her lux golden hair bounced with her every step.

Her dazzling eyes of blue turned crescent when she smiled and the whole room brightened.

"I'm surprised you can still walk in those shoes," Ragnar said with a stoic face while he grabbed his things.

"And I'm surprised you can remain calm after seeing me like this." Silvia flipped her hair and crossed her arms while tilting her hips to the side. "My confidence took a hit at your deadpan expression."

"Oh? I'm sure you'll get your daily dose of confidence back with all the stares and attention you'll received from your legion of admirers."

Ragnar stopped in front of Silvia, staring her up and down with an unamused expression. "Did you go to school looking like that?"

Silvia rolled her eyes. "Yes. I looked like this while running a marathon in the field under the blazing heat. Of course, I changed my looks to match our dinner date. Are you impressed?"

"No wonder it took you almost four hours to get here."

"FYI, it only took me three hours to get ready. The rest I was stuck in traffic."

"You don't say?" Ragnar walked ahead, leaving Silvia muttering under her breath.

"Heartless bastard," she whispered. "I can't fathom how girls like you. Take out that money and face – there's nothing left to like."

"I'm leaving you."

"Coming!" Silvia hurried to Ragnar and cursed when she almost stumbled from her shoes.

On the way to the parking garage, Silvia was talking nonstop about her upcoming birthday celebration. She was, of course, the talker in their relationship. If she left it to Ragnar, she was afraid that their saliva would rot in their mouth.

Inside Ragnar's car, Silvia was still talking about her big party. She didn't know what else to talk about to keep the conversation going and not get bored senseless in her seat. What were they going to do for the rest of their date? Stare at each other and count how many times they blinked?

"The party will be held on my island at Golden Phoenix's headquarters. It's also some kind of a promotion. You should invite your friends."

Silvia suddenly remembered something at the mention of friends, and she asked, "Have you heard the news? Serius Alvarez posted a red notice at your friend Ren stating that whoever employs them in the game, he'll give them a hard time in real life.

"Talk about being pathetic just because his daughter lost in a PvP fight that she started. He's going to make someone else's life a living hell. It isn't right to use his power that way. Poor guy."

Ragnar choked. Poor guy? Ren was hardly the man to felt pity about. He was sure that the guy would do something about it, and everyone would feel sorry at the Alvarez family in the end.

"You shouldn't concern yourself too much with him." Ren is shrewd, and he would surely come back with a vengeance. Ragnar added in his mind.

Silvia whipped her head in Ragnar's direction, eyes wide in surprise.

"What?" Ragnar asked when Silvia only stared at her.

"It's the first time you have replied to me since we got in the elevator." She then broke into a wide grin. "You must really like that guy, huh? Don't worry. He's invited to my party. I'll personally hand the invitation myself."

Ragnar briefly shot Silva a look. "Does that mean you'll support him despite what the Alvarez said?"

"F*ck, that old man." Silvia checked her nails and blew hot air on them before rubbing it on her clothes. "Golden Phoenix could do whatever it wants. Whose he to threaten us?"

"I hope you know what you're doing then."

"Of course I am. World Conqueror is a mercenary group helping players in the game, while Black Lion is our rival guild. I think I know where to put my allegiance."

Silvia took a moment to think before she changed the topic to Ragnar. "By the way, are you still going to keep your in-game identity from me? You don't trust me that much? How are we going to survive our whole marriage if there's no trust between us?"

"I trust you, but your friends . . . You know the reason why I entered the game in the first place. Your friends are gossipers. They'll see us together, and they'll know. One word from them, and the whole world knows."

Silvia opened her mouth but closed it again. Ragnar was right. Her friends were sweet, loyal, and irritating at times, but they couldn't hold a secret for even a minute.

Best leave it like that as Ragnar said.

"So, are you going to employ Ren and his group?" Ragnar asked. Though he said 'his group,' he didn't even know who comprised World Conqueror. There's Leonel, for one. Evie might join. But besides them . . . Ragnar had no clue.

"Well, that is a surprise. You're finally interested in what I'm doing for once. Even though I know you're only interested in this new friend of yours."

Ragnar ignored her sarcasm. "Ren is shrewd, but he is capable and delivered his promise a hundred percent. If you strike a deal with him, you won't be disappointed." Only, you'd be left irritated and frustrated, Ragnar mused to himself.

Silvia licked her red lips. "This is rare. You hardly praise anyone. Now I'm interested in employing him."

She then paused before adding, "Kinda reminded me of the hooded Ren I mentioned to you before."

Ragnar almost lost the wheels when his focus failed him. He forgot that Silvia knew Ren's other identity.

"Is that so? Any news about the guy?"

Silvia shrugged. "None. I tried contacting him, but I think he blocked me." She chuckled. "That's a first."

"What do you mean first? I sometimes blocked you, remember?"

Silvia cut a quick glare at Ragnar's way. "That's not something you should be proud of. I get Ren because we're complete strangers, but you're my fiancé."

Despite his stoic expression, Ragnar broke into a smile. "Anyway, are you really going to employ him?"

"Hmm . . ." Silvia crossed her hands. "I'm thinking of something . . . like Howling Canyon. We couldn't clear that dungeon no matter what we do."

"And what if Serius called your father?"

". . ." Silvia couldn't react for a solid ten seconds before she faced Ragnar with a sweet smile. "We'll figure that out when the time comes."

Stats Updates


‖ S T A TU S ‖

Name: Silvia

Age: 22

Race: Human

Class: Swordsman (Fencer)

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: Gold

A T T R I B U T E S:

HP (Health Points): 400

MP (Mana Points): 250

STR (Strength): 50 + 15 (Estoc)

DEF (Defense): 25 + 10 (Maiden's Garb)

MDF (Magical Defence): 20 + 5 (Resist Ring)

INT (Intelligent): 10

AGL (Agility): 30 +7 (Rapid Boots)

LCK (Luck): 20 +10 (Talisma of LCK)

S K I L L S:

¶ Stab LV. 5

–– a piercing attack that deals true damage to a single enemy

–– can cause Paralysis for 5 second if STR is higher than the enemy's DEF

–– MP –50

–– cool down for 10 seconds

· Dancing Blade LV.4

–– a two combo swing that deals physical damage to a single enemy

–– damage is equal to STR

–– cost 40 MP

–– cool down for 10 seconds

¸ Blink LV.2

–– can teleport within a 1000 m radius

–– cost 100 MP

–– can perform 2x a day

‹ Parry LV.2

–– an attack that deflects an incoming weapon

–– 20% chance of deflecting an attack

–– cost 20 MP

–– cool down for 20 seconds

› Counterattack

–– after an enemy successfully land a hit, you can counter with a normal attack or skill

� Precision Bonus LV.1

–– additional 10% accuracy to all attacks

–– Cost 10 MP

S P E L L S:

¶ Heal LV. 2

–– cost 20 MP

–– can heal 15% of HP

–– single target

–– 2-sec cooldown

L I F E S K I L L S:

Cooking: Beginner

Fishing: Beginner

Foraging: Beginner

‖ E N D ‖

Estimate Net Worth: Error!


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is Ren and Evie 💗