
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 204: [bonus] guild wars: fight for victory! 2

"Only one player? Then why bother calling this a guild war?"

"What's with this? I thought that we're finally going to battle as a team?"

Discontent voices echoed together with the rambles of the thunders above.

Ren blocked the noises. He was used to the complaints about the War even in the past. But at the end of the day, everyone gulped their anger as there was nothing they could do.

From the start, the War wasn't specific, and Fighting for Victory didn't necessarily mean Guild Vs. Guild. It could be a lot of things.

That was why you must be very careful with your lineup from the very beginning.

This would serve as a lesson for everyone –– never to underestimate the shrewdness of the developers.

"Isn't that kind of unfair?" Nikolai asked. "Then the others could band together against you."

"Like what will happen to us?" Leonel dryly laughed.

"Call me wrong, but maybe it's also part of the game," Sumeri said.

Roxy raised a brow. "Part?"

"You know. Not to make enemies out of anyone in the beginning," Sumeri said with an edge to her voice while her eyes were locked on Ren.

Ren only huffed a small laugh. "They're our enemies the moment the War starts. Their only fault is not dissecting the rules. They were complacent about their lineup and equipment, and when some guild showed up stealing their items, they were angry that they hadn't thought of it too. And now, they're directing that anger on us."

Leonel only shrugged. "Either way . . . we're still their enemies whether we stole their items or not. I'm only sad that I won't be able to use my class here."

"Right . . . Only one player . . ." Sumeri was troubled. Since she and Ren were both Mages, they needed a Tank or DPS as their vanguard against the incoming attacks while they cast their spells. Alone, they were only sitting ducks for others to freely hit while they were in the middle of casting.

So their only safe bet was to send either Roxy or Nikolai or even their Thief.

"I'll go first," said Ren.

Everyone's mouth dropped.


"But you're a mage?"

"You can't possibly defeat them without a Tank or DPS to guard you."

Like what Ren expected, his decision was met with resistance again. They had no choice on the matter. Nikolai was too young to experience being mobbed by everyone. He didn't want to traumatize the kid. It was a no brainer that all the guilds would be after their throats first.

Second, Roxy was the last remaining leader of Roaring Tigers and Fighting Lambs, so her staying alive until the end would significantly add prestige to World Conqueror's name.

And third . . . there was still the fight amongst the victors of every server, and Ren didn't know what kind of battle it was going to be. So preserving their numbers was a priority.

He had a feeling that the last battle for the championship was going to be a group fight.

<The first round will start in 20 seconds . . . >

The voice announced while Roxy and Sumeri were convincing Ren not to go.

"Don't worry, I know what I'm doing," said Ren, and the others couldn't do anything but watch him walk towards the Arena when the buzzer announced the start of the fight.

"Ren," Leonel called, but Ren only stopped without looking back.

Leonel was worried, but he knew that Ren wouldn't step into something without the confidence of winning. It was just that . . . he was going to fight at least a dozen players all at once and alone.

However, instead of speaking his worry, Leonel grinned and joked, "If you lose in the first round, you'll treat everyone to lunch!"

Ren's lips curved upward. "And if I win?"

Leonel tilted his head over and said with an arrogant voice, "Then I'll treat you to lunch for a week."

"That's a promise then." Ren then jumped into the platform.

"Why only him?" Sumeri asked Leonel. "You should also treat us to lunch if Ren wins." That was free lunch! She could save money.

Leonel scratched his head. "Augh . . . I'm not that rich to treat everyone to lunch for a week." And I don't know you that well, lady. Leonel thought.

"It doesn't have to be everyone. It can just be me, Nikolai, and Ren," Sumeri persisted.

"Guys, aren't you worried about Ren? Look at those he would face." Roxy pointed to the other players who joined Ren in the Stadium.

Like what they expected, most sent in their DPS, and those who didn't have any DPS left sent their mages. Four Swordsman, Two Monks, Three Brutes, Two mages, a hunter, and a healer. And all of them were eyeing Ren with a vengeance.

"This is bad, right," their Thief stuttered.

If he didn't speak, Roxy and the others wouldn't know that he was still alive.

"I don't think we have a chance if everyone is after our heads." The winning glamorous golden title was beginning to dim in Roxy's eyes.

After coming all this way, were they going to lose all of that just because they stole some items? No. Before that, there were issues about how they got to the second War with more than half of their members intact. Even without the issue of stealing, the guild that had the highest chance of winning would be targeted first.

It was just how it was.

Was Sumeri, right then? Roxy thought. This last War seemed like a way for the others to have a chance by uniting together against the leading guild.

"Is he going to be alright? That friend of yours." Sumeri spoke after some time.

Leonel wasn't sure, but he knew Ren to be resilient. "Don't worry. Ren wouldn't go down without a fight."

<All players . . . ENGAGED!>

Weapons in hands, everyone bolted to Ren's direction when they skidded to a stop at his command.

"Hold it!" Ren said while extending his hand. "Before we start, I'm Ren, a mercenary, and our group name is World Conqueror. I want you all to remember this face and our mercenary name before I kill you."

He then beamed a small smile, one with no mirth and just pure business. Nothing personal. "In the next War, consider employing us so you can have a chance in the championship."

. . .

. . .

"W-what . . . what is he doing?" Sumeri couldn't believe her ears.

Leonel wryly smiled. "I think he's advertising our group."

While the other players on the stage looked at each other and frowned, and some laughed.

"Idiot! What the hell are you talking about?!"

"As*hole! I will make you memorize this face as I wring your neck."

"Let's kill him!"

At the reverberating cries came the whistling and hissing shot of something like a round ball of fire. And when they came too, their Healer, who was in the very back, a good forty meters away, was dead and was quickly turning into pixels.

When they looked over at Ren, he had an uncanny grin on his face while his staff was pointing forward.

"That's one down."

Everyone was shocked since they didn't know how Ren's spell manage to reach that far.

Wasn't he just a mage and not a sniper? Or was it some kind of a spell that they didn't know?

Come to think of it . . . what kind of a mage was he?


That last BONUS is still in writing. I think I'll publish it tom since I'm really tired and sleepy. My eyes are falling and I couldn't think 🥱

Good night all 😴�