
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 229: the chieftain, sharina

Ren swallowed his excitement, holding his cool.

The brightly colored tents were adorned with feathers and furs. Fabrics were woven into patterns, dancing in colors and symbols. There were herds of towering beasts, some domesticated while some were bred to aid the hunters. And beyond the walls were all kinds of gigantic beasts moving in the mist, each the size of a fortress.

The volcano at a distance, known as Blood Mountain, casted smog in the sky with its thick smoke and intimidating height.

Music, harps, pipes, songs, chatters, and growls were all the noises in the background. The smell of flowers, dump trees, and soil, the warmth of the burning fire, and the tang of magic mingled with the musk of beasts on the prowl and rot in the wind percolated in the area.

The countless colored tents spread in every direction. The area was filled with the constant noise of players, howls of nearby beasts, shouts of barters and makers of totems, incense bundles, amulets, baskets, things of ivory, antler, flutes, drums, clay bells, all kinds of accessories and beads as well as equipment, fabrics and all manner of food and fruits enough to offer to any God.

The noises were overwhelming, but the beings were present! –– It was something else!

Ren was reminded of the past when every town and village was packed with all sorts of races and classes –– short, tall, weird skin color, some with fire as hair, and others leaves.

There were translucent Elves, stone Dwarves, and Ascetics that oozed through the crowd like they had no bones. Saurians walk like humans but have animal features. There were also beastfolk and golems and towering half-giants and others that he simply forgot the names of.

Ragnar and Evie were overwhelmed as well. This was the first time that they saw so many races in one spot. They did hear about it before that some Towns and Kingdoms had stricter rules for entry while the villages and clans welcomed all manner of races.

Evie felt like someone was staring at her. Looking to her side, she gasped wide eyes. She saw a violate-skinned man with curling horns and fiery eyes. It then grinned with pointed teeth and called out in a raspy voice, "Young Lady, you're a blue mage, right? You look like you could use a fine harmonica, the best quality in the market."

"She doesn't need one," Ren said before he urged Evie to walk forward.

Evie took a second glance at the violate-skinned creature. "What is he?" she wanted to ask why it offered a Harmonica to her, but her desire to know what it was took priority.

"A God spawn from the looks of it."

"God . . . Spawn?"

Ren really didn't like to explain and wasted his breath at something that he knew would be explained by the NPCs later. But for some reason, he didn't care if he explained all the lore in the continent of the Orcs to her right here and now.

"For clans and races living in the Continent of the Orcs, there was no universal God with dominion over the entire aspect of reality.

"There was no universal God –– only local ditties, often appearing in shapes of animals or beasts we least expected with power that is brought through offerings and strange favors.

"Some powerful spirits reign as Gods in the local environment. Some took forms of mortals and beasts, and over time, a few of them created spawns or a race that are popularly known here as Saurians."

"I . . . see . . ." Evie was astonished that Ren knew so much.

"You sure are knowledgeable," Ragnar said with a bemused expression and strange eyes.

Ren ignored him and navigated the crowded space with impressive ease.

On the way to Sharina, Ren recalled the Twin Moon Axe Clan's information. Most Orcish Clans relied on three types of leaders: the Chieftain in charge of the needs and protection of the clan. The Shaman that dealt with gods and magic. And last but not least, the Elders who safeguard and teach traditions to the young.

In these communities, every family contributed to the clan that seeked to strengthen their influence and serve the clan's interest. It was how the inner system of a clan works. At least inside the Twin Moon Axe Clan.

After a few more turns, Ren finally saw what they were looking for.

Sharina was garbed in the barest layers of interwoven clothes and pelts like any Orcs. A thick fur embraced her shoulders, and she was adorned with all sorts of bones, trinkets, and beads. A large curved, jagged blade crafted from the giant task of the previous Bore God –– the prized blade everyone was coveting –– was tied behind her back.

Sharina was a petite Orcish lady who was the highest authority figure of the clan. She's strong, capable, and confident and never questions her abilities and choices. She was swift in her judgment and commanded respect from all she interacted with.

However, she didn't like outsiders that much. She just didn't like beings that came from other continents.

"Hello, chieftain," Ren said, testing the waters.

Sharina's lips quirked at the corners while she ran her slit green eyes at Ren from head to toe. "What do you want, outsider? If you want quests, go speak to the others. I'm too busy to entertain you lot."

You're basically just standing there. Ren mused to himself.

"Ragnar, you go ahead and speak to her," Ren said and gave way to Ragnar.

"Is something special going to happen if I speak to her?" Ragnar asked but did it anyway.

"You'll see."

"Ah, another one of my brethren." Sharina broke into a smile at the sight of Ragnar, an obvious contrast to the pout on her face when she eyed Ren and Evie.

"I'm glad you came home to your lands. We need a lot of you warriors now than ever," Sharina expounded.

Ragnar briefly looked at Ren, asking what to say.

Ren just signaled with his eyes to just speak with her. The story would eventually unfold in itself.

"What seemed to be the problem?"

"You see, we've been experiencing a lot of attacks at night, coming from the minions of the Evil God, Rakshat Parah. These Night Crawlers slipped past our gates, avoided our defenses, and attacked our tribesmen when the twin moons couldn't even illuminate the darkness and when our guards were most vulnerable. Help us stand guard for two nights, and you will be handsomely rewarded."