
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 263: to get the mask 2

As they made their way towards Sharina, Evie asked, "Why is Sharina only requesting for two nights when the Night Things and Night Crawlers attack every night?"

That question weighed in her mind since day one. She just forgot to ask since all kinds of questions overshadowed her previous ones.

"It's to make way for new players to take on the quest. As long as the true ending isn't achieved, the quest will remain," Ren answered and muttered to the side, "Though she wouldn't be able to give that quest anymore since she already gave her prized axe."

"Then, there's only one thing left to do," said Ragnar, "get that mask and be done here." He felt that this quest was too long and tiresome for some reason. Just two days in the Twin Moon Axe Clan, and it felt like they were there for two months, though not a day had passed in the real world.

Seeing Ren, Evie, and Ragnar approach, Sharina's eyes shot to Ragnar like all she saw was him and no one else. She smiled, the hard lines on her face lessened a little as she did.

"Ahh . . . you guys. Thank you for protecting this clan for two nights. You even killed dozens of Night Crawlers. I'm impressed."

Evie and Ragnar shot Ren a look. They didn't do anything. It was all Ren who did the work, so they didn't deserve the praise.

"It wasn't much," Ren said with a shrug.

"This is your price. Take it." Sharina gave Ragnar the rewards bypassing Ren, who was just right in front of her.

Ren didn't mind, and he didn't care about the items and the gil they got. What came after that was the most important.

"Now, if you'll excuse me," Sharina took a deep breath, "I have so many things to do."

Sharina's head pounded hard even before she could think of what must be done in her camp. First was the Orcs and Orakh's burial, and second, was the appointing of the next head of the Warriors.

She would have Draki fill the position first before they would hold a battle for the leadership when things settled down a little.

For now, every day was hectic as it was, and they needed someone to lead the warriors to battle. The position couldn't be empty even for just a day.

"Wait." Ren went after Sharina and blocked her way. "We think we know who killed Orakh."

". . ." Sharina was silent before she stared Ren up and down. Her face turning serious by the second. "We will have you held accountable if you lie, Sprite. Pointing a finger at someone is a serious allegation."

"I'm aware."

Sharina briefly looked over at Ragnar before she reconsidered her decision whether to take Ren's words seriously or not. "And who do you think this . . . assailant is?"

Ren opened his mouth, but the screams that percolated in the area overshadowed his voice.

"Draki! Chieftain! Draki is–!"

Sharina's heart almost went out of her mouth when she heard of her son's name.

"What happened?!"

"H-he's . . . Draki is . . ." the Orc's face was white, and her chest was heaving. She swallowed hard before she choked, "D-dead."

". . ." Sharina's green skin turned pale while her eyes wanted to come out of their sockets.

With no noise coming out from her lips. With no expression on her face and no tears in her eyes, she walked in the direction of his son's hut. Slowly at first, with nothing on her mind before she ran like she was catching something elusive.

Her hands reached out towards emptiness. Her core shook with need when she saw her son lying on the ground. His eyes were wide open. His skin was bluish, and a gaping hole in his chest was present. Like something had clawed out his heart.

It was gruesome to look at, and something not a parent should see.

Sharina couldn't believe what she saw. Crippling pain pervaded her senses, almost overwhelming her ability to balance. If not for Zukulum's timely support on her back, she would have passed out on the ground.

Sharina was a strong woman. She had seen so many and saw deaths every day. But this death . . . she was neither ready nor even thought about it. She became weak-kneed from the pain, making it hard to stand upright without wobbling.

Fighting the stomach-churning nausea, Sharina tried to keep her last meal down. The acrid taste of vomit filled her throat and tears threatened to break free like a dam.

This wasn't happening. She refused to believe this. Draki is still alive!

She fell on her knees and willed her son to wake up, gently shaking his shoulders. Holding her son's lifeless body, she felt the coldness even from the layers of their armors.

He was dead and Sharina wailed together with her clan.

Stats Updates


‖ S T A TU S ‖

Name: Roz

Age: 18

Race: Sprite

Class: Black Mage

Eye Color: Black with strakes of Violate

Hair Color: Dark Blue

A T T R I B U T E S:

HP (Health Points): 200

MP (Mana Points): 100

STR (Strength): 2

DEF (Defense): 15 +2 (Black Robe)

MDF (Magical Defence): 10

INT (Intelligent): 30 +5 (Long Staff)

AGL (Agility): 15 +2 (Newbie Boots)

LCK (Luck): 20 + 3 (Lucky Charm)

S K I L L S:

❶ Mobile Casting

–– a unique skill to all mages that grant its user the ability to move while casting.

S P E L L S:

❶ Heal LV. 2

–– cost 20 MP

–– can heal 15% of HP

–– single target

–– 2-sec cooldown

❷ Water LV. 1

–– cost 10 MP

–– inflict 10% water damage based on INT

–– single target

–– 2-sec cooldown

❸ Fire LV. 3

–– cost 30 MP

–– inflict 30% fire damage based on INT

–– single target

–– 2-sec cooldown

❸ Teleportation LV.1

–– cost 50 MP

–– teleport within a 1000m distance

–– 1x day

L I F E S K I L L S:

Cooking: Beginner

Fishing: Beginner

Foraging: Beginner

‖ E N D ‖

Estimate Net Worth: $ 500. 00