
Martial King's Retired Lifevolume 11 chapter 33

He was the same as every other youth around his age. He followed all the kids onto the spacious fields when he was a kid, so he followed them into the military, but, putting it mildly, he was mediocre in all fields. He was the only one to ride a horse backwards. When bullied, he didn’t seem to care. It wouldn’t be unfair to assume his mediocrity stemmed from a lack of motivation to pursue anything. Yet, regardless of how tiring combat training was, he’d be the first to start blowing a blade of grass as soon as training was over. His name was Chi Yu.

In the past month, Emperor Yuansheng and company had been ambushed more than they had in the six months prior. If they weren’t running into highwaymen, it was mountain bandits, gangs, highway thugs, barbarians armed with hammers and axes and more. Every single day, there’d be two to three ambushes, at the very least, whenever they were worn out.

There weren’t many advanced killers among the groups; however, they always had the numbers and geographical advantage, empowering them to swoop in by surprise and pull out before their target could catch up. Emperor Yuansheng’s group could be compared to a chunk of meat at the mercy of a butcher.

After each raid, Emperor Yuansheng would hold meetings with all the leaders, and none of them would forget the contents of his lectures. Thanks to the constant ambushes and the input of Mount Daluo’s disciples, they formulated a multitude of defensive and offensive formations to repel their attackers. They familiarised themselves with the formations and improved at a rapid rate as a result of the daily practical training. In addition, the suggestion to have people from different groups spend their days together and spar together quickly built positive rapport between them.

Tengji was the most annoying assailant they had to fend off as he concealed his presence using his mental cultivation and then infiltrated their ranks to attempt harvesting Emperor Yuansheng’s head. In Tengji’s first three attempts, he was only metres away from succeeding. In each successive attempt thereafter, he was caught further and further away. At this point, as soon as he showed up, two people would jump him before he could even run his mouth.

Abels’ seemed to be possessed ever since the day he came back all battered. If his arms were bruised yesterday, his face would be bruised today, and he’d have fist prints on his eyes the day after. He was within everyone’s sights during the day, but he’d have new injuries when they met him the next morning. A-Lan and Mountain Monster led Evil Spirits while Abels spent his days peering into the sky no matter if it was the sun, moon, stars or rat poo up there. Every once in a while, he’d laugh as he stared at the dome.

Heisina Tribe’s small group of warriors showed what teamwork could achieve under Beussent’s leadership. No matter what the conditions were, their group never took any damage.

Following today’s fourth ambush, the group finally found a resting place. Half of their personnel went to rest while the other half were on patrol or watch duties. They had to cycle roles, or their fatigue would beat them without the enemy needing to attack.

Beussent started to play the flute using a blade of grass just as he did in his younger days right away. Squirrels and other small animals gathered around for the concert. Even a resting cheetah got up to play with a ball. Birds on the tree he rested against stopped to tune in.


As soon as Beussent ceased, all the animals scampered away as fast as they could.

Patting her chest after the shock, A-Lan apologetically dimpled. “Did I come at a bad time?”

Beussent got up to salute A-Lan. He moved over to a small tree stump so that she could have his spot. “You need not worry, Your Highness. This one was just entertaining himself.”

A-Lan, as a tamer, was disillusioned with herself when she first witnessed how popular Beussent was with animals. “I’ve been so busy that I have not had time to check up on you, so here I am now. Is everyone doing all right?”

“Yes, not bad.”

It was understandable for those unfamiliar with Beussent to presume that he lived carefree style owing to his casual tone and lack of visible emotions. Howbeit, he demonstrated that he was more observant than any other over the last few days and possessed leadership skills superior to the other leaders.

“Why did you name yourself Beussent? You should be aware that not just anybody can use it.” A-Lan didn’t expect herself to suddenly ask the question when she was planning to ask Beussent for his view on the current situation.

Beussent deployed a nod and smile, having yet to find his comfort zone when interacting with a Princess. “Indeed.”

“Abels has been leaving at night and returning with injuries every morning. I’m worried about him.”

“Indeed, it is worrying… It is okay. He can handle it.”

A-Lan had learnt to embrace receiving answers that didn’t serve to propel the conversation forward from Beussent. Even so, she enjoyed speaking with him for it was as comical as it was frustrating.

“… Beussent, are there really people who would be happy if I restored Morcher?”

“Yes. If nobody else, I will be.”

“Oh, well, thank you very much.” A-Lan made her way back to her tent after her sarcastic reply.

Beussent resumed playing his song, though the tone was somewhat different. The slower melody took him on a trip down memory lane.

Soldiers in the tents continued refining their skillsets.

Abels ran off to take another beating, yet he was in high spirits just as the first night he went out.

Lai Jingzhen continued sleeping behind Emperor Yuansheng while the latter sat before Luo Ming’s carriage. Luo Ming would occasionally open his eyes as though he could see Emperor Yuansheng, only to then shut his eyes again in less than a few seconds.

Beussent, as if he was able to see it take place, ended his song. “It’s up.”

Nobody could feign deaf or mute because the dragon made sure every soul heard its sonorous voice. Nobody noticed the soft, unnoticeable, sad and familiar sound emitted from the blade of grass’ direction.