
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 227: on the way to twin moon axe clan

After Ren instructed Leonel on all the things that he should do, he set out with Ragnar and waited for Evie inside of Erendia town. They simply didn't have time to do PvP outside the protection of the city while waiting for the girl.

Along the way, Ren blocked all incoming notifications he would receive except for Leonel. He was pestered by numerous new numbers that came from Saya.

How on earth did she acquired those numbers in that short time frame? Ren didn't know, and he could only shake his head for she was acting the same like in the past. Seeking comfort from him while she and Mike were having problems in their relationship. And then conveniently toss him to the side if they made up.

He would not be used like that again.

"How long is this quest going to take again?" Ragnar asked.

"Depends." Ren himself didn't know. It really depends on a lot of things like travel, the chain quests, the NPC, the time of battles, and even the players they would encounter, among others.

"Ha . . ." Ragnar cockily grinned to the side. "I thought you know everything. But I guess you're not really the god of the game."

Ren rolled his eyes. "I'm just a regular player." Who went back in time.

Ragnar ignored Ren, and his eyes shone when he spotted a girl walking in their direction. "Evie's here."

Ren's heart took a leaped, and all his nerves electrified his skin. He took a deep breath at the sight of her. She had her mask on, but it didn't stop others from pausing and looking in her direction. Her white hair, pinkish lips, dewy skin, and all pastel blue-colored garbs really made everyone feel like they were in heaven.

Ren didn't have to describe how beautiful she was. He already knew it way before. And every time, her presence didn't fail to take his breath away.

"Ragnar, Ren," Evie greeted, and the illusion broke at her dead voice. If only she was a little merrier, and she wouldn't be mistaken as a porcelain doll with no feelings.

"Hello, Evie. I've watched your fight. Too bad about that last one. If only you had someone with you, you could have won that," said Ragnar.

"It's fine. I did my best, and I got my pay. Iron Roses was still happy in the end that they made it to the top fifty.

"But anyway . . . don't forget our deal."

Ragnar huffed a laugh. "Didn't I send you the deposit already?"

"I meant the equipment if there's any."

Ragnar liked that Evie wasn't giving him the infatuated eyes. And it was clear as day that all she was after was her payment and nothing else.

"No worries. I already discuss it with Ren."

Ren pretended to massage his shoulder to escape Evie's gaze.

"So how are we going to start this?" asked Evie.

Ragnar gave the stage to Ren.

"We'll teleport in a newbie village in the continent of the Orcs, and from there, we'll ride a wagon or probably a giant boar, bear, or tiger to Twin Moon Axe Clan. And once in the area, all we have to do is speak with the Chieftain and fulfill her wish."

But of course, Ren knew that it wasn't that easy. But he decided to close his mouth until they reached the Clan. It would be easier to explain once they were there."

"B-bore?" Evie's lips skewed a little.

And Ren thought that she would be uncomfortable with that kind of ride, so he added, "we can always take a wagon."

Evie shook her head. "Anything is fine if it will make our journey short."

Ragnar nodded, "Let's go then."

The three then teleported in the continent of the Orcs, in one of the newbie village, and from there, they were slightly delayed with a minor setback. The only ride available going to Twin Moon Axe was the giant Lizard in the shape of a crocodile but twice its size.

Ragnar and Ren didn't have any qualms riding the Lizard, but they were thinking about Evie.

"Aren't there any more rides going to the Clan?" Ren asked while briefly gazing at Evie.

In the frame of a small gator walking in two feet, the half Beast, Agor, slithered his tongue. And as he spoke, the S in his voice were sliding in their ears. "There's nothing. To get to Twin Moon Axe Clan from here, you need to cross rivers and swamps. If you want, you can go to another newbie village and try your luck there."

Ren and Ragnar looked at each other, and the two knew what the other was thinking without any words. They were about to suggest going to another newbie village when Evie spoke.

"Let's go." Evie was aware that the two guys were just being considerate towards her, but she wasn't really that picky. Whatever was available, she would go along with it. It was not like the gator would eat them . . . she hoped?

Evie moved first into the back of the reptile, holding her breath as she did so, and sat in the front seat. The back of the croc was wide and long enough to fit all three of them with enough space from one person to the next, so Evie wasn't concerned about accidental touching. Not that she was thinking about it.

Another good news was the croc didn't eat her or even let out a growl. It seemed docile while its slit eyes were narrowing at the two men. Like it was asking if Ren and Ragnar were going to ride or what.

With Evie in the front, Ren simply took the center while Ragnar contended in the back.

Eventually, the three traveled in silence. Evie wasn't talkative, to begin with, while Ragnar was the same, and Ren wasn't the type to initiate a conversation. The whole ride wasn't awkward. It was just quiet.

"Stay vigilant," said Ren when they passed by other players and groups. "Others can still ambush us in the open."

Those players also eyed them up and down, testing the waters on whether to attack or not. But since they recognized Ren's face in the first Guild War as the one who defeated Scar, they retreated while clicking their tongue in annoyance. They feared if they continued with their plan, it was their items that would drop.

Ragnar leaned forward and whispered at Ren, "At least there's some advantage of you showing your face. If it's that cloak you, I'm sure we'll be meet with attacks left and right."

Ren took a deep breath and sharply exhaled. "You sure had a lot of free time. Aren't young masters managing a corporation supposed to be busy?"

Ragnar straightened his back and shrugged. "There are professional people who can handle it. And even if I don't work, money still pours in. In fact, they don't need me in there. My presence is just for formalities."

Ren grumbled under his breath. He didn't know if Ragnar was being arrogant or not. Or was he just really annoying him because of what he did to him in the past, killing him numerous times?

The group traveled for at least four hours before they reached another jungle and waded the river and swamps. There were beasts along the way, but the three of them easily handled it.

Only . . . Ren was baffled because he really thought that it would only be them who would travel to Twin Moon Axe Clan, but the numerous players and groups traversing the path that they were traveling was enough indication that they weren't the only group going in the Clan.

Ragnar also noticed the crowd. "Looks like we have a lot of company."

". . ." Evie didn't comment, and she immediately checked the news and forums to see if there was something in Twin Moon Axe clan.

Of course, Ren did the same.

Was there an appearance of a Hidden Boss? Because the number of players wasn't normal.

"Look at this." Evie found what she was looking for in one of the trending posts in the forums. She sent it to Ragnar and Ren.

Ren made sure that he was up to date with all the news in COVENANT. And he knew about that post, but since that post wasn't of concern to him, he didn't bother with it.

Only now that he remembered about it when Ragnar suddenly dragged him in this escapade.

Ragnar read the post and his forehead crumpled. "Sharina, the Chieftain of Twin Moon Axe, is giving out quests, and whoever successfully completes it will get her prized Axe, the Twin Moon Blade, that grants a special skill for Orcs as well as tremendous STR Boost.

"The item is one of a kind, and that makes the quest a RARE Quest! It's a RARE Quest, everyone! This quest is a must for aspiring Brutes out there."

Ren had a headache. He wanted to slap the sole of his shoes against that person's face who posted that news.

"A rare quest?" Ragnar pierced Ren with his glares. "This isn't the quest that we'll be doing, right?"

". . ." Ren sighed. The cat was out in the bag. He could do nothing but spill some beans now.

"Yes. It's exactly the quest I'm talking about. If we can complete it and achieve a desirable ending . . . besides the Twin Moon Blade, we'll get that mask you so desired."

"And you didn't bother saying this because?"

Ren gave a half-shrug. "I will when we get there."

"We could have prepared better knowing that it was a Rare Quest."

Ren chuckled with a challenge to his tone. "Don't worry. I told you we could do it even if it's just the two of us. And I thought that you didn't want others to know who you are. And now you want more players with us?"

Ragnar wasn't laughing. "Between that and losing the mask to others, I prefer the former."

"Relax . . . we'll be fine. What could go wrong?" said Ren, and he looked forward. He then caught his tongue, and his eyes went wide in surprise.

The Twin Moon Axe Clan was crawling with players, and he even spotted numerous people he knew that he wished he didn't.