
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 127: icy cave normal difficulty

Inside the Boss room, Black Lion was transported into a new dimension entirely. It wasn't a room with four walls but a vast frozen lake with snowy mountains in the far north.

They could see nothing but the endless glistering Crystal Lake reflecting the blue twin moons above, twinkling stars, and the mesmerizing aurora over the dark horizon.

They were standing on the snow-covered land only ten meters before the lake, and on the very far end, about two hundred meters or so from them, was a sleeping giant covered in ice.

Its snore shook the ground, and its breath fogged the area. It looked like a giant ape made of frost but had a face of a monster. Its skin was layers of hardened ice while another layer of armor were strapped around its thigh and arms. It had claws and armors of icy spikes on each hand and talons on its two feet. At the same time, spiky frost-like wings adorned its back.

It looked so spiky, sharp, and deadly. But asleep, it looked like a mountain covered in snow.

One of the members used [Monocle], and everyone released a breath when they noticed that the Boss's ATP wasn't high and its list of spells and skills weren't complementing each other too. It was also low leveled. Contrary to what they expected.

ǁ C O L O S S U S

F R O S T G I A N T ‖

Location: Icy Cave


"A sleeping giant in the middle of snow and ice."

The Colossus Frost Giant radiates cold that could freeze everything when its asleep. It wouldn't open its eyes until its HP decreased in half.

‖ A T T R I B U T E ‖

HP: 100 000

MP: 5000

STRG: 150 +50 [Domain Bonus]

DEF: 200 +70 [Domain Bonus]

MDF: 70

INT: 100

AGL: 20

LCK: 20

‖ D A M A G E

R E S I S T A N C E S ‖

❶ Bludgeoning [Non-Magic]

❷ Piercing [Non-Magic]

❸ Slashing [Non-Magic]

‖ D A M A G E

I M M U N I T I E S ‖

❶ Cold

❷ Poison

‖ C O N D I T I O N

I M M U N I T I E S ‖

❶ Sleep

❷ Charmed

❸ Frightened

❹ Paralyzed

‖ W E A K N E S S ‖

❶ Fire

‖ S K I L L S & S P E L L S

Passive Skill:

❶ Stand Guard

When the Colossus Frost Giant is asleep, its minions stand guard.

❷ Darkvision

The Colossus Frost Giant can see in the dark.

❸ Retaliation

The Colossus Frost Giant can counterattack if it's hit with physical damage.

Active Skill:

❶ Multiattack LV.5

–– the Colossus Frost Giant can perform two fist attacks or one Ice Shard attack

–– 50% chance of FREEZING enemies if its INT is higher than its enemies' MDEF

–– Cost –500 MP

❷ Fist LV. 5

–– the Colossus Frost Giant attack with its fist and hit multiple enemies in an area of ten meters.

–– 50% Critical Hit if LCK is higher than enemies

–– Cost –200 MP

❸ Ice Shard LV. 6

–– the Colossus Frost Giant unleashes multiple spikes that hit a target and explode within a five-meter radius.

–– 60% of FREEZING enemies if its INT is higher than its enemies' MDEF

–– Cost –600 MP

❹ Blizzard LV. 4

–– the Colossus Frost Giant unleashes a hurricane of ice on its enemies dealing massive AoE damage.

–– 40% of FREEZING enemies if its INT is higher than its enemies' MDEF

–– Cost –400 MP

‖ E N D ‖

After everyone had read the information about the Boss, they released a breath. With their numbers, there was no way that they couldn't defeat it. With many mages and healers in their ranks as well as potions, they were confident that they could defeat the Boss no matter how high its HP was.

They could chip it one minute at a time. They have the rotation strategy precisely for this type of Boss with enormous HP. With three units composed of several mages, healers, DPS, and a tank, they could attack it alternately while the other units recover.

It was the best tactic against a Boss with a large HP.

Gerald even stifled a laugh. "That's the Boss? Then this one is in the bag."

". . ." Ed didn't comment. There was something about the place and silence that got on his nerves. And there was something odd about the Crystal Lake that he couldn't put his finger on what exactly. The description of the Boss was also vague.

"I don't know," said Ed. "Its description and its passive [Stand Guard] bothers me."

"You mean that when it's asleep, it could Freeze anything?"

Ed nodded, and Gerald grinned while tapping Ed's shoulder. "We're fine, aren't we? Or unless you mean if we get into the Crystal Lake?"

Ed didn't comment. He knew for a fact that the Bosses in COVENANT weren't the typical Boss that you could just defeat with a high ATP. They were a bit tricky to kill and required planning and strategizing. Just like with Vulcan that even Scar had a hard time clearing it.

Ed ordered the head mage to cast his skill at the Boss. "Try if you can land a fireball over it from this distance."

The Head mage didn't comment and did as he ordered. Within a second, a burst of Fire shot from his staff. It rapidly gained momentum at first launched before decreasing in speed within seconds and flopping onto the Ice Lake.

It naturally didn't hit the Boss but it thawed a small portion of the ice, but not enough to cause a crack.

Gerald found the whole thing funny, and he laughed. "I say that thing didn't even reach twenty meters."

Ed wasn't laughing, though, and his worry intensified. It only meant that to defeat the Boss, they had to cross the lake and close their distance. They had to fight on the slippery ice covered lake and that didn't sit well with him.

Looking at the Crystal Lake, there was nothing harmless about it except that there was some kind of glowing veins sprawling across it. Like the lake was alive and breathing.

"What should we do?" the Head DPS asked Ed.

What else could they do? Ed thought. They have wasted a significant amount of gil to buy potions for this raid to come out empty-handed.

What's more, retreat was never an option. Scar would have his ass if he returned without even fighting the Boss.

"The first unit. Move out," Ed ordered.

At his signal, a group of twenty players with ten mages, five healers, and five DPS all move forward. They were the group that mainly comprised of newbies, and Mike belonged to this group.

Mike was ecstatic to finally have a go at his first Boss that he couldn't control the shaking of his hands. He was itching to fight. He needed the action. NOW!

The first unit took their first step into the frozen lake, and no one breathed. After seconds that nothing happened, symphonies of relief percolated in the air.

The first unit advance at a steady step, being careful with their footing, but still, nothing happened.

Gerald smirked. "I guess you're worried over nothing," he said to Ed.

He raised his hand and ordered the second unit to move at his lead when the first unit was a good twenty-meter distance from them.

When Gerald traversed almost fifty meters and still nothing happened, that was when Ed relaxed a little, and he ordered his third unit to follow ahead.

Black Lion walked at a steady pace on the frozen lake, and after the first unit was almost halfway to the Boss, they noticed something moving behind the sleeping colossus.

"What's that?"

The first unit stopped when they perceived multiple movements that were heading their way. The frozen lake trembled, and the pebbles were rattling on the ice.

Everyone felt the quake, and they panicked when the frozen lake seemed like it was going to crack and they would drown.

"Stop panicking! Get into your positions!"

However, the order went to deaf ears when sudden screams from the first unit resounded in the air.

Just ahead of them were skeletons with spikes of ice as armor, holding a sword or hammer in each hand. They were running towards them at full speed, and their numbers caused anyone to faint.

"Shit!" Ed cursed. It was, without a doubt, the Frost Giant's guard.

"First unit! Hold your ground and attack! DPS protect the mages and healers!" Gerald commanded.

However, faced with swarms and swarms of undead, the first unit froze on their spot. They were a group made up mostly of new players wanting to enter Black Lion, and this was their first raid. Their lack of experience on what to do when faced with a situation like this was apparent on their horror-stricken faces.

Mike wasn't well off from the rest too. His face was white, and his hands were shaking, and this time, not from excitement but fear. He wanted to run, but his feet seemed like it was frozen on the ground. He couldn't feel them, and he was shaking so bad like he was having a seizure, and it wasn't because of the cold.

The hundreds of skeletons was overwhelming that Mike passed out on the spot.