
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 258: [bonus] the fate of twin moon axe clan 3

Each guild was steadfast in protecting Sharina at all costs. Their eyes never strayed from the Chieftain that they even forgot about the Night Thing.

"Don't just stand there! Help us defeat the Night Thing!" shouted Sharina at the players.

For some reason, The Night Thing only went after Draki's group, specifically the Chieftain's son. Sharina did everything he could to protect her son and shifted the Night Thing's attention into her group with no success. Adding to her predicament, the Players weren't helping the slightest.

The players' concerns weren't at the Night Thing at all. They didn't care about the creature that couldn't be defeated. They knew that killing the Night Thing wasn't a requirement to get the task done.

It was to save Sharina when her life was in danger. That was it.

Their timing had to be perfect for this quest, and they couldn't lose even an ounce of focus because so many guilds were eyeing the prize.

Great Dynasty was among them, and their greatest threat to the Twin Moon Blade was Black Lion and Fate Alliance Guild.

"Remember that I would only pay you in full if I got that blade," Hugo reminded Fren.

"Yes. Yes. I know," Fren said. He took a deep breath. Hugo was getting on his nerves from how he was so pesky about the whole thing.

At the side, Roni didn't know what to do. Ren's words were playing in his head, and this weighed in his actions. Even if he didn't want to, it was too late, for Ren was already inside his head whether he liked it or not.

What if the other guilds saved Sharina first before them? Did that mean he had to risk his life to save Draki to get the blade?

But what if Ren was wrong and he died without purpose?

However . . . what if Ren was right and he got the blade at the cost of his life? It was fine as long as his group remained alive. He wouldn't suffer any EXP penalty as long as there was one member of their group left.

Actually, there wasn't any disadvantage if he went ahead and saved Draki as long as they weren't wiped out in the end. Roni thought.

Roni made up his mind and shifted his attention to Draki. Sharina's son was hanging in there as he fended off the attack of the Night Thing. He did a great job at evading its pincers while counterattacking with a series of combos of his own.

But as the battle raged on, the Orcs were seen to weaken and catch their breath, their movement slow and predictable.

Every players' eyes glowed in focus, for they felt that what they'd been waiting for would come sooner in a blink of an eye. They didn't care if the Orcs died against the Night Thing as long as Sharina was alive.

"What are you doing?!" Sharina's veins pulsed hard against her neck from anger. "Why aren't you helping us?!"

Sharina was appalled and mad at the players who were sticking to her like glue but weren't even helping defeat the Night Thing. They were more like leeches than anything else.

And from this tiny window of time that she wasn't paying attention, the Night Thing's massive form trampled her from the side. She crushed on the ground, but she didn't have time to blink when the pointy end of the Night Thing's leg came crushing to her skull.

But, of course, Sharina didn't die. With all the guilds protecting her, it was impossible. And the one who successfully saved her from the clutches of death was Fate Alliance Guild, with Dimitri right on her front and saving her from the giant foot that was about to skewer her into paste.

"Get her to safety!" Dmitri roared, weapons shaking and teeth-rattling from the Night Thing's force.

Just in time for the other member from Fate Alliance Guild to pull Sharina to safety, Draki was crushed under the enormous force of the Night Thing's foot, and he turned into nothing but particles.

However, Dimitri wasn't the least bit bothered because he knew that the Twin Moon Axe was in the bag. He even had a satisfied smirk on his lips. Paying for that [Paralyzing Dud] in the COVENANTs Auction app was worth it.

"Shit!" Hugo hissed when he couldn't move from the [Paralyzing Dud's] effect. Fate Alliance had them good. "Fren, do something!"

"Even if you tell me that!" Fren wanted to cry from his situation. It was not like he could move from the paralyzing effect of the Dud.

Their White Mage was still casting [Cure] to herself before she could cast it to others. It was not like she could simultaneously cast her spells or had something like [Cure Well] that had an AoE effect since she was only low-leveled.

They also didn't have something like items that could cure status effects. So they were stuck in being paralyzed until their White Mage could cast [Cure] on them or until the status effect's disappeared.

Stats Updates


‖ S T A TU S ‖

Name: Ren

Age: 19

Race: Sprite

Class: Mage (Arcanist)

Eye Color: Silver

Hair Color: Black

A T T R I B U T E S:

HP (Health Points): 600

MP (Mana Points): 400

STR (Strength): 3

DEF (Defense): 70 + 5 (Mage's Garbs)

+20 (Vulcan's Armor)

MDF (Magical Defence): 90

INT (Intelligent): 90 + 70 (Amol Sha's Staff)

+470 (Infernal Scepter)

AGL (Agility): 60 +2 (Silver Boots)

LCK (Luck): 135

Other Equipment:

¶ Phantom Cloak

–– +10 HP, +5 DEF, +2 MDEF

S K I L L S:

¶ Mana Conversion

–– 10% replenish mana upon a successful hit

· Probe

–– probe spells/skills of your enemies and store them in the empty room of your Mind Palace

–– 100% success if LCK is higher


–– cause dizziness for 10 seconds if PROBE is unsuccessful.

¸ Mobile Casting

–– a unique skill to all mages that grant its user the ability to move while casting.

S P E L L S:

¶ Water LV. 2

–– cost 20 MP

–– inflict 20% water damage based on INT

–– single target

–– 2-sec cooldown

· Fire LV. 5

–– cost 50 MP

–– inflict 50% fire damage based on INT

–– single target

–– 2-sec cooldown

¸ Teleportation LV.2

–– cost 50 MP

–– teleport within a 1000m distance

–– 2x day

‹ Mind Palace LV.2

–– can store the details of a spell/skill you know/acquired in a room in your Mind Palace. You can use this spell/skill as long as it is stored in the room, regardless of race and class.

–– skill/spell depends on ATP

–– capacity: x6

–– MP costs the same as the original spell/skill

(Cunning Action, Shamanic Ward, Multiattack, Death's Cavalry, Fieyr's Luminance, Phantasmal Distortion)

L I F E S K I L L S:

Cooking: Beginner

Fishing: Beginner

Foraging: Intermediate

‖ E N D ‖

Estimate Net Worth: $ 40 000 000. 00

A/N (Doesn't consume coins)

Ren deleted his [Grimoire] spell from his list since he already has the [Mind Palace] to make way for new spells. He wouldn't be able to level it up like the [Mind Palace] anyway.

Certain skills and spells could be evolve depending on your class, as I mentioned in earlier chapters.

For Example

A Red Mage could evolve Fire to:

Fire LV.10 » Flame LV.10 » Explosion LV.10 » Inferno

Hope that's clear.

If you see any plot holes, do leave it in the Chapter Comment so I can edit it.

Thank you!

The next Stat is Evie's