
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 131: the inevitable he couldn’t avoid

While Scar was busy with his thoughts, Leonel messaged Ren, asking for permission to tell Scar about the Hidden Boss and about giving the Skill Book. He explained the whole situation, and it was like he was writing a novel from the length, taking him more than ten minutes to write before he sent it to Ren.

But the guy's reply was so short, like his Dwarven height.

[Ren: I'll leave the decision to you. Do what you think is right]

Leonel breathed a big sigh of relief. He knew that Ren would understand that life was more important than anything else.

They could still get those items again in the future.

Leonel faced Scar before he told him, "Alright. But I want you to make a new contract for Roz that you will not kick him out no matter what happens in the future."

Scar merely shrugged. "Is that all?"

Leonel thought for a moment and immediately added, "And also, can you give him a monthly allowance since he is working in your guild and all."

Scar lifted an eyebrow. "Our contract with Mike stated that he should be the one paying Roz to work for us in exchange for their probation. And once Roz got a rare class that was only when Black Lion would officially offer a contract to him while Mike and Saya would have a spot in the guild."

Leonel blinked and processed what Scar said. "So . . . you can't?"

Scar shook his head. "No."

Leonel sighed. "Then that's all."

Scar smiled. "Done, then. But if he leaves on his own, then it's no longer our concern."

Leonel beamed at Roz. "Everything is fine now."

Roz's chin crumpled. He was definitely not an emotional guy, but he felt like crying at this moment. Why was Leonel so kind to him? They didn't even know each other that long.

Roz held back a tear and fisted his hands tight. He blinked the tears away and choked, "Thank you." He would definitely repay Leonel in the future.

That was a promise.

Eventually, after their meeting, Leonel and Roz immediately left. After Black Lion handed out the contract and signed it, they would surrender the Book.

"What would we say to Lira's fans about Roz?" Invayne asked the moment that the door of the room closed.

Scar stood to his feet and stretched his neck. "Actually, this might turn in our favor."

Invayne's lovely brow rose. "How so?"

"Just post about Roz's current predicament and tell the media how his life was ruined and that no work and guild would accept him except Black Lion. I'm sure most would pity him and applaud our guild for not kicking him out just because of a simple table snatching incident."

"The good Samaritan strategy," Invayne mumbled, and a rare smile blossomed on her face.

"That's right." Scar grinned before he pinched Invayne's chin.

"Now . . . I know that you have been a bad girl behind my back."

Invayne's eyes rounded before she looked to the side. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Scar smirked. "Is that why you're in a bad mood all day? And the reason why your family is planning to purchase Richers Hotels?"

Invayne bit her bottom lip and still refused to look at Scar. But after a moment, under his intense gaze, she melted and said with a pout, "It's you who did naughty things behind my back. Why go to her house so early in the morning? You didn't even mentioned going there."

Scar laughed. He loved it when Invayne was acting cute and jealous. Sumeri never did. She had a mature charm with an adult's mind.

"As I said, I went there to ask about Vulcan."

"Can you just ask over the phone?"

"It's important, and Sumeri might not answer if it's me who's calling."

Invayne sneered. "Oh. She will. She still likes you, you know."

Scar felt his ego burst. Being liked by two different beauties was definitely something to boost about.

"Don't worry. Nothing happened. And as proof that I'm over her, and on your side, you can do whatever you want with her family's hotel and I won't interfere."

Invayne's eyes shone brightly. "Really?" She couldn't believe her ears. She thought that Scar still had lingering feelings about Sumeri. That was why she thought he was meeting her behind her back, just like what they did in the past. They meet each other behind Sumeri's back, so Invayne couldn't help but think that way, because Scar had a history of cheating.

But if he said that he would not interfere even if she stomped Sumeri to the ground once and for all, then . . . he really didn't want to get back to her.

Scar merely tapped Invayne's nose and chuckled. "Yes."

He then hugged her tight while the girl giggled.

Too bad about Sumeri, but Invayne was important to him at the moment. Scar thought, eyes glinting. He needed her for the guild.

Meanwhile, Leonel and Roz went out of the inn and were about to go to Isolde when the sudden appearance of Mike and Saya halted the two.

Mike appeared out of nowhere, and his face was fuming red while Saya tried to stop him.

"Leo, why aren't you answering my messages?" Mike said the moment he was in front of Leonel and Roz. But Mike didn't put Roz in his eyes, and his attention was only on Leonel. He didn't even notice that Isolde was just a meter away from them.

"Oh. I'm in the middle of talking to Scar so . . ."

"What did you and brother Scar talk about? Don't tell me that you already told him the information of the Hidden boss and gave him all its loot without consulting with me first?!"

"Huh? Leonel scratched his head, confused. "Why would I tell you about it first?"

Mike was speechless for a moment before he growled, "Obviously, because I'm your friend! And you know how much I wanted to enter Black Lion. That information and the loots could have given me a spot in the guild! Don't tell me that you already told brother Scar about it?!"

Leonel nodded. "I did. He already found out, so no used in lying that it wasn't us who got firstblood."

Mike gasped, and his face burst red while veins pounded hard against his face. "How could you?! We could have used that as leverage! Leo, I know you're an idiot, but this is crazy! You're a naïve fool!"

Mike was so mad he didn't care if he was garnering attention.

He stomped his feet in anger and if he could, he would have wrestled Leonel on the ground. That information could have landed him a spot in the guild, and Leonel just blew it!

Roz and Isolde were surprised at the sudden outburst by Mike that all they could do was watch with gaping mouth.

While Saya couldn't help but feel unhappy with Leonel, too. It was their chance to enter the guild without employing or paying someone monthly for a probationary status, and Leonel took it from them.

In contrast, Leonel was calm, but his smile was no more. Sure, he was naïve, idiotic, and kind, but he also had his limits.

"Mike . . . I did it to save Roz. He needed it more than you," Leonel said calmly, wanting to explain what happened, but Mike was already blinded with rage.

"What do you mean, Roz?! You didn't even know that kid for a week! While we have been together for years! You chose that kid over me?!"

Mike spat on the ground and pointed at Leonel, his veins crawling on his neck and forehead. "Fine! From now on, forget that we're friends! Don't talk to me or show your face! Our friendship is over!"

He said before he stomped his feet and left while Saya shifted her eyes between Mike and Leonel before she went after her boyfriend without a word.

She, too, was upset and couldn't look at Leonel at the moment. Everyone should cool their heads. That was the best course of action right now. She thought.

. . .

. . .

There was silence for a while, and Roz didn't know what to do. Because of him again, Leonel's life was falling into pieces. Maybe it was better if he distanced himself from him.

"Leo . . ." Roz called out when Leonel just looked on the ground with a dark face. He couldn't see his expression, but he knew Leonel was feeling down. It was apparent with his slumped shoulders and hunched back, and Roz was sure it was not because of his Dwarven race.

"What was that about?" Isolde questioned when she approached Leonel and patted his shoulder. "Are you okay?"

That was only when Leonel looked over at Isolde and Roz. He grinned though his smile didn't reach his sad eyes.

"Yeah. Don't worry about those two. They'll come around." He then hopped forward while simply wiping the tear in his eyes. He didn't felt like explaining further or introducing Mike and Saya to Isolde.

He was simply upset.

"Let's go to Ren in Kartacol and level our life skills or whatever!"

Isolde and Roz looked at each other when Leonel skipped as he walked though they could hear something like a snort after a cry.

In the end, only Leonel went to Ren in Kartacol.

Isolde got a call from her parents while Roz decided to distance himself from Leonel, thinking that he was a burden to him.

Meanwhile . . .

While everyone was facing their issues and drama, Ren was happily mining in Kartacol. Blissfully unaware of the happenings outside of the city gates.